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Generic Name: Prednisone Tablets, USP

Brand Name: Prednisone

Prednisone Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medicine has taken me from embarrassing stiffness and pain to feeling much younger by at least 10 years! Thank goodness for it.

I would be basically bedridden if I didn't have this drug. This works miracles for me.

I've had severe neck and shoulder pain due to a pinched nerve in my cervical spine (C5-C7) doctor prescribed 2-20mg for 5 days. Let me tell you this was a game changer for me. Not only did it relieve the tingling pain on my neck, shoulders and arms it help with my seasonal allergies. Doc recommended take first thing in the morning with food so I don't get insomnia. Prednisone worked for me, no issues what so ever.

40 mg/day. 2x recommended for average patient, I am 80 yo at 130#* First night 1:30 AM WIRED. After 3 days I decreased to 30 when I should have discontinued. 2 more days and I stopped it. As it worked very well 40 years ago (Sarcoid), I will likely have to restart at appropriate dose, 10 mg. See ERS Clinical practice guideline* 2021 Eur Res[or K 2-21; 58:20024079 Ephoria, energized, full of great ideas and ready to implement all. SleepCycle app showed a drop from 86 to 44. PILOT App USAA car insurance showed a drop from 98 to 20 AND loss of 240$ discount the app said i was ro get. It was a great experience, for me, to go through the stages, albeit too rapidly, which my wife and sister in law had after back injection and oral pills for back pain and asthma, respectively. It was clear, as my MariaBamford.com daughter with MD2 pointed out, friends/family are slow to recognize you are going down toward full mania. Finally a work partner (Michael Jon Bayer Dermatology) called my son in law, "Mark, come drive Joel home. I do not think he is safe to drive home.." Very thankful for surviving and, temptingly, enjoyed the ride. Reading about psychosis rather frightening also. As a dermatologist, retired 2012, I had used it for severe eczema and poison ivy, but never hear or was aware of these two severe consequences. Indeed, how many have had episodes and were mis diagnosed with a mental diagnosis rather than AE, Adverse Drug Reaction.

Rheumatoid arthritis and Type 1 Diabetes: Side effects 20mg 1 month, 50mg 3 weeks: Small amount of weight gain, oral thrush, heartburn (if I don’t drink enough water!) I have so much more energy I can stay awake longer than two hours at a time. Swelling in most of my body is down and pain is mostly under control. Oral thrush is being controlled with nystatin oral solution. Weight game from actually being able to eat properly because I’m not in so much pain. My face is more round from water retention but considering how I was feeling I’d rather be a bit “puffy in the face” and not my entire body! This is a miracle drug for short term use. Don’t be afraid of the people who don’t understand what it’s like to be sick. Your doctors and medical team are looking out for you! Trust your body and don’t be afraid to contact your medical team OFTEN when on it! I am able to be a human being because of this medication. Sometimes R.A. medications aren’t enough and we need that blast of steroids along side our “recipe” to further your recovery. Be fearless. I believe in you! Chronic condition are tough but we’ve got this!

Works really good for my breathing

I was told by my doctor to take 60mg at one time per day until my hives from my allergic reaction went away… this is day 4… im throwing them away… im scared to leave my house, im in constant panic mode, i feel like walls are closing in on me, i already have anxiety and this is just over the top.. how is this even legal? I have yet to see someone else taking 60mg… i never took it before until my doctor told me to take it on sunday, i will never take it again. The psychosis side effect is real and a major issue for me. This medicine is dangerous.

I was prescribed prednisone for my recent diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. This medicine almost instantly changed my bowel movements from 4 or 5 times a day back to once a day and has given me my daily routine back. I’ve been on this medicine for 2 months with a few of the side effects. I experienced insomnia, acne and moon face along with some retention of water in my feet but gladly accept all of those side effects because of the relief it has given me. I just finished my last dose a couple of days ago and my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms have returned.

I. Quit taking prezone. (Steroids). Because. They made me. Feel. Really. Bloated I feel. So. Horrible they. Did. Help me. Breathe. Better but overall. No. More. Steroid’s. For. Me I. Hate. Them.

Sweet Baby Jesus! I was on prednisone for 7 days with tapering off the last 3 days. This medication is horrible, at least for me it is. I had nausea, the shakes, legs felt wobbly when I walked, insomnia, profuse sweating and anxiety-wise it pushed me over the edge. I went into crying fits, talked the ears off of my poor family, and I heard a song on my car radio that reminded of the past and I burst into tears while driving my car. I didn't take the last one so today is day 3 w/o steroids and I'm still not back to my normal self. Knowing my body, it will take forever for my head to be screwed on the right way. Ugh!

