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Generic Name: Etodolac for Osteoarthritis (etodolac)

Etodolac for Osteoarthritis Reviews

Lodine (etodolac) "I have used etodolac for many years. When I don't take it, I have to think about my knees with every step. When I do take it, I can walk without being aware of my knees. For me it has been very helpful."

"For the last 3 years, I have been plagued with inflammation in every joint; my knees especially. Recently, my lower back went out. The doctor prescribed etodolac, and call me crazy, but overnight my lower back pain is gone. My knees are also feeling so much better. Wow."

"I have severe osteoarthritis in most of my major joints: spine, shoulders, hips, knees (until I just had bilateral knee replacements in August). I've had spinal fusion L3-S1 for OA complications and continued OA in the remainder of my spine. I've been taking etodolac twice daily along with other pain meds for over 14 years. I've never had any adverse problems with it. I do, however, take Zantac 75 or equivalent twice daily to help protect my stomach. I'm a firm believer in this medication. When I need to come off of it for a procedure, my OA flares up once again. With my daily medication regimen, I continue to work full time in a shipyard and as a fire chief on a volunteer fire department. Give it a try, it may just do wonders for you."

Lodine (etodolac) "I was on Cymbalta. It worked some, but there were many times it wasn't too spectacular. I have very little or no pain when I take the Lodine 2x a day. There are times I only take it once a day because if my stomach is off, it can bother it. Otherwise, it works better than anything else I've been on."

"I have been taking Etodolac for 6 years now twice a day as I could hardly walk due to knee pain. After the second day on it I had no knee pain and swear by it. I realize there are some side effect trade off's but do not want to go through knee surgery."

"14 years ago a surgeon recognized an arthritic flare up in my shoulder following a nasty fall. He prescribed Etodolac which quickly shut down the pain. I continued on the drug for a couple of years vs surgery. One day I forgot to take it and thought I had the flu I hurt so much in every joint. I discovered I had OA just about everywhere. The Etodolac is the only thing which keeps me functional. I live in fear of running out. I've never had a side effect I know of. If it works for you, it's miraculous."

"When I had a torn meniscus in my left knee, I was given this drug to ease the pain, it works. Then I had carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand, I continued to take the drug, and it still works. Now, I find out it's for osteoarthritis, which I have."

"I've been using ibuprofen for years, and lately it has not been as effective and is bothering my stomach with the use of Fosamax too. The doctor switched me to Etodolac 400mg TR twice a day, and I am happy he did. My stomach is handling it better, and the pain has gone to little or none based on the day. This was a wonderful relief, as he had tried me on Celebrex and another previously, and ibuprofen worked better then. Now, with ibuprofen being less effective, I am glad to have found this one."

"I was taken off etodolac recently because labs indicated elevated blood urea nitrogen test (BUN) & Creatinine. I had been on etodolac for about 20 years with no side effects and manageable discomfort. I was walking 5 miles a day and lifting weights for 3 hours a week. I felt great. Over the counters did nothing for me except discovering an allergy to acetaminophen. I'm taking 4 mg methylprednisolone a day and hurt all over; Age 72, female and really aggravated."

"I have OA in both knees. I have been taking Aleve twice to three times a day with little to no relief. I work at night so I need to have some relief in order to walk. I started etodolac 200mg yesterday evening. The night was very bad with lots of knee pain and discomfort. I took 400mg this morning with breakfast and 6 hours later the pain is finally subsiding. I hate changing drugs because the new drugs always take a long time to take effect. This is beginning to work earlier than I expected and it is welcomed. I hope this works out well for me."

"I have a neck injury that occurred many years ago, now I have arthritis in my neck because of the injury. I can no longer receive prednisone in my neck due to reaching max limit, and now have DDD, I also have developed osteoarthritis of my hands from many years of abuse, pumping blood pressure cuffs. Went to orthopedic doctor 2 weeks ago for the pain ( I have not gone to dr for pain in bones in a year, and before that almost 30 years for my neck. He prescribed etodolac ( lodine) 400 mg once daily. Well I have a history of a heart attack and take 3 blood pressure medications. Why would a doctor prescribe a medication (nsaid) to someone so high risk? I don’t get it. I told him I have tried Aleve (against my better judgement) and it caused stomach pain and severe headache. Ibuprofen don’t work at all. Well I guess I will have to live in severe pain when it flares up because I will NOT take the lodine. What a waste of money and time."

