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Generic Name: Tamsulosin Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Flomax

Flomax Drug and Medication User Reviews

When I first started using flomax it was okay I started urinating normal I didn't have the drip drip after urinating I had a complete stream. After taking the medication for 2 months I have found that I have been experiencing headaches, very little to no semen when ejaculation occurs, poor orgasms my blood pressure dropped to an all-time low where I was about to pass out, and experiencing nausea loss of weight severely loss of appetite unable to concentrate putting me on edge where I just feel very irritated most of the time and severe itchiness. Wake up several times throughout the night fully awake and unable to go back to sleep severe runny and stuffy nose like I have allergies and I have never had allergies in my life. This is terrible I am 51 years old and I feel like I can deal with the drip drip drip instead of all these side effects. I guess I'll just need to have to stand there a little longer and shake it a little more. I decided to stop taking the medication and I will update my review, today is the 14th of June 2022 and I will let you all know how I feel in the next few days. Thank you

I am taking the .4mg capsule. The results were great the first month, now the drug does nothing. Still have to use catheter to empty bladder. No Kidney stones were passed even though 9 showed up on my CT scan.

I have been on Flomax for about 2 weeks and it works good for me. I drink and urinate more. Worried about side effects and reluctant to use the product but I tried it after having stones and it has been fantastic. Sexual side effects and dizziness not there at all.

I have been taking this for 7 years now and I am 62. My doctor increased it to 2 a day and it worked for a while until Rite Aid started using a different 0.4mg generic capsule with a D 53 on it and ever since I have had problems urinating again and wake up 4 to 5 times a night with very low amounts of urine. I also noticed like many other men that no semen comes out when having sex with my girlfriend and I experience almost no orgasm.

I had taken this for several years and it didn't do the job so my doctor told me I could take Finasteride along with the Flomax, neither one is doing the job.

So I started taking this and immediately (an hour later) I started to get a severe back pain which rolled to my chest with heaviness. I guess you could say it was like having a heart attack but I don't know how that feels since I never had one. The next day my joints hurt and my muscle's felt weak. I tried to continue over the next 4 days taking my dose at the same time each day figuring it would take some time for my body to adjust. After 5 days of the constant back pain with chest pain, muscle fatigue and joint pain I had to stop. Immediately on the 6th day with no more doses I had none of those symptoms. I have to say though peeing provided a more steady flow but I'll live with the periodic dribble as opposed to those side effects.

I was started on this medication to ease frequent urination. It did relax the bladder to be all to fully empty. But after about 3 days I noticed an extremely stuffey nose like a sinus infection. At first, I just thought it was fall allergies. Then I began waking up at 1:15 am or 3:15 am and would be wide awake and totally unable to go back to sleep. I also have sleep apnea and use a CPAP. I went through this for about a week and a half. I stopped Flomax at night and slept all night since stopping it 4 days ago and my stuffy nose went away also. When I first started taking the medicine at night, the next morning I would be extremely light headed for about a week.

I have been taking it for 2 years and it did relieve my urination frequency however I will gladly take that than the horrific side effects. sexual desire is gone, ejaculation I would orgasm but NO semen, partner thought I was faking orgasm? lol No not funny. I'm on other meds as well so didn't realize these issues were from Flomax. Oh, ya gained 60 extra lbs since taking. I have been off for 3 weeks and the weight is falling off down 25 already. I still have not ejaculated and hope that will return at some point. Ejaculation with no evidence is ridiculous. Do not trust this drug.

For ME, it works great! If I miss 1 or even 2 doses, I have a huge issue trying to urinate. Personally I'd rather find a solution to my issue then be stuck taking pills for the rest of my life. But until that happens, this is a great solution. Again...this is for ME. I've read some of the other comments and I don't notice any side-effects for me.

I have fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, and sleep apnea. The medication was used to try to calm my pelvic floor muscles regarding frequent urination. The first day or two it was OK, but as I got more into my body, my sleep apnea got far, far worse. Trouble getting to sleep, would wake up in 1 or 2 hours sweating. Bottom line is I can't sleep with it at all. Got worse each day of the 8 days I took it so I had to quit. Also some sexual side effects.

Horrific side effects for "meh" results. As I approach 60, one issue that bothers me regularly is frequent urination due to an enlarged prostate. My GP suggested I try Flomax to alleviate the symptoms, and the medication does help with the "emergency sensation" of needing to go, and reduced the sleep cycle frequency, however the litany of side effects leaves me with a preferable desire of urinating in my pants versus this crap. What side effects? Inability to focus Decreased sexual feedback Headaches Itching High high rates Decreased endurance Apathy Dizziness Spacing out moments I can manage my urination cycles, even if that means 'Depends'; what I cannot manage are all the "wonders" this drug invokes. I am 24 hours off, as I write this, and I still have a damn headache.

It worked immediately but the side effects could not be tolerated. The first night I experienced some pain in my jaw but didnt associate it with the meds. The second night it felt like every tooth in my mouth was aching. This went on until the morning. Got very little sleep. Never taking this again.

Was prescribed this drug for 14 days when I had a kidney stone. I took it once and it gave me major congestion. Never took it again.

Have kidney stones. Helps me urinate more regularly. Side effects have been a stuffy nose multiple times throughout the day. Barely any ejaculate. My energy levels are normal throughout the day but by 9pm I feel worn out and ready to knock out. I think its giving me dark bags under my eyes as well. Overall its helping though.

It solved the problem with flow, and took pressure off of my bladder. However, I can't use the drug, because it increases my heart rate anywhere from 10-20 beats. The drug kept me extremely irritable, depressed, and losing sleep. I tried it two different times before calling the doctor to get a new drug.

Pro Great flow, frequency of going to the bathroom reduced Con: Retrograde ejaculation

I am temporarily using tamsulosin (Flomax) to aid in passing kidney stone fragments following shock wave lithotripsy on one kidney. The medication has been successful in relaxing the bladder neck muscle and prostate to allow the stone fragments to pass without pain. However, men should note the possible sexual side effects. I have experienced retrograde ejaculation. The initial sensation of orgasm feels pleasurable, but the intense pressure of seminal fluid collecting in the urethra before ejaculation doesn't happen. Instead, the relaxed muscles allow the semen to flow backward into the bladder. Ejaculation happens, but there is not a series of strong muscle contractions nor pleasurable feelings of release. I experience a few weak pulses and a few drops of semen (or none at all) ooze from my penis, even though my hips instinctively flex like a normal ejaculation. Fortunately, I've felt no discomfort when semen goes into the bladder, just a subtle feeling of congestion that is relieved later during urination. Overall, sexual satisfaction seems diminished by 50%. No issues with achieving an erection or responding to stimulation to reach the start of orgasm, but I've had to adjust to the physical and mental dissatisfaction with the lack of ejaculation. If you are using Flomax for an extended period of time, you may want to discuss these issues with your partner, if you have one.

I am taking Flomax for problems urinating too much, especially overnight. Weak urine stream also. This med has greatly helped that problem, but I absolutely cannot get an erection anymore. If I rarely do, there is no ejaculation whatsoever. If you have a high sex drive before taking this med, it will totally disappear after two weeks from the beginning day. I am very dissappointed that this side effect is so bad.