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Generic Name: Percocet for Pain (acetaminophen-oxycodone)

Percocet for Pain Reviews

"Extreme aching throbbing lower back pain. Tried Lyrica, Cymbalta, Tramadol, Ultram, Vicodin, Flexeril, Desyrel, Trazodone, Imipramine, just to name a few with no relief, and in most cases felt worse. Had 2 injections at L4/L5 that did nothing to relieve the pain and was finally given 10/325 Percocet 1 twice a day, but I find that 1/2 twice a day allows me to function and provides relief so I can actually feel like doing things. I am disappointed that this drug is taboo, I guess because of the potential for abuse, but anyone with real pain is not taking it for the narcotic effect but so they can lead a normal life. I think the FDA and physicians that try to steer clear of prescribing it need to experience living with pain."

"I've used Percocet for pain in the past (several nasty dental surgeries). I couldn't help but notice one user's comment that it helped with her depression. I have social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder, and whenever I take Percocet, I feel absolutely normal again. I become very focused and energetic (much less scatter-brained and terrified of everything) and am very productive. I have told my psychopharmacologist this but didn't seem to get anywhere with it. I know that you can't take this drug forever, but it's too bad there isn't something that can be learned from this. Interesting that someone else feels the same way."

"I had heavy dental work done, and the doctor gave me Percocet. I also suffer from depression. The Percocet did wonders for my depression. It made me feel like myself again. I plan on telling my shrink about this tomorrow morning. I know I can't continue to take this medicine, but there may be a clue about Percocet and depression. I don't feel high, just normal."

"I paid $275.00 for 120 Percocet pills from CVS in Ravenna, Ohio. I just had back surgery and have not been on pain meds before surgery. I was prescribed 10/325 generic, they started to kick in about 20 minutes later, but they only lasted about three hours. They are the worst pain meds I have ever taken. The RB Percocet are garbage. Call your pharmacy and ask who their supplier is for that medication, they usually will tell you. I asked the pharmacy if anyone else had complained, and they said yes, but the person said they get these pills really cheap. You would think with all the money CVS makes, they would care more for their customers. Please beware."

"I had back surgery (Laminectomy of L4, L5, and S4, 8-inch titanium rod with 7 screws) in October 2006, plus I have severe Fibromyalgia. Although Percocet makes me a little sleepy, this is the first time in 4 years that I feel relatively pain-free. About 5 doctors were afraid of giving me anything stronger than regular Vicodin because of habit-forming. Who cared if I couldn't walk or participate in activities. I finally found a doctor that was willing to help! Sometimes they give dogs more palliative care than humans. I should have gone to a veterinarian instead."

"I have taken Percocet before, and the last time I picked up my script, the pharmacy told me these may be made outside the US. Noticing some of the comments and people getting sick, is it possible that those symptoms cause the ill effect from being made outside the country? Just an opinion..."

"Percocet was a lifesaver for me. I was on Vicodin prior, and they didn't help whatsoever. I had taken Vicodin for like 5 years. I was at the point where I had to take like SIX Vicodin to get relief. People acted like I was a seeker, but I'm definitely not. I just got a high tolerance because the dose was never changed. Percocet helps so much more! If I'm in 10/10 pain, I can take like one and a half or two, and it'll take it down to a 3-4/10. I have quite a few health issues, my main issue is a back injury from cheerleading and a bladder issue called interstitial cystitis. It's excruciating. Since changing to Percocet, I went from every month or two, being in the ER, to no ER visits!"

"I am taking Percocet 10/325mg five times daily for breakthrough pain with Ms-Contin 30 mg twice daily, and 60 mg at night. I am taking them due to a past near-fatal car wreck that almost left me totally crippled. Taking these medicines has really given me my life back. I also agree that it actually does help with depression, as some people have mentioned on this site. I suffer from deep depression, and since taking these medicines it is like the depression is totally gone. Thumbs up to the caring Pain Management Doctors and these two medicines. Worked wonders for me."

"Took the pill every six hours for two weeks after shoulder surgery to deal with the immense pain. It worked! Then I stopped one day. Big mistake. The withdrawal took a week, and I felt like going to the ER. No one told me to taper off. The pain became unbearable again, especially after physical therapy, and now I only take one an hour before PT. Bottom line, it works but is a narcotic so addiction CAN happen, and withdrawal must be executed carefully."

"I'm 30 years old, and I have 3 degenerated discs in my spine and a pinched sciatic nerve. Until I found Percocet, my life was horrible. I couldn't even sleep, it hurt so bad. Now I can live my life again."

"Whenever I am in pain, this is my go-to medication. I have a back, shoulder, neck, and foot injury and by rights should be on this medicine for chronic pain. For right now, I only take it very rarely so that it works when needed, to avoid a tolerance. Because I am not working, I am able to deal with the pain, however, when I go back to work, I will most likely have to go on this medication or a similar one full-time. The only thing I do not like is the fact that many of these narcotic pain medications contain Tylenol, aspirin, or ibuprofen, which makes your kidneys, liver, and other organs go through unnecessary stresses. I prefer it to be just oxycodone, and if I need the synergy of Tylenol, I can add it on my own."

