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Generic Name: Tramadol for Back Pain (tramadol)

Tramadol for Back Pain Reviews

Ultram ODT (tramadol) "I have been on tramadol for many years for fibromyalgia back pain. I take six 50mg a day. It does, in fact, help. It makes it bearable most of the time. However, when it's at its worst, the medicine doesn't faze it. I would recommend a second prescription of something much stronger for occasional pain (maybe 10 a month if that). Doctors and lawmakers need to realize that people with pain that will never get better and will progressively get worse need relief. Unfortunately, that is going to involve addictive medication. But their addiction isn't the high. It's the addiction to function and to live a productive life. We crave these medications because we know without them our quality of life is very low."

Ultram (tramadol) "I took two tramadol and had the best night's sleep for longer than I can remember. I have chronic back pain I got from when I was younger, where I was in a tournament fight. I am 40 now with a kid and working 50 plus hours per week (mostly sitting down). I have taken everything and been in physical therapy and nothing seems to work. I hate being in a fog of the other narcotics. I want to enjoy my life and my family, not be oblivious to it. This is amazing. I don't want side effects so I'll keep it to a minimum."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have been on Ultram for a few years now. I had a spinal fusion, and they put me on Ultram 50 mg for pain every 4 hours, and I must say it helps me tremendously! Even more than Percocet or Vicodin, so I would highly recommend this medication for back pain."

"Please be careful while taking Tramadol as I became addicted to them! Wish I never took it. I was given Tramadol by my doctor after I was in a serious car accident which led to severe back pain. Yes, it did work and yes, I felt great on it, but I started to get dependent on it. As my back started to heal and I started to take less of them, I hated the way I felt - tired, dizzy, no energy, so I continued to increase the dose so I could feel normal. I was on them for 3 years and started to develop depression. I decided to come off them so I went “cold turkey” - not the right decision, but I was too embarrassed to tell the doctor I was addicted to them. It took me 16 days to come off them with the most horrendous withdrawal symptoms. I am over it now and feel so much better that I can get on with my life without the craving of Tramadol. I just want to share this to let people know, if you are on Tramadol, please be careful."

"Tramadol has made all the difference for me, living with chronic pain from spinal stenosis. I take 50 mg with gabapentin to sleep at night, another 50 mg when it wears off and I wake up in the wee hours of the morning, then 50 mg to get me up and going. Once I'm up and focused on work, I can usually get through the day without any more. Without it, I probably would not be able to sleep at night or work in the day. It doubles as an antidepressant, but for me pain and depression are so interconnected that it's hard to distinguish them."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have had a degenerative disc for almost 10 years, and have taken Ultram for the past year and a half. For almost 8 years, due to no insurance, I took nothing and lived with the pain. No narcotic, such as hydrocodone, has ever touched the pain, but Ultram completely eradicates the pain! It helps my mood and I'm able to work long hours with no pain. As of July 1, 2014, it is a Schedule 4 narcotic, and now I'm unsure whether I'll be able to get the dosage I need."

Ultram (tramadol) "Good at relieving pain for a short duration (4 hours at a time) with few side effects. I found that at 200mg/day my pain was cut in half and I had increased energy and a brighter mood. I have used this medicine for 4 years now and find that it is very effective for about four months, and then effectiveness decreases. At that point, my doctor switches me to a narcotic for three to four weeks and then I can continue with the tramadol over again with a 'reset' in the effectiveness factor. The strongest negative for me is getting off the tramadol... withdrawal effects include major mood swings, insomnia, and dizziness. But overall, it is quite effective and has very few bad effects for me while taking it."

"I was prescribed tramadol for back pain due to a motorcycle accident. I was in agonizing pain, and I had tried all sorts of physiotherapy, and nothing was working, so my doctor gave me tramadol. It made a massive difference in my life, I was able to function again. I took 6 x 50 mg a day, so I took 100 mg morning, afternoon, and before bed. Tramadol helped me from going insane and allowed me to function and get on with my life. After 3 years, I decided to stop the tramadol as my back pain had gotten so much better. WARNING: it was the worst 3 weeks of my life. Withdrawal symptoms were horrendous: shakes, cravings, stomach cramps, nausea, body aching all over, constant sneezing, insomnia, and I have been left with restless legs. Some people say withdrawal from this drug is manageable, NOT FOR ME. I would never take tramadol again for this reason."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have found that this medication not only relieves my chronic pain, but I am able to take it and still work. I could not do that with the standard narcotic pain relievers, which are typically prescribed. Thanks to my doctor's recommendation of this medicine, I am able to live a much less painful and much more fulfilling life."