"Had ligament & cartilage surgery on knee in early 80s. By 2000, pain made even sleeping tough. Was prescribed etodolac ER, 400 mg 2/day. Honestly, it gave me my life back. After 1 or 2 yrs, started using only 1 pill per day. Use 2/day only when cycling extra hard, snow-shoeing or skiing. None of these activities would be possible without this Rx! Only drawback is that my skin is a bit dryer and itchier in the cooler months."

"I was taking 200 mg of this script for chronic arthritis pain. I MUST wear orthotics on my feet EVEN when I’m just at home, I can not stand or walk unless I have orthotics on my feet at ALL times. I also suffer with arthritis in my lower lumbar spine where it was fused with a rod & screws. I recently found out I now have two herniated discs above the metal in my back. CHRONIC PAIN is NO way to live. HOW I WISH this would work for me!! Sadly, even though I experienced no side affects, this medication has not done anything for my pain at all."

"I have used Lodine and Lodine XL. It has worked so well that I have panicked at the fact I can no longer afford this generic. The price started going up exponentially about 5 yrs ago and now I can not afford with pharmacy discounts. Too bad the company is so greedy. If you can afford I highly recommend."

"Prescribed Lodine following Cortisone injections in knees and wrists. Within 1 week after taking Lodine 200mg b.i.d., began having neck pain, sensitivity on head and scalp and severe pain in shoulders and unable to raise arms. Felt acutely ill. Severe pain, muscle wasting and extreme weight loss and ms. weakness. Swelling in left leg and pitting edema in left foot and right hand. After discontinuing the Lodine, the swelling went down. Even had vascular scan while taking he Lodine. Lodine almost killed me."

"I started this medication 2 weeks ago for OA. After 1 week on the med I experienced nausea, vomiting and diarrhea with stomach cramping. After 4 days off this med I am still experience some cramping and stomach upset. I will not take this med again."

"My pain management Dr. gave me this to help with my constant pain in my back and neck from surgery. It seemed to be helping with my other meds but I started itching on my hands and feet and having chest pain. I have taken it nearly a month but stopped today to see if my itching and chest pain stopped…. It has so I’ll be letting her know apparently I’m allergic to it"

"I have osteoarthritis in my right knee, right fingers, and right foot. I had been taking ibuprofen, and it was kind of hit or miss. Some days were fine, other days I had pain in those areas. My doctor prescribed etodolac, and I noticed immediate relief. I can walk, climb stairs, and do what I need to do without pain. I have no side effects, and the medication doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I am very pleased with it."

Lodine (etodolac) "Great for knee pain."

Lodine (etodolac) "suffered fibromyalgia ref to expert with rheumatoid arthritis given lodyne my life changed thanks to it im virtually pain free my lifes great now ..........600mg sr............very happy with it."

Lodine (etodolac) "Takes away the pain now and back 10 yrs ago."

Lodine (etodolac) "This is working better than any other nsaid I have tried. I feel good."

"Etodolac did a great job on my knee pain. Unfortunately possibly due to my Crohn's disease also caused extreme diarrhea and gas. I had to discontinue use."

"After the initial stomach upset it seemed to help, but I wake up with a pounding headache every morning. It also causes excessive thirst. I drink up to 3 pints of water during the night."

"I was prescribed this in 400mg twice a day. I might as well take mints or sugar cubes for the pills didn't do nothing at all for my pain of osteoarthritis in my hand or for my torn Rotor cuff."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Etodolac drug information
  • Etodolac Capsules and Tablets
  • Etodolac Extended-Release Tablets

Other brands

Lodine, Lodine XL

Professional resources

  • Etodolac monograph
  • Etodolac (FDA)
  • Etodolac Capsules (FDA)
  • Etodolac Extended-Release Tablets (FDA)

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  • Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis