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Generic Name: Cephalexin

Brand Name: Keflex

Keflex Drug and Medication User Reviews

Prescribed for UTI by a Care Now doctor. Caused C. Diff, and had to go on more antibiotics to treat that. A little while thereafter, I started experiencing systems that ultimately were diagnosed as hypothyroidism. I had zero problems until I took Keflex. My PCP suspects that the resulting difficulties from Keflex knocked my thyroid offline. Now I'll have to take thyroid meds for the rest of my life, still working off the weight gain, etc. Read the side effects: women ages 40+ should never be prescribed this!!!

Within 48 hours I started having h diarrea. After 3 more days I was in the ER where I was diagosed wik Cdif. I spent 4 more days in quarentine at the hospital. The diagnosis for the cause of Cdif was the Keflex.

worked very well for me with no side effects and took the infection away.

In Sept., I have 500 mg 3 times a day for 7 days to treat UTI. After talking the 2nd pill on the 1st day, I started feeling back pain. On the 3rd day and after, having abdominal pain ( intestinal pain). No diarrhea but just pain. I stopped the medicine on the 5th day but still have abdominal pain. On Oct 5th, did ultrasound and was normal. On Nov 5th, did CT scan because of the pain. It said my stomach wall is thickened and suspected a gastric. On Dec. 17th, did a endoscopy test and said inflammation in the lining. I donâ??t have any stomach problems before taking the antibiotic. I suspect it cause the stomach problems even I finished it 3 months ago? Now I need to take medicine for my stomach. This antibiotics was strong to kill UTI but bad for intestines and digestive system. Donâ??t know when my stomachache will be recovered. Donâ??t take Keflex!

This drug made me sick as a dog , I wouldn’t take it if it was the last antibiotic left in the world.

Switch after taking Macrobid (TERRIBLE side effects); Keflex was easy to take and worked quickly.

Worked great better within hours. Thanks

I was prescribed keflex for the second time for a staph infection in my eye. The first time was for a bacterial infection in my lungs and I had a horrible reaction to it at that time with severe stomach distress and diarrhea. This time, within an hour I had severe projectile vomiting and diarrhea which lasted non-stop for 12 hours. I finally called an ambulance and got admitted to the emergency room where I stayed for a day. this was the worst experience I have ever had and we'll put this on my list of do not take drugs. Weeks later I am still trying to get my intestinal tract back on gear.this was scary and painful.

Had severe joint pain with this medication. After taking the very first pill. It started in my left hand joints then spread to my right elbow. By the end of the day my toes and feet and my knees were also in extreme pain. It was almost unbearable. Stopped taking immediately.

I went to the ER for acute cystitis with hematuria, and were given two 500mg to take onsite. Within twenty minutes, my face extremities was feeling slightly numb, like I hit the funny bone but much, much milder, this feeling only lasted for maybe half a hr. Few hours later, my discomfort lessened when I went to pee. By the morning, I had no discomfort whatsoever. I have been taking this with food, not sure if that helps, but I haven't experienced any side effect from keflex. 500mg for 5 days, 3x a day. I take it every 8 hours on the dot as t says it's best to space the timing out evenly. Initially, I had inquired about a different antibiotic, and the doctor told me that they prescribe one that is effective based on which one has drug resistance in the community. The one I inquired about, was shown to be drug resistant in my community. After I finish my prescription, I'm going to eat a lot of yogurt to hopefully help build back up the gut microbiome.

Used Keflex to get rid of uti. Took 2x a day for 7 days. I noticed the pill has some type of odor, which made it harder to swallow. UTI went away just fine. The bad part is that I'm experiencing vaginal dryness and a possible yeast infection.

Although this drug was effective in treating a skin infection related to an eczema outbreak it has really messed me up. My stomach always seems to feel nauseous, irritability still exists on and off for no reason, I have had a headache on a daily basis, never had diarrhea with this but have not had normal or regular BM's since I started taking the medication, also It seems I have become allergic or sensitive to new things since finishing the medication. It has been 3 weeks since I have completed the antibiotic and the doctor told be the side effects could last up to a year and I should pay close attention to the stomach issues. I didn't want to take an antibiotic at all in the first place as I am very allergic to several. This really sucks!!! Been keeping with a clean diet and drinking plenty of water to help get this med out of my system. At this point I don't know what else to do but bear with it until it is totally out of my system. I can say though this is another one added to the list of antibiotics I will not take ever again.

I had been overprescribed antiobiotics as a child, so was resistant to take any as an adult. My Doc suggested I try to take these along with a good probiotic. I noticed a profound change in the smell and color of my urine the following day of taking it. Some mild cramping on day four, and slight loose stools (upped the probiotic), but otherwise, well tolerated. Will be getting my urine evaluated soon to determine the wbc count (here's hoping).

I had a thread pop out almost 3 months after open heart surgery in my stomach area just below the staple scars. It got infected, so I was put on Keflex. I'm trying to drink Kefer to avoid a yeast infection, which can happen with any antibiotic. My worse complaints so far are extreme tiredness and with some dizziness. It almost feels like a chest cold in its beginnings, too. Plus, I seem to have more aches and pains than usual. So far, I haven't had it cause any horrid/long term side effects like an antibiotic called Macrobid caused me in 2013.

Dr. ordered 1,500 mg daily for 7 days treating Cellulities..now into 4th day...so far no results or any discomfort.

Took Keflex for bacterial infection of leg after broken patella and road rash. Injury caused great pain in calf and knee and infection caused leg to swell and throb. Swelling subsided but nerve pain in calf and foot is bad. Side effects included tiredness, dizziness, lack of appetite, minor itching. Dark stools appeared after day 7 of treatment; had been pale earlier in treatment. Scanned for DVT in calf, was negative. Have mild cirrhosis; no alcohol use for two years. Will monitor side effects including stools after completion of treatment. Musccle/joint pain also a side effect.

I have cellulitis and prescribed the generic keflex 500mg capsules four times a day for ten days. I'm on day 6 and as for side effects, I've had headaches, dizziness, tiredness and abdominal pain. The doctor told I might experience these side effects and told me if I develop a rash, feel numbness, or have trouble breathing to go the hospital right away. It's working very well for me, I can see it healing each time I check. :)

This medication a very bad itchy rash, stopped taking meds on day 3 and rash is still bad after 10

The nurse practitioner prescribed this medicine for me for a skin infection. She prescribed 500 mg, 4 times a day for 7 days. I have never taken any antibiotic 4 times a day, so I was a little surprised. About 2 days after I started this medicine, my skin infection started clearing up and healing. The most noticeable side effect has been fatigue. I have felt so tired! I don't know if this is because of the high dosage or if it is a general side effect of the medicine. I have not had any diarrhea or yeast infection, but I was already taking probiotics, so I'm sure this helped.

Was prescribed this med for an infected ingrown toenail. Took the med for 1 week(3xdaily).infection cleared up in weeks time. 2 weeks later broke out with rash that spread quickly over my torso.My Dr. Confirmed it was allergic reaction to the antibiotic that can occur 2 wks post treatment. Needless to say it is on my do not use this med. again list.