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Generic Name: Baloxavir Marboxil

Brand Name: Xofluza

Xofluza Drug and Medication User Reviews

Woke up Monday feeling sick and got worse as the day progressed. Went to urgent care Tuesday morning and was diagnosed with Flu A. Was prescribed this, two tabs at once that I took as soon as I got home. It’s now Wednesday morning and I can’t believe how much better I already am. I’m sure having received the flu vaccine has helped me recover quicker as well.

recovered quickly. So much easier to take than Tamiflu

My husband took this after coming home sick with the flu after probably catching it from our kid with the flu. It was two pills of XOFLUZA at once. The next day he barely had any flu symptoms. Fever gone, barely any congestion and a small cough. Pretty much FULLY recovered in two days. This med worked shockingly well for him. Meanwhile I have a child who didn't want to take pills so opted for Tamiflu liquid twice a day for 5 days. After four days our child STILL has very bad congestion and cough. The fever is gone but the kid is still flu-ish on Tamiflu. Next time, although I hope no next time, XOFLUZA is the miracle med! We had a 30 years of flu shots and flu free streak going until this year. If you have the flu take XOFLUZA within 24/48 hours. Highly recommend it.

After feeling like I had been run over, I went to the Dr. Monday morning and tested positive for flu b. I took this medicine a few hours later, and by Tuesday I was feeling much better!

Felt miserable with flu-like symptoms x 18 hours, tested positive to influenza B, treated with Xofluxa, 8 hours later felt much better, 24 hours later most symptoms were gone -- just a nagging cough remained.

Yesterday super sick, barely keep eyes open serious headache and body pain. Took xofluza last Night. This morning I feel So much better it is crazy.

I took this drug 24 hours after start of symptoms after testing positive for Influenza A. Within 24 hours I felt much better. My fever was gone and I didn't seem to have any side effects. I was also given a steroid which may have helped as well.

Was diagnosed with influenza at around 6:30 pm on Thursday.. felt terrible, couldn’t hardly walk. DR. prescribed this medication I picked up from Walmart Pharmacy at 8:30pm. 4pm Friday had no flu symptoms. NO SIDE EFFECTS!

I was diagnosed with the flu and it was gone in 48 hours!

I was diagnosed with the flu about 24-hours after first onset of symptoms. Easy to administer... just take both pills at once, and before you know it absolutely no benefit will be realized.

I believe Xofluza shortened the life span of my flu but the side effects were even more miserable than the flu symptoms themselves. I felt so dry it burned from my chest to my sinuses. My esophagus burned. Dry mouth was horrid. I felt like I was shriveling even though I was hydrated. I will not take again. This is day #4 and I'm finally getting a little moisture back in my mouth and chest. Note: if this happens to you just sit under hot steam for the duration of the symptoms.

I gave 3 stars overall because I was able to find a coupon to reduce the price to $30. I missed work for three days even though I took this. It didn't seem to really help, but I don't know how bad it would've been if I didn't take this medicine.

Diagnosed Flu A in my two sons and myself. I had to go to three different pharmacies to find the medication in stock. It did not work. My parents diagnosed also with Flu A received tami flu and were feeling better within a couple of days. My sons and I were still sick 10 days later after having miserable flu symptoms.

I was diagnosed with flu type A on Thursday January 2nd. I got a celestone shot and Xofluza I was running 103 fever and within 24 hours I was feeling better with only having a very low grade fever with no the symptoms other than a slight cough. I feel like by tomorrow I will be fever free

I started with a cough Wednesday and by Thursday night I had fever..went to the doctor on Friday morning had the flu..I did get the flu shot in October...was prescribed Xofluza..Warning its $100 ...didn't take effect till Sunday...I had horrible headache body aches

Woke up with the flu. My Dr gave me this. I am hesitant to try new medication. With in hours the body aches were much better. Less severe symptoms all around. I did have some bad loose bowels and some awful headaches. But can't say they are not part of the flu. On day 4. Still very tired but otherwise really improved. Very thankful I took this.

I got the flu, late night,on a Friday. Went to urgent care center on Saturday. Dr said he could prescribe Tamiflu or Xofluza. He said the Xofluza is newer and MUCH better than Tamiflu, but it is expensive and most insurance don't cover it. Since this is Thanksgiving week and I didn't want to call out sick because the office was already short staffed, because of the holiday, I asked for the Xofluza. The pill cost $180. This was bad, but if it will kick the flu out pronto and not allow my life to be so disrupted, it is worth it. NOT. Not only did it not work right away, it's now 4 days later and I just started feeling a TAD bit better. I've missed 3 days of work so far and I'm not going to be able to go out of town to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family- I certainly wouldn't want to risk giving any of them the flu. So, no I wouldn't recommend this medicine!

It did not work at all! Had a bad reaction. It backfired and I got bronchitis headaches nausea pharyngitis. All what was written that could happen did. I reported this yo the drug company. It cost me $160.00 and I wanted to ge my money back. I hv been sick for over 3 weeks and hv been told to expect 4-6 weeks. I hope it works for others because it did not for me.