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Generic Name: penicillin G benzathine

Brand Name: Bicillin L-A intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Had blood work done, came back with reactive rpr, googled it, saw it was syphilis and panicked and went to ER. I tried to show them the rest of my lab work but they weren’t listening. Got the bcillin-la shot and the next day my doctor called and said it was a false positive, the TPA was negative. Now I’m worried about what this shot might do to me, not needing it. Can anyone help?

I have been diagnosed with RHD when I was in kindergarten and had started taking penicillin shots in 3rd grade. I have to take them every 21 days for basically the rest of my life. I get injected either on my bum or sides and the pain varies, most of the time it's an excruciating pain and on rare occasions just meh. I've seen reviews where they take the shot slowly but I prefer mine get done in an instant just to get it over with so I guess that contributes to the pain as well? Intense pain for a couple of seconds vs taking the oral version is better for me since I take 3 other tablets (+1 for allergies occasionally) everyday and I tend to forget to take my meds so it's a more viable option for me.

Best thing ever. Felt so sick going in and four hours later I noticed a huge difference. It was like a miracle. Needle hurts a little bit so expect your bottom to be sore for an hour or so, but it is so worth it. Cured by the next day. Get the shot laying down it will hurt less.

I just received this shot in the ER yesterday. Felt 90% better the day of! I could eat and swallow. Later that night, throat started hurting again. Next day it hurt way worse than before i even got treated! Will go back to the doctor tomorrow if it doesn’t go away

Was diagnosed with strep throat and given amoxicillin. After four days, still not feeling better. Doctor gave me this bicillin shot and within hours my sore throat was so much better as well as my body aches. I highly recommend the shot. The shot stung a bit, but not bad at all.

I opted for the shot instead of pills to treat my strep throat, because I couldnâ??t honestly see myself trying to swallow huge antibiotic pills while my throat hurt so bad, plus I figured the shot would most likely help me feel better faster. The shot is kind of painful, but thatâ??s because they have to continue to hold the syringe in while they push a few milliliters of penicillin into your backside, which has to be done slowly. The nurse monitored me for the next 10 minutes just to make sure I didnâ??t have an anaphylaxis reaction to the shot. Iâ??ve never had an allergic reaction to penicillin before, so didnâ??t expect one this time, and didnâ??t have one. The injection site became pretty sore within the first 24 hours but has started feeling better after day 2 of getting it. After 24 hours, my throat felt worse, but within 36 hours-48 hours, my throat feels almost 100% better, which is such a relief. I havenâ??t had any side effects as a result of the shot, except the sore injection site, but thatâ??s to be expected with a shot in my opinion. I would recommend this shot over pills as long as you arenâ??t afraid of shots and the soreness that goes along with it.

Found myself in the ER at 8am on a Saturday with swollen glands on right side of neck, difficulty swallowing, and general neck pain. As a nurse I knew it was most likely strep, and doctor gave me the option of IM antibiotic along with steroid which was oral. Felt better hours later, but had stomach pain during the night and following day. The shot hurts, but better than swallowing giant pills for 10 days

Was diagnosed with strep throat. The shot was a bit painful and a little sore the next day but within a couple of hours, the pain in my throat had eased up considerably.

Shot hurt but pain got better within a hour. I came I barely being able to talk and tested positive for strep. The shot worked wonders.

I will never do this again. Went to the ER have me the shot in my lower back two days ago. Still in so much pain. Hurts to walk. Yesterday felt like I got ran over by a truck. Still today very painful to walk. I will never ever get this again...

Received one (quite painful) shot at 1pm for exposure to syphillis, a few hours later was running a fever and feeling flu-like symptoms and told a friend to check on me before going to bed at 5:30pm. Woke up in ER at 1am covered in bags of ice for having a fever of 105 and nonresponsive. Jarisch-herxheimer reaction almost killed me and spent roughly 36 hours in hospital inder observation.

Horrible experience. Painful shot given for no reason. Completely ineffective. Returned to doctor and argued for something else. Finally given Clindamycin and felt better within 6-12 hours- not completely better, but could tell I was improving.

this was prescribed and injected at the ER. yes, it hurts to have it injected into the buttock but the medicine WORKS and works quickly. My son was feeling MUCH better the next day. My only complaint is that it's expensive! Horribly so! Perhaps it's because it's an awesome antibiotic or maybe it was because it was given at the ER either way the cost could make it prohibitive even WITH insurance. C'mon people over $400 for ONE INJECTION?

Daughter had Strep that was missed 1st week to Doctor with sore throat and vomitting. This week they tested for it. 6 year old daughter got injection because she doesnt like taking meds. Today she is so sore from the shot she can't move her leg without screaming. BUT her sore throat and vomiting are both gone. Hopefully she can walk tomorrow to be able to goto school cause she has missed 5 days already.

It hurt. Instead of giving me the shot in my butt she gave it to me in my side that has my back and legs in pain

One shot of this med and I was cleared in 2-3 weeks of visual signs on my body and lowered my blood levels to almost non existant. Takes time to build up and work with the immune system.

Given injection at ER after positive strep test and negative influenza b culture. Felt considerably better after 24 hours. Injection site sore two days later.Also given oral steroids at ER to relieve swelling in throat. Family doctor prescribed 10 days of amoxicillin about 18 hours later. I have diarrhea and feel like vomiting one day into the amoxicillin.

Cleared up the strep, but caused me to have a seizure (which I have never had before). It was a horrible experience. I couldn't get out of bed the entire next day. Felt like I had been hit by a truck. The vaccination site was extremely sore for a few days, and the shot the buttocks was not a fun experience either...very painful.

I had strep throat really bad. I went to the doctor, and I was injected with this medicine and woke up the next morning feeling wonderful.

My 20 year old son was recently diagnosed with Rheumatic Fever - it took 4 weeks, including two week long hospital visits and a team of specialists to get a final diagnosis. Treatment plan - Bicillin LA shot every 4 weeks for a minimum of 5 years. He says the shot is very painful - but not nearly as painful as the symptoms he experienced over 4+ weeks. He is symptom free after his 2nd shot...