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Generic Name: buspirone

Brand Name: BuSpar oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was prescribed 10 mg of Buspar as an add-on to my prescription of 15 mg celexa for general and social anxiety. It took about a month to kick in, but I stuck it out and have found that this combination works well. I feel much happier, more calm, and more confident. I feel like my appetite is much greater recently, however, I cannot say for certain that this is a side effect of the medication.

For reference I am on 300 Wellbutrin and was prescribed 10mg 2x of Buspar. Where to begin on how this medication did everything wrong. 1. Frequent brain zaps 2. Numbness in hands and feet. I would be driving and suddenly couldn’t feel my toes which lead to a panic attack. 3. Constant anxiety and paranoia, almost created a feeling of disassociation. 4. Dizziness and issues with motion. 5. Constipation which I have never had before in my life. 6. Mood swings, mostly anger. 7. I know you’re not supposed to drink on medication but I typically have 3-4 beers on my other medications and have never had this issue but since starting this medicine I black out and go on tangents of rage against my partner and strangers, something I have never done. This medication made me fearful and not in control of my body and this seems to be a common theme. It’s just not worth it, find a doctor that will prescribe you something that works for anxiety instead of inducing anxiety.

was having extreme panic attacks and anxiety, racing heart, chest tightness, i had anxiety disorder all my life but after contracting covid my anxiety soared to new heights. Started taking 3.75 twice daily and it worked immediately. still felt anxious from time to time but it was managable anxiety and not a single panic attack. since i still felt anxious sometimes my dr recommended i go up to 5mgs 2x a day. day four of the increased dose and the migraines are unmanageable. going to try and go back to 3.75 and maybe try that dose 3x a day because it was helping my anxiety so much but i cannot handle the migraines at the 5mg dose.

I've been on it for years and I love it!! U need to take it for months not a few days are weeks in long term it's stopped my panic attacks,my anger,I don't cry at a drop of a hat. I do not recommend stopping cold turkey I did and my entire body tremerd I was dizzy all the time,I couldn't sleep,let's just say it was bad. But ppl need to understand it's not a fast acting medicine

I have moderate anxiety that my doctor didn’t want me to take klonopin for since it was moderate and daily. This med is the best drug I’ve ever taken for my anxiety in my life. BUT the side effects were just too bad for me to continue taking it. It made me shaky and dizzy and nauseous. And I believe I had to take it twice a day. I tried to be on this for a month or so but I couldn’t handle it. It worked so well I do tell people they should try it but also warned them about the side effects. I really wish I could’ve stuck with it

I was only on 5MG once a day and it was HORRIBLE. I could only bear 6 days of it before I had to quit and usually I’m able to get past the adjustment days. I had bouts of crying, irritability, extreme nausea, brain fog, dizziness and migraines. I’ve had COVID and it wasnt half as bad as my week on Buspar. I’m now 6 days off and still feel like garbage. I hear this doesnt have a ton of side effects, so I’m glad to hear it works for some.

Sson - I wish we could connect and chat, I feel the same as you. I was on Lexapro for a long time and did not feel like it was helping so I went off to try to get a baseline gauge of how I feel without medication. Anxiety and mild depression started and my doctor prescribed Buspar - it seemed to work a bit at first but now I am experiencing horrible, debilitating anxiety and depression like I have never felt. I feel bad about myself and am experiencing dark and intrusive thoughts that I have not before. I am going to stop taking this and see at psychiatrist. I am a mom too and cannot exist in this state

I started taking this med prn (as needed) it sometimes helped, but usually not. Sometimes it would make me too dizzy that I had to go lay down. So it was not a consistent result. My Doc said it would be best to take this daily (3x day) and that it takes awhile to reach therapeutic levels. I am going on 1 month and I have noticed no improvement. Actually the opposite for me.. the anxiety has worsened, I am on edge, tired all day, cannot sleep at night. Most recently I have had a new hopeless feeling that I can't shake. I am convinced that the drug is affecting me negatively BUT I am having a very hard time remembering doses and not taking them at the same time every day. I am a busy mom of 5 and my schedule is never the same. Sometimes Im home sometimes not. I forget to take the med with me sometimes (brain fog and attention issues is one of the major problems I am noticing with this med also) so then somedays I only get 1 dose.. I am desperate for anxiety relief and I could give it more time but gosh I just don't know! Can anyone relate to these concerns and stayed the course and it eventually worked?

