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Generic Name: Dolobid (diflunisal)

Dolobid Reviews

For Pain "I was "a bit" disappointed to find out that in seeking help with a migraine that I was given Dolobid. I feel that the attending physician never bothered to read my chart or he'd seen I was allergic to aspirin and have PKD as well. I explained that I've exhibited signs of hives, rash, itching in the past from taking and he saw no reason to treat me otherwise."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "This medicine helped my pain with my Juvenile Arthritis. I realised it helped right away but my 3rd day being on it I end up in the ER because I had large amount blood in my stool so parents rushed me to ER and I have been off the medicine for like 4 days. I'm in huge amount of pain again but the passing of blood has stopped. If you do not have scary side effects due to this medicine I would recommend it because it did help me."

For Pain "This medicine is very hard my your stomach and didn't help my pain immediately, It is very expensive."

For Osteoarthritis "It tasted like a nice aged sharp cheddar"

More about Dolobid (diflunisal)

  • Check interactions
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  • Drug images
  • Latest FDA alerts (4)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Dolobid advanced reading

Professional resources

  • Dolobid prescribing information
  • Diflunisal (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pain
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis