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Generic Name: Tetracycline for Acne (tetracycline)

Tetracycline for Acne Reviews

"I have been taking lymecycline for two weeks now and have also been prescribed 'Differin gel.' During the first week, my skin cleared up, but now I’m at the end of the second week, and my skin has broken out worse than it was before I started the medication. I know I haven’t been taking it for very long, but just thought I would share my experience. Please, could anyone give me any tips? Should I stop using the gel? It’s drying out my skin so badly! Thank you."

"I've suffered from acne since I was around 12 years old, where it started off on my forehead and progressively moved around my face, on my cheek areas in particular. By the time I hit the age of 18, my forehead was completely clear, but the cheek areas still had bad acne. The acne began to clear as I hit 21, with just major scarring there (not toothpick scars, just surface ones - blemishes). A few months ago, the acne returned to the cheek areas, and it was the worst it had ever been. I had a consult with my doctor who went on to say that I had severe acne (my acne had never been classified as this before). She prescribed me Tetracycline (as well as a topical cream). Within 2 weeks of the antibiotic treatment, my skin was even worse than before, and I came up in big spots. However, I'm now 5 weeks into the treatment, and the acne is almost gone - I still have a couple of spots here and there, but it's nothing like before. I still have 3 weeks left on the antibiotic course!"

"Tetracycline was a miracle for me. I've had severe acne for 7 years and tried every medicine on the market, most of them made me sick or didn't work. I'm now 99% acne-free. It is weird to wake up and not see a cyst or pimple on my face every day. I just hope it stays like this forever."

"I've been on tetracycline for 5 months now, and it works well for my acne. Suffered acne for a year after moving abroad, was really depressed, and I tried so many products, but they didn't work for my skin. Finally, a doctor prescribed me tetracycline 300 mg once/day, and my skin started to clear up. Now I can say my face is 100% acne-free. Now in the process of clearing up my acne marks. It's very effective for me and no side effects. I had my liver function and blood count checked, and they're all normal. Wish it would do the same for you. Good luck."

"This medication tetracycline has been amazing 8 days in and skin totally clear!! Never had spots until my forties and made me so depressed... big cystic lumps that hurt and I tried everything to the point that I tried a cream that made my eyes and skin swell... was horrific... I can now finally smile again :)"

"Have been taking 500 mg twice per day for 15 years. Works great. If I miss two doses, I begin to have problems right away. I do worry about staying on it for so long, but my doctor says not to worry. I am 53."

"After one week of use my hormonal acne was completely gone. I have been struggling with hormonal cystic acne ever since I had my UID fitted in 10 years ago. I continued the medication as my doc prescribed for another 8 weeks. My skin has never looked this good and I am 39 years old. Works wonders!!"

"Please be extra cautious about tetracycline as I took it for a month for my acne, which was prescribed by my dr. Never did he mention that I should protect myself from the winter/spring sun! Unfortunately I have suffered the tetracycline side effect of severe pigmentation from the sun which will never go away. I would avoid this meds if possible."

"I've been on oxytetracycline for a year now and I remembered looking at reviews for it the day I got it prescribed. I thought I should share my own experience as I can see that they vary greatly. For me, oxytetracycline has worked wonders. My skin was pretty bad, I had big cystic spots under the skin on my face which were painful and hard to get rid of and each time I got rid of one, another one would appear. Once I started taking oxytetracycline, I had no new spots appearing on my face and after 2 weeks, any remaining spots had pretty much disappeared. Since then I haven't stopped taking it and my skin has been completely clear. I would 100% recommend trying it."

"I have dealt with acne my whole life, however in my teens it was very moderate and mainly in my T zone (not hormonal) A few years later, I started to develop moderate to severe acne and cysts (my skin was in the worst condition it had ever been in). After half of a year of struggling, I went on tetracycline, and I started to notice a difference within just a few weeks. After 6 months on the medication my skin is now perfect; my acne is totally gone and my scarring is gone too because I am not consistently having breakouts. I still have minor breakouts from time to time, but nothing that is damaging to my skin. This medication 100% worked for me and I would recommend to anyone who is struggling with acne to try because it may work for you to! I am very strict at following the proper instructions for taking the medication. I always take it at the same times of day with an empty stomach."

"I've been using tetracycline for around 5 weeks now and have gone from constant, incredibly painful, inflamed, angry acne covering my cheeks, jaw line and even cropping up on my forehead to acne free skin. It took around 3 weeks for me to see a noticeable difference but from then onwards the results have been consistent. I haven't had a new spot in 2 weeks now, so I can finally focus on treating the hyperpigmentation left from previous acne."

"I did not enjoy being on tetracycline. I got extremely nauseous and almost vomited several times. It was a lot to put up with for little results. It also took a while before seeing results. I also noticed I was bruising a lot easier. I switched to minocycline which I like A LOT better, I noticed better results and I have no side effects! If you're having the same problem as I did with the side effects, switching to minocycline (the sister of tetracycline) may be beneficial for you! Goodluck! I know acne can be super stressful but don't let it get you down, it never looks as bad as you think"

"Tetracycline was the worst thing. It gave me acne that I never even had after I stopped it (1 month usage) My oh my do I regret using this. I'm regret taking this stuff and I want to tell everyone to try stay away from antibiotics. Over all it isn't healthy and it isn't a long term solution. While I was on it it gave me whiteheads and THE MOST OILIEST SKIN I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH. Almost two weeks into stopping it I am still very oily .. :( I'm so sad... I think I'll try use Retin-A. I now have terrible texture. Deep cystic acne and clogged pores EVERYWHERE please please please be careful guys... Antibiotics isn't something you should play with."

"I've been using tetracycline for few weeks now, the difference is huge and It works wonders I didn't experience any side effect . My doctor prescribed 3 months of oxytetracycline and hope these results will last after I finish the treatment."

"I was on Tetracycline for my mild acne for 3 months and the results where absolutely amazing. I couldn't believe how good my face was getting. If i had a bad breakout it would only take 3 days for that breakout to leave because of Tetracycline. I've been off it for a month now and unfortunately my clear skin was as clear i started to breakout after i stopped but it was as bad as my acne was 4 months before treatment. At the moment i'm on Retin A but might be moving over to Accutane if topical does not succeed. For anyone who is scared for Tetracycline. Done be, the side effects are very mild and are nothing close to what they say the symptoms are. Best of luck too anyone trying this for the first time."

"I'm on Lymecycline for about 2 weeks now, at first it was doing great since no new spot appeared. But 2 days ago a huge red cystic spot appeared on my cheek, I'm so frustrated… maybe is normal? I don't know. Any way, hope it gets better in the end. Btw I have “adult acne” (woman)."

"I have been on these for around 1 year and it effected me really bad mentally, I had severe depression, oversensitivity, panic attacks. I stopped taking them for the last 1 week and I’ve seen a huge difference mentally."

"Going on tetracycline was a failed attempt at curing my acne. I have mild acne with deep pimples sometimes. The antibiotic did not begin to work until after I was done taking it (I was on it for about 3 months), and it gave me bad stomach pains. After about 2 months of getting off of tetracycline all of my acne came back on my face, and it appeared to be worse on my back and chest. I do not recommend this as a remedy for acne. This was a big waste of time and I regret taking it."

"I was prescribed Lymecycline for 8 weeks, one per day on an empty stomach (no dairy for an hour before or hour after). I have suffered with acne for 4 years and I really did see a difference with this antibiotic. I ONLY saw a difference at the very end, it is very important you finish the whole antibiotic cycle to be able to see the result. Trust the process! My acne isn’t completely cleared but it is way less aggressive and I only have one or two spots now. Side affects were feeling very sick in the first few days, but eating made that go away."

"I went on lymecycline for the standard 2 month course for acne , took it every day without fail, and yet less that a week after I’d finished the course I had many small white headed spots all over my face. It was just as bad as before I started treatment. About 6 weeks into the treatment I had completely cleared of all spots, and now they are back again. My self esteem had been hit really hard by this . And I have school again in two weeks , I don’t know how I’m going to show my face there"

"I started to get acne when I turned 19 and started using tetracycline HCL, 2 pills in the morning and 2 at night. I also used the topical steiva Retin A cream and my acne dramatically went away from the acne and the scarring. I used it for about 3 months, although the acne went away before that. Unfortunately I am 22 going to be 23 this year and I still struggle with acne. I am back on the tetracycline to clear up my acne again and deciding if I should take Accutane because it’s been years and it just won’t go away."

"Hi ya to anybody reading this! I have been taking oxytetracycline for around a month and a half now and I have had no problems with it whatsoever! My skin is beginning to improve as I am seeing far less breakouts (my acne is described as moderate-severe). I am reassuring you that I personally have had no side effects at all and no yellow teeth :) I have tried so many acne treatments that have not seemed to work at all, but this is seemingly doing the trick! I use this with zindalacin gel, cera ve facial cleanser and a moisturiser."

"Tetracycline had the same effect as doxy, complete waste of money and time for me. Have been on two courses of this drug and all it did was make my mild acne worse and did nothing to help what so ever. Antibiotics don’t help acne, if you’re lucky enough to get improvement from them don’t expect it to be permanent..I have now been on 4 courses of antibiotics and after coming off my last course of doxy I’m now on probiotics to fix issues caused by doctors giving me antibiotics for acne - it has left me with even more problems than before I started."

"I used tetracycline HCL, 2 pills in the morning and 2 at night for one month for my mild acne. I also used the topical steiva Retin A cream. After one month, my acne came back much much worse than before and my skin has been extremely oily. I also had terrible side effects with the medication, such as nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, etc. I continued for the entire month hoping it’ll make a difference and the negative effects would be outweight by the postive and clear my skin. I didn’t see much improvements while taking the medication, maybe 20% less than before, but now my acne has gotten much worse once I got off."

"I used tetracycline for 3 months for acne on my cheeks, by the end of the treatment it had cleared all my acne out but now 6 months later I am getting it back on same area as before. It also gave me side affect with constant Candida problems / yeast infections that I been fighting since starting to take the antibiotics course. Problems I never had before. Still working on curing it. I would suggest not using it this."

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  • Tetracycline drug information
  • Tetracycline (Systemic)

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Professional resources

  • Tetracycline monograph
  • Tetracycline (FDA)
  • Tetracycline Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Sumycin, Achromycin V

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