Prednisone helps breathing easier caused by COPD. I take it intermittently, about every three/four days without any side effects.

Was provided for COVID 19 6 day dose decreasing from 35mg, Day 1 extreme euphoric experience incapable of keeping my head up and being in control of my body, day 2 extreme loss of the ability to understand reality. Feeling like there’s a screaming in my head. Day 3 exhausted Started to monitor heart rate overwhelmed by wanting to pass out. By this night feeling like I am going insane. Screaming in my head is getting louder and eyes begin to see flashes of light. Day 4 finally understanding I have no COVID symptoms, all symptoms are new same symptoms are increased attempts to find a reason for life. Day 5 took last pill leaving 2 more in prescription. Ran for hours trying to get mania to go away. Feeling like what’s the point. Took 6 straight hours of walking and drinking liquids to feel like I’m sweating something out of my body that should not be there. This is the worst experience I have ever had please be careful with this drug!

Prednisone is definitely a different type of pill.. I was hesitant to take it because I had been warned of its side effects but I did not realize how much I would be affected psychologically. I took this drug for ONLY two days (40mg) a day in the morning. I’m glad it took it in the Morning because I didn’t have trouble sleeping. However, I became extremely uncomfortably hyperactive and anxious on day two. It was almost unbearable and scary, I had no chill and this was only my second day! This “episode” lasted about 8 hours.. I was miserable. My cough subsided by day 3 so I decided not to take the last dose (third day). On that third day I suffered mood swings and became very depressed and anxious. I cried a lot and was extremely unhappy. Although the prednisone worked at taking away my cough and inflammation in my chest and throat, I will never ever take this drug again. I can’t imagine being on this stuff for longer then 3 days. My heart goes out to ppl dealing with side effects and withdrawals from this stuff. Do your research.

I have a lot of joint pain issues. Prednisone is prescribe for my Loy back pain that can get so bad it takes me to the floor for hours at a time. I even fell once in a park and could not move for 3 hours. I try everything. 10% Lidocaine, Baclofen, oxycodone, hydrocodone, benzodiazepine, diazepam, and nothing works as well as prednisone. It takes a day or two work at a high dose then I can taper down and hold a low dose for 2 or 3 weeks. A few trips to the chiropractor after the information is out and I am back to normal for a few months. I have had injections that work well to however the 20mg pills also fix the pain in my hands, shoulders, cleanup rack skin eczema, give me energy and make me feel like I’m 25 again. I have no side effects except eating everything in the house and a 10 -15 lb weight gain that usually goes away in a few weeks. It even seems to help with me depression. Thanks

Started off with 10mg/day of prednisone and 4x methotrexate/wk (later increased to 6) for RA. It eradicated all my joint pain initially, but I became so constipated that I had to go to the emergency room. I've never experienced constipation before in my life. Stopped methotrexate immediately and reduced prednisone to 5mg, but I still suffered from constipation. My methotrexate got replaced with hydroxychloroquine and sulfasalazine, but I had to stop due to an allergic rash. This whole time I remained on prednisone as a bridge drug, however, either the RA joint inflammation increased or efficacy lowered. BEWARE: The hope was to only use prednisone for 1 month since there are long term side effects, but now it's been 3 months and my blood test is starting to show high glucose and ALT (liver related), so I may switch back to advil instead and try herbal medicine.

Given for herniated disc causing very severe pain in thigh and back. Went from not being able to walk nor sleep to pain almost completely gone. No side effects at all. Amazingly effective.

Difficult to fall asleep

I have never had a pain medication that has been as effective as Prednisone. I have had shoulder, knee, spine pain for years. Now they are gone. This is a miracle drug for me.

I was being treated for sciatica due to a herniated disk and had severe pain down my left buttocks and back of upper leg. This medication coupled with Ibuprofen 600 knocked the pain out so well, I was able to walk and stand normally. No other pain medication was as effective as this!

i have a skin rash and i was prescribed this medicine. so far i have taken two 20 mg pills and based on reviews i am going to stop using this, as a skin rash cure should not come with so many life altering side effects. I wish doctors were more interested in figuring out the actual issue with a patient and finding the appropriate solution vs trying to use a blanket approach with a heavy drug that could cause so many potential other issues. i would rather have a skin issue for a couple of weeks hopefully then months of depression or anxiety or possibly psychosis ! I realize that this does not happen to everyone but does really want to find out? I would reserve this for a much more serious health issue as a lesser of 2 evils - definitely not for a skin rash.