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Generic Name: Ivermectin

Brand Name: Stromectol

Stromectol Drug and Medication User Reviews

If you’re reading reviews because you’re battling scabies… I got them after having surgery at a local hospital, by the time I realized what it was it had spread everywhere, including my scalp (I’m a female with thick curly hair) it was a nightmare! I first ordered ivermectin and permethrin from Amazon, per reading other reviews.. come to find out amazons products were counterfeit. I know this because I went later and purchased the same products from a farm and feed store and the smell and consistency were completely different. So be careful where you purchase them. Real permethrin 10 or 13 percent smells just like gasoline and is not oily (it dries and the smell does dissipate. Be careful if you have cats it’s highly toxic to cats until it’s completely dry) I eventually went to a dermatologist and was prescribed oral ivermectin (10-3mg pills), with permethrin cream and a steroid cream for healing the sores and bites. She recommended doing both treatments together (ivermectin with permethrin) after a hot shower, before bed and repeat in 10 days. The first round, when I went to bed I could literally feel like the mites were stirring around from the poison. I felt that sensation for a few hours. Over abou 3 days everything was clearing up, until… I washed my hair. So for round two, 2 hours before taking my hot shower, I mixed 10 drops of tea tree oil ( you can purchase at Walmart or target for a few dollars) with a maximum strength dandruff shampoo containing selenium sulfide. I just mixed it into the shampoo in the palm of my hand. I lathered it onto damp hair. It stinks, but both selenium sulfide and tea tree have been know to kill mites including head lice. Anyway, two hours later I rinsed it out in shower and then done my second round of ivermectin with permethrin cream. It’s now been 6 days and I think it’s over, finally! Another tip is run a hair straightener over your hair really well before applying the shampoo. I also quarantined my mattress topper and pillows for 12 days during this process and boiled my hairbrush,threw out old ponytail holders, and washed my makeup sponges and brush with very hot water, let them dry then sprayed them with rubbing alcohol. Be sure to vacuum and spray couches and hard surfaces with alcohol, lice spray, or Lysol and do not reuse bath towels until dried on a high heat cycle. I hope this book i’ve written helps anyone else who is freaking out about it spreading to scalp. XoXo

Doctors will tell you here in the USA that there isn't a parasitic problem here like there are in other countries. That is a lie to keep you sick and dependent on pharmaceutical drugs. I do not believe that one dosage of stromectol is a strong enough dosage to kill an infestation of scabies. If your doctor will not prescribe this medication more than once get a new doctor. This medication should be given until the mites are eradicated and at a higher dosage if infested for years. For anyone who is struggling to kill these mites look into taking ground cloves 2 tsp in full glass of water 8 or more oz. The cloves will kill them internally. You can take the cloves daily or a few times a week. If you are infested and take the cloves daily you may experience side effects. If the side effects are bothersome to you scale back on the doses. Do what feels comfortable for you but I would suggest to stick it out if you want some relief. The doctors are not in your corner with these bugs. Feel better.

Made me extremely constipated. I can't fatt or poop on the second day after taking it. For ascarisis

I contracted scabies at work, I tried the Elimite. It works, but I was naïve to reinfection so I asked my doctor for Stromectol, they agreed. Two 6-pill doses. I mistakenly took mine both only 4 days apart. I posted in the Elimite section on this site for a more complete description of my experience. Basically, I learned the Elimite does work, but reinfection has to be monitored so extremely closely, that it gives the impression Elimite isn't effective. Stromectol helps immensely, hugely. Because, between Elimite treatments, bugs that bite (actually its a burrow-nest-egg laying, not so much a "bite") will die. If you take Stromectol and use Elimite on the same night, then any bug that bites, any continuation is a reinfection bug coming from: your wallet, keys, car seat, seat belt, sheets, towels, packpacks, belts, shoes, toilet seat, work computer, TV remote, edge of bed, etc. Once you get wise to reinfection, then the Stromectol can really do its thing. It's a blessing, because every bug "biting" between Elimite treatments have been stopped by the Stromectol residual in the skin. That''s why they don't form tracks, just one bite then death. It's great stuff but only part of what's needed to get rid of scabies. Read my Elimite post for advice fighting scabies.

took the drug as directed. no side effects,but still getting symptoms and seeing mites possibley!? and some crusting around eyelashes,ears,possibley mites in nose and not sure if it worked on hands and feet.

Somehow I was infected by ichneumon wasp larvae. Eggs laid under the skin would congregate on blood vessels, turn into white, worm like larvae, and eventually erupt from the skin as wasps. I get reinfected, so am placed on full dose, 3x a year. Stromectol keeps them under control. If you have an insect information, don't let doctors blow you off with "delusions of parasitism" diagnoses. Find another doctor. Show any visible objects under the skin to doctor, family. and friends. Don't let anyone try to put you on psych. medication. I finally located a tropical infectious disease specialist, who consulted with a doctor in Sweden. He prescribed Stromectol, and that kills the eggs and larvae. If cost is a problem, generic Ivermectin (same stuff) is available at stores that deal with horses. Use the recommended dosing for HUMANS.

To anyone losing there ever loving mind scratching themselves sinceless and pulling your hair out from lack of sleep do this.... tell your doctor you want hydrocortizone pills!!!!!!!! this will instantly stop itching soon as the pill desolves, break it down to a powder if neccasay. And then take the ivermectim as sheduled and you should be good, but the hyrdo pill will help immencly. I absolutley hate how doctors are paid to give yo drugs that dont work so whatever company can make some money at the expense of a completely misserable person, makes me sick

I had 5 3mg pills taken 5 days ago and I'm going crazy with the itching. I'm using cortizone 10 cream and it doesn't last long and it feels as if I have stinging on my forearms and mustly my thighs. I was never told you need to wash everything daily to prevent reinfection. I don't know how long stromectol stays in your system to kill the eggs of the mites. I'm scared my doctor will not give me another treatment for 3 months. I'm ready to peel my skin off. I'm bleeding from scratching. What can I do to get my doctor to treat me again now and will this ever go away. I'll never last 3 months. I'm not sleeping, I'm tired and really scared. Anyone have anymore info I how long med works and when the itching will stop.

I ended up getting mites (mange) from a puppy I bought from a breeder. The dog mites cannot live on humans, but as long as your dog has them, they can affect you, and they did. I was prescribed this drug, and I took the first dose and broke out in hives. Since the drug lasts for days, I had hives for several days. I didn't take the second dose. However, now, when I go out in the sun, I break out in hives. I never had this problem before. If I wear sunscreen, I don't break out. The Stromectol is the only medicine I've taken except I regularly take birth control, but have been on the same birth control brand for many years, and as I said, this only started happening last year after I took the Stromectol. Has anyone else had a reaction like this? I have an appointment with a dermatologist in a couple months (that was as early as they could take me). The hives only appear on areas not regularly exposed to the sun, like my face and forearms do not get hives, but my shoulders, upper arms, neck, legs, back, and stomach will. Please help!

I have seen many doctors and finally after over 5 years was told that I had scabies. After numerous applications of elimite cream that was never successful. I was given Stromectol for treatment. Almost on the verge of loosing my mind, thank goodness this option exists for the treatment. No side effects and so far after the first dose awaiting the second (after 10 days) I have had my skin clearer and less itchy. I still feel things crawling around under my skin but I can tolerate it.

I was given Lice treatment creme for my scabies. I was still itching after a few applied lotions1%. I had to beg my dr. to given Stromectol to me. I am on my second dose.I hope it works cause my dr. refuses to give me any oral meds for this. She only prescribes 1% lice treatment lotions to treat scabies.

I took this medication after five rounds of permethrin cream each 7 days apart. The cream did not work because if you missed a single small part on your body the treatment failed. I was prescribed 5 3mg tablets of stromectol taken on an empty stomach before bed, then repeat in 5 days. I had to beg my doctor for this treatment. Its now been one week since the second dose and almost all itching is gone and I can sleep again. It took three months and 3 different doctors to come up with the diagnosis of scabies. This should have been a first line treatment. After about 5 months I finally got relief thanks to stromectol.

I took this medication four days ago, after two rounds of cream traeatments two weeks apart. After the cream treatments, I had about a week of relief, then the itching/sores returned worse than before the treatment. I had to ask my doctor about this oral medication. He said that I would only take it once, then he would send me to a dermatologist if not better. So far, so good...much better than before. Today, I seem to have a HORRIBLE bitter, metallic (almost chemical) taste in my mouth. My saliva seems to taste almost like poison at times. Has amyone else experience anything like this when tbey have taken it?

This drug is awesome. I love drugs.

I have been diagnosed with lymphatic filariasis which is uncommon in the US. I recently completed 30 days of 3mg X 2 daily regimen. It has caused itching and pain but after treatment, there is significant relief. I have had to be retreated with Stomectol over the past two years. My doctors have informed me that I will have to have bi-annual dosages which is in accordance with the CDC guidelines.

After full blown lesions, and almost dying in 2008, both Albenza and Ivermectin along with eight week intervals of doxycycline have saved my life. Elephantiasis is not something you see in the Americas so the journey has been difficult. Just completed 3mg X 2 for one month w/o adverse affects on Strombectol. Toxicity is relatively low and reduces parasite load in the skin, and also systemically. My case is rare and the parasite is in my heart and lungs causing severe pain. Eight months of interval treatment with antibiotics, and Strombectol, have saved my life. Blood pressure was high during the die off but has returned to normal at present. However, the current doctor wants to send me to the University of Louisville (a microbiologist within) and doesn't want to continue my Strombectol medication and Doxycycline. Both doctors I've seen in two states, KY and FL are from India and Grenada. They are trained to deal with neglected tropical diseases according to WHO guidelines and the CDC. Recommend to those suffering with parasitic infections to seek doctors knowledgeable in field. Stombectol causes pain on parasites that die in your body and should be monitored by a physician. Strombectol is not totally effective in severe cases like mine but helps in reducing parasite load with long term intermittent therapy. Sub-clinical destruction of the lymphatic system is causing disease progression. Strombectol has slowed this process down.