"Taking 5/325 acetaminophen & oxycodone every 6 hrs for intense tooth pain after oral surgery. Had never taken an opioid before, this was truly a lifesaver for me. Took my pain from a 10 to a 3. Also taking 3 Ibuprofen every 6 hrs (alternating). My doc says if pain is brutal, I can go to 10 mg every 6 hrs, that's 2 pills. I'm trying to avoid that, but suffice to say this stuff works quite well for me. Pop a stool softener once in a while."

"This medication was a lifesaver after cancer surgery. I took one pill every six hours as needed, 10/325. I was able to sleep, walk, and eat after surgery. I am not taking it anymore, my doctor gave me sixty. I have thirty left, I will use those if I ever need them again."

"I am a 26-year-old woman and I have 2 kids. I was in a really bad wreck in December 2006. I was rear-ended at 55 mph while I was sitting still in a construction zone. My doctor put me on Percocet for the neck and back pain. It felt like a wonder drug to me. I have had a lot of medical problems in my life, and I still do, it has been one surgery after another, and Percocet is the best pain medication that I have ever taken. Percocet is the best."

"Have battled post-traumatic osteoarthritis for years. Over-the-counter medicines not too effective and I have been through all of the other classes of prescription pain relievers. My doctor prescribed Nucynta (synthetic opioid), made me feel tired and most of the pain was still present. Finally switched me to Percocet, it is absolutely amazing. Although there is some pain occasionally, for the most part it is gone, and I have much more energy and my depression has lifted. I have also found that most doctors resist prescribing it and take you through round after round of various pain medicines. With Percocet, I found that it works, and I can finally take control of my pain. My days are filled with more vitality and enthusiasm."

"To anyone who has used or will use Percocet, for the nausea, have your doctor put you on a pill called Zofran. This will help with the nausea. They give it to cancer patients for vomiting. I am a huge believer in the mental help Percocet gives as well as the pain management. Had gallbladder surgery in May 09, and after trying Vicodin, Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Ultram, Percocet was the ONLY one that helped me with the pain. Eat before taking and drink plenty of fluids. This will cause severe constipation, so a stool softener may be needed. Best medicine I have ever taken."

"I have really bad back pain, and at such a young age, I take Percocet four times a day, and it allows me to sleep and work, whereas other medications just made my stomach upset. I would rate it a 9 for the relief it gives you. I honestly felt like I could not function anymore, I was in so much pain, and now I enjoy walking. I don't have to stop every 10 minutes to catch my breath from my pain."

"I find when I do take Percocet for my back problems, they really help. Stopping taking them when I'm not in pain was an issue also. For the withdrawal, I would take a few Tylenol #2 or #3. Really helped. After a week, it was all good and not much withdrawal at all."

"I have been taking it for more than twenty years, and it has been a lifesaver. I had a spinal cord injury, with a brain stem injury in 1998. Since then, I take Morphine Sulfate three times a day, 30 mg, as well as the Percocet, 10/325, and am allowed 4 per day. Sometimes it's hard to make it through the month. Sometimes I don't have enough to make it through the month!"

"I was recently put on Percocet for back problems. I have periods of feeling bad, but once I take 10/325, it really helps with the pain. Still having issues with waking up in the middle of the night. I actually can live a normal life now without being in misery."

"I was prescribed Percocet 10/325 after a surgery and found it to be extremely effective at relieving pain. For me, personally, the effects lasted around 7 hours, after which I'd usually have to re-dose, at least for the first week after the surgery. Similarly, I found it extremely effective at reducing pain from cluster headaches when a triptan wasn't effective. It's not a recommended treatment for cluster headaches, but I did find it useful as a very last resort. The only two 'side effects' were the very pleasant (and often addicting) euphoria from the Oxycodone and the unpleasant cravings I had for it after discontinuing use. Otherwise, I was very impressed with it."

"I have fibromyalgia and for the past year, I've been struggling with pain. My doctor was very hesitant about giving me Percocet, being that I am only 22 and was without diagnosis for a while, but after being diagnosed, has given it to me without a problem. It works wonders, and although it doesn't last as long as I would prefer it to, it makes it so that I can resume some normal activity. My life is back for the most part."

"I'm 19 years old, play college football, and this medication really gave me my life back after battling with severe groin pain (I'm a male) from a sports injury. There were times where my pain level exceeded a level 10, and Percocet brought it down to a 3-4, a level where I can function. My doctor said it's best to take this medication before your pain gets severe. It's called 'catching up with your pain,' and really makes a difference."

"I have to say that these pills are a miracle when it comes to pain. The reason I wanted to post my review of Percocet is because of the very, very vivid dreams. I actually just woke up and had a dream that scared me half to death. I really and truly thought that I saw my wife cheating with another man. I could not believe it, you guys have no idea how REAL it felt. So just letting you guys know."

"Ok, so you probably want to take this with food. It made me EXTREMELY nauseous when I didn't. Works well for pain. While many pain meds make a person sleepy, this one has the complete opposite effect on me. It made me extremely energetic/hyper. I had overwhelming urges to 'spring clean' the house, garage, and do things I had been putting off. The downside of that, however, is it interferes with my sleep, and I can't take it at bedtime. It's ok for daytime pain for me."

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  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
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