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Generic Name: loperamide

Brand Name: Imodium oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I suffer from chronic diarrhea, due to abdominal mesh, up to 16 mg x day-- no help-- Became very confused in my thinking and severe headaches, big increase in B/P-- This may be a great med for some, but be aware there are some severe side effects for some people.

Imodium works fine, BUT THE PACKAGING IS AWFUL! It requires scissors to open. When I am on travel this is impossible. Would the company PLEASE make easy to open packaging!

I have taken Imodium half tablet a day for two months now to help IBS-D. It helps to extend my bowel movement to once a day from three or four times a day. It also helps lessen the symptom of cramping of stomachs. Thanks for other user's review to let me find this medicine.

I have been taking it for over 10 years and it’s the most effective medicine that I have taken for chronic diarrhea. I’ve never had any side effects from it.

I have suffered from long term collagenous colitis and taken entocort off and on for years to manage the frequent outbreaks... Immodium became my go-to when I wanted to "wean" myself from entocort. It's convenient, easy to take, and has made my condition manageable at least; greatly improved at best--and doesn't have the side effects of stronger medications.

This medication does what it's supposed to - stop diarrhea. My reason for a two-star overall satisfaction rating is the flavor - it is downright disgusting!

I've always had good luck using this med. However, on one occasion I took too many in 24 hours and ended up with terrible kidney pain for 3 days. I'll be much more careful in the future when using this med. Following directions!

I am allergic to sulphur. Wasn't aware of any allergy to loperamide. Took two tabs to ease diarrhea after food poisoning. Had severe allergic reaction stomach cramps, hives to face esp head and eyes as well as to other sorts of scalp and torso. If this helps anyone else it will be worth it. It has added to my discomfort whilst on holiday. Wish I had known before I took it. My eyes are badly swollen and almost closed. Will seek medical help in the morning if it doesn't improve.

I have been taking one Immodium 2mg tablet daily for over four years for chronic mild diarrhea caused by radiation therapy for prostate cancer. I have only one question: I am also a diabetic, does Immodium cause a rise in blood sugar? Recently, I was hospitalized and could not take the Immodium. My blood sugar was much higher when I was taking the drug.

I have been taking one Immodium 2mg tablet daily for over four years for chronic mild diarrhea caused by radiation therapy for prostate cancer. I have only one question: I am also a diabetic, does Immodium cause a rise in blood sugar?

I have been lactose intolerant for many years. I started taking Anti-Diarrheal (Loperamide HCI 2mg) and my uncontrollable,loose stools have hardened to a more manageable type. I use to have to get to the bathroom with great urgency and had only seconds to spare. Now I can actually wait in line like anyone else. I no longer stress about it when I go out. What a relief. If I am going somewhere I take 2 tablets in the morning then one with each meal. On days that I stay home I don't take any and I have my usual "explosions." I take a break from the drug when I can so I don't build up immunities. No side effects after one month.

Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief is the only product that helps me with IBS with diarrhea. Regular Imodium doesn't help much. Now I am unable to find it anywhere in stores. I even wrote the manufacturer, McNeill, and asked why I can't find it. They replied to my email with a phone number to call. I spoke to them directly and made it clear I just wanted to know where to buy it. They only would say it was temporarily out of production but could't say WHY or when it would return. Then I get in the mail a form to fill out to give them permission to access my health records! They assumed I was complaining, even though when I spoke to them directly I stated I was certainly NOT complaining about the product! Needless to say, I'm not responding to that ridiculous letter. In the meantime, I'm back to scouting bathroom locations before I can leave the house!

i always had diarrhea because of my crohns disease. im also taking bentyl while occasionally needing to take imodium to control "the bad days"

After using Imodium whenever I travel, I find that after having my first normal bowel movement, then I get uncontrollable diarrhea. This happens only once but I have no warning or control and it becomes very embarrassing.

This drug works great for shutting down IBS symptoms, but it always had a backlash. Took me a while to figure out why: Part of my problem was Lactose intolerance. Lactose is a filler in this drug -- a terrible idea! An alternative doc said to stop milk, milk products, coffee, chocolate, cheese, many oils etc. Finally got off the drug too. IBS is history. It's what you eat!