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Generic Name: tesamorelin

Brand Name: Egrifta subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I used this medicine for 18 months several years ago and the results were fantastic for me! I began seeing my "bird breast" disappear and my self-esteem was becoming more positive. Then, there was some sort of trademark was and it fell to new manufacturers/distributors. This new company cut the liberal patient assistance plan greatly and I would have had pay out of pocket for a substantial percentage which was not an option for me. I had to stop the treatment and as indicated, the fat came back. I had a procedure done in 2015 to reconstruct som body parts cause by my lipo and while it was less expensive than what I would have had to pay for Egrifta, it practically bankrupted me.I cannot understand why a woman who suffers loss of self-esteem following treatment for breast cancer (a mastectomy) gets covered for cosmetic surgery to repair what the treatment has done (and rightfully so it is covered) but the same coverage is not offered to those of us who also experience body distortions as a result for treatments associated with a medical condition. In the 90's, Congress passed legislation allowing medicare/medicaid to cover breast reconstruction for these women (again rightfully so) but apparently the men in Congress who would miss their wife's boobs would not be bothered about my strange looking toros, neck and sunken face. Once again, incomes down to whois doing the suffering. PLEASE Congress . .do something for other folks who suffer from treatment side effects too! Recently, I have been getting calls from the makers of Egrifta practically begging to restart. I'd like to but as I get older, the unknown long term effects scare me. But I wonder why the shift on heart for these makers. Oh . . isn't the patent close to ending? Hmmm .

This medication is very helpful, when you can get it. The supply disruptions have resulted in long periods of not taking it, and the condition worsens in those intervals. I've seen a lot of softening of fat, although less overall reduction than I'd hoped for. But part of that has to be due to the interruptions.

The product seems to do wonders when it's available. I live in the United States on the boarder. They have had shipping products for the last year with this product, so it really doesn't work if you can't stay on it. The largest pharmacy in the country, Express Scripts says they are not going to renew their contract. No sure about future of the product. So, if you can find, don't get your hopes up.

hiv aids

I do not see any difference in taking this med. and I have been on it for over a year now. I deal with lipo. on the lower back and neck area . I really think the FDA should look into this company . I think that they are putting meds out that they know do not work and are out for the money.

Tips to the makers Serono, prepare the medication in real life before writing the directions! 2 things to know. You can't spin the bottle it's too low, spin the syringe stuck in the bottle instead. Also as for letting the water down the sides, the vacuum in the bottle(s) sucks the water in instantly, allowing the client no control of the water flow. And so much packaging waste is bad for the environment ! In short, please think AUTHENTICALLY. It's better for everyone on this planet and you won't be embarrassed.

Since beginning treatment in November 2011 - I have lost 7.5" of fat from my belly. My abdomen is soft and pliable and i can see my feet. i can bend over to tie my shoes without losing my breath or nearly suffocating. I have more than satisfied using this medication. I have had a slight elevation in my glucose levels, a sharp decline in my triglyceride level, and a slight decrease in my LDL cholesterol, and slight increase in my HDL cholesterol. Other than a slight enlargement of my breast tissue - which I am very pleased about as i have not ever had any chest definition. As for any adverse side effects from the medication, I have had none that I know of, but I have suffered from many of the side effect issues since i began treatment for HIV. OVERALL - I would highly recommend the use of Egrifta to anyone, who like me, has suffered from the debilitating emotional, physical, and psychological trauma of having the excess belly fat. Now, if only I could find a miracle medication that would help replace the severe loss of fatty tissue in my face, arms, buttocks, and legs.

The side effects are painful. Mostly in my hands. Pain, tingling and numbness.

Mixing every day is a pain but after a while it become part of your routine.