Ultram (tramadol) "After a car accident and back surgery, I have failed back syndrome, severe sciatica, neuropathy in the soles of my feet, and meragia (thighs numbness or pain in the outer thigh due to pinched or compressed nerve). I have used Ultram since 1998. At first, I used it only when required, and slowly increased to 2-3 times a day, and it gives me life. I can keep my pain level at an endurable level and still teach classes, volunteer with seniors, and drive a car unimpaired. It is crucial for me. NSAIDs ate my stomach lining away. Tylenol causes heart palpitations. Some patients need this medication to continue doing things and not be encumbered with horrible sciatica and chronic pain, debilitating neuropathy. There is no cure for these conditions, so we must treat them!"

Ultram ER (tramadol) "Been on it for three days and feel like myself again. Decompression, fusion, injection therapy, muscle relaxers, opiates, nerve blockers, NSAIDs. Nothing has given me long-term relief the way Ultram ER has. Aside from the dependence issues, I think I found my wonder drug. I have degenerative disk disease and spinal stenosis."

"I think my review could be helpful to some. Recently, I had a severe issue with my back. I was prescribed two things at two different times: Lortab 7.5 and tramadol 50 mg. At first, I took the (opiate) Lortab only to relieve pain. Anyhow, I knew I'd run out of them eventually, and I did. Today, the expected withdrawal began: rebound pain, tense & achy legs, bad stomach, and weakness. Typical opiate withdrawal. I worked all day like that. Tonight I decided to take tramadol, to see if it'd relieve the yucky withdrawal. WOW! After one hour, I feel like a totally new person. An amazing change. It works better than I expected. Like all medicines, you're a fool if you take more than prescribed."

"I have been prescribed Tramadol for 10 years for thoracic spinal pain for which this drug has worked great. I take 100 mg up to 200 mg in split dosage every 12 hours. Now everything I read says withdrawal is hard. I have come off of it many times for up to 10 days and have had no adverse effects other than my pain coming back. I guess everyone is different."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have 4 herniated discs (C1/C2 & L4/L5), Fibromyalgia, and Migraine Headaches. I also have Atrial Tachycardia, which basically means that my heart beats at extremely fast irregular rates, and the surgery that fixes 95% of these cases won't work on me. My doctor put me on Ultram 60mg 3 times daily and Morphine Sulfate Extended Release 50mg recently. I have to admit, at first I wasn't thrilled about the Ultram. I had taken them in lower doses before and told my wife I'd be better off on Tylenol. But I gave them a shot and to my surprise, the pain relief was amazing! I love Ultram because I don't live in a 'FOG' all the time. I can drive, go to work, play with my baby, and spend time with my family. I would recommend Ultram!"

Ultram (tramadol) "Around the same time this year, I have had a baby and shoulder surgery for osteoarthritis. Hence, I suffered from both shoulder pain AND postpartum depression. Percocet didn't stop the pain, and Zoloft made me feel worse. My doctor prescribed Ultram, and it is now my miracle pill! It helps with both issues. It allows me to be a normal functioning mom. I love how it helps my mood and physical pain!"

Ultram (tramadol) "I told my physician that I would no longer take Percocet for my chronic back pain. He suggested I try tramadol and assured me it is not a narcotic. I have been taking the tramadol now for a year and although it is no miracle drug, it has managed my pain immensely. I can finally sleep at night and function normally. One downside to the drug for me is if I run out and the withdrawal starts, it is nasty. Be careful you stop the drug abruptly. Good health to all. Rob"

"Some 6 years ago I had spinal fusion, operation went very well. I was taken off narcotics and given Tramadol. I take three tabs a day, 50mg, usually when first getting up. Until I read these comments, I never associated it helped with depression. I never really considered myself depressed. I recently lost my wife of 65 years, we had a truly great marriage. She was an English war bride. I miss her terribly, but depressed I am not. Now I wonder if I have been a really content and happy person these last few years because of the pill. I am sure not going to stop and take a chance. Thank you for all your comments, they have really helped."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have osteoarthritis, bursitis in my shoulder, degenerative discs, and have had surgery for a herniated disc. I have been on hydrocodone and Percocet, but Ultram 100 mg by far does a better job of keeping me comfortable and able to function without feeling cloudy."