I have been on this medication for a couple days. It honestly has helped with the racy thoughts, sick to stomach, etc. However NO sleep at all like nothing. I can’t seem to get my brain to shut off. Then started having dark depression thoughts out of nowhere. I have decided to stop taking it. This medication is not for me.

This was the first medication that I felt really helped me. Obviously, medications are very specific to the individual, but with that being said, I felt so leveled out in weeks. I am currently off it (stopped taking it when I moved states, laziness, nothing else) but am considering restarting it. It was the best I had felt mentally in years. I was a wreck. I couldn't do basic tasks. I stopped going to work... I was struggling heavily with depression and anxiety and when common antidepressants did not work for me, my provider recommended this. This helped me overall and on a daily basis but I was also given xanax for bad episodes. I was on it for a little over a year and it truly helped me find stable ground again and regain my sense of self.

I have anxiety, insomnia, bipolar, and insomnia. Over the past 20 years, I’ve been on just about everything. Benzos work fine, but doctors won’t prescribe it long term. I started at 10mg twice daily. It was pretty good. Made me sleepy the first week or two. After a couple months my doctor doubled the dose. I don’t take it everyday. I use them more like benzos. 20 or 30mg takes about 30 minutes to kick in. If your not doing anything you’ll probably fall asleep, but if your going out, or doing anything stressful, it gives me a nice mellow mood. The more often I take it, the less effective it is, but I find that’s the case with every drug on the planet. All and all, it’s an acceptable replacement for benzos if your dose is high enough and you don’t take it everyday for months on end. My brain will always figure out away around a drug eventually. It just learns to see through the fog/obstruction. Overall, pretty good drug to counter racing thoughts and anger.

I have GAD along with major depressive, C-PTSD, and ADHD and I was prescribed this after going to a psychiatric hospital, along with wellbutrin. This medication didn't work for me past the first few days, and just made the side effects from my other medications (wellbutrin and lithium) way worse. I am still looking for the right anxiety medication to take, but this wasn't it for me.

What! What! Calming effect. Not for me. Damn it Adderall does more to calm me down than this crap.

I will not take benzos so my doctor gave me buspar and for a short time taking a whole 5mg would make me foggy and tired but once my body got used to it it has helped me stay calm and not on edge. I like that I can take up to 30mg a day if needed but the most I've ever taken in one day was 10mg. In my personal experience this has been a great tool for me to manage GAD and to prevent panic attacks.

It does nothing. Might as well eat green m*m's.

Horrible for me. I was in this medication for only 9 days and it made my anxiety uncontrollable. I was confused, foggy, couldn’t sleep and was unable to talk. I could think of what I wanted to say but I couldn’t talk. I stopped taking it on the advice of my physiatrist and ended up in the hospital for suicidal thoughts.. it’s been a week and I still feel terrible

I prefer not to take a benzo. This works for me without the side effects the benzos cause. I sometimes feel euphoric. I would recommend this over other meds!

I started with duloxetine for anxiety. Over time it became less effective and I was waking up with chest pain due to anxiety, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. My Dr. added buspar 5 mg twice daily. It worked quickly; I felt much better within a few days. It is not sedating and does not affect thinking/judgement as drugs like Xanax do.

Buspar worked very well for me. I had some mild side effects the first few days I took it, but they went away pretty quickly. My anxiety was basically non-existent while I was on it and was pretty happy while on it.

I have read all of the reviews of this medication. It worked very well for me. I started at 2.5mg twice a day and slowly moved up to 5.0mg in am and 2.5mg in the PM. I broke into a rash with horrible GERD the day I went to 5.0mg which was on my 7th day. It worked very well for my anxiety overall but I had an allergic reaction to it. So very disappointing. I really wanted it to work with my body but I have had bad reactions to Lexapro, Effactor, Propanlol, and Zoloft.