Ultram (tramadol) "I have a degenerated disc and arthritis in my back. At first, the pain was intense and I couldn't sleep. My doctor prescribed Vicodin, but that made me feel drunk and I couldn't function. I take Ultram 50mgs every 4 hours. At first, I took them only when I was in pain. But I realized through articles that taking it when the pain starts is not as effective. I now sleep pretty well, before, I couldn't sleep and I was like a zombie. I experience little side effects. After 4 hours, I get a little air-headed. I've been on it for about a month, trying to determine if I need it as I have been taking it every 4 hours, pain or not. I'm pleased that I have a lot less pain and can function."

Ultram (tramadol) "Started taking it for back pain. I took two doses and ended up in the hospital with hallucinations, dizziness, and feeling faint. Shortly after that, my body started shaking uncontrollably from the inside, making my legs feel like I had run for days."

"I'm 31. After 10 years of sciatica pain caused by bulging discs and fracture, I was prescribed tramadol. They are amazing. No side effects, and no pain, only take 30 minutes to kick in. They help me so much in my heavy lifting job. I take them when I'm in a lot of pain. Other times I just try to deal with the pain."

"I have taken tramadol for 2 years so far. Cervical foraminal stenosis at 4 different levels and 3 disc bulges, plus lots of bone spurs. I was operated on at c7, opening up the space a little, and no doubt will have further surgery in years to come. I am 55 years old. The surgeon tells me to take 75mg of tramadol in the morning and 75mg at night, but as it disrupts my sleep, I take it at 9 am and then at 4 pm. In fact, I get by with 50mg in the morning and 50mg in the evening, and some days only 50mg once as I also take paracetamol 100 and sometimes ibuprofen in the gaps between tramadol. It works really well for me, and an added bonus is it stops me from getting caught in a 'worry about my spine' loop. I find it better than gabapentin as an antidepressant. I was on gabapentin for about 3 months, but it gave me bad dreams. I would really recommend tramadol. Stay at the minimum dose possible, and if you have to increase, do so slowly and over the longest time possible. It's better to function and have a life than be a manic depressive in constant pain."

"Cervical fusion C5-C6 after a car accident in 1987. Recent MRI shows one cervical disc pressing on the spinal cord and degeneration in remaining disks. Constant pain varies from a low of 2 to almost a show-stopping 10. The most severe pain is right after getting out of bed or during low activity. The best feeling is when exercising or doing semi-hard work. Tramadol taken at 50mg doses 2x a day is the only pain medication that helps, aside from narcotics, which I refuse to take."

"tramadol was worthless for my back pain. This drug is pushed by drug companies to replace narcotics that, with responsible use, actually relieve pain very well. Tramadol is called "baby aspirin" by many people who have been pushed into using it. Meanwhile, Tramadol includes ingredients that can cause suicidal thoughts or a potentially lethal serotonin syndrome when it interacts with other medications. It did nothing to relieve my lower back pain after a hard fall. I have been in agony. I will never use Tramadol again because there's no point in taking a useless drug that contains negative side effects."

Tramadol Hydrochloride ER (tramadol) "Hey, I’m Ben, a college student. I have severe scoliosis in my back and need surgery kind of soon :( My doctor prescribed me Tramadol recently due to chronic back pain. I currently take 50 mg three times a day for moderate pain. Sometimes more. My pain still exists slightly, but my depression is killed by the Tramadol :) I feel energetic and motivated compared to before. I don’t seem to mind the back pain even though it’s still noticeable. Tramadol is the ultimate pain relief combo for me. However, I experienced withdrawal symptoms, which included vomiting, restless leg syndrome, tiredness, chills, and profuse sweating. Felt like a fever! Tramadol is great when you’re on it, but really hard when you stop. The only other side effect I hated was severe constipation. No joke, worst of my life. In conclusion, Tramadol helped me a lot for my chronic pain, but surprisingly useful for elevating my mood. I would have highly recommended Tramadol if getting off this drug was easier!"

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  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
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Patient resources

  • Tramadol drug information
  • Tramadol Extended-Release Capsules and Tablets
  • Tramadol Tablets
  • Tramadol Suspension

Other brands

Ultram, Ultram ER, ConZip, Qdolo, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Tramadol Hydrochloride monograph
  • Tramadol Capsules (FDA)
  • Tramadol ER (FDA)
  • Tramadol Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Tramadol Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Ultram, Ultram ER, ConZip, Qdolo

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression