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Generic Name: Terazosin for Hyperhidrosis (terazosin)

Terazosin for Hyperhidrosis Reviews

"I originally requested this medication after some research regarding sweating caused by my antidepressants. I works fantastic for the sweating. I also have quite a history of urinary problems and it has also helped with that problem. Also high blood pressure runs in my family. Although I have never needed BP medicine I am proud to report that my blood pressure it perfect! I have been on terazosin for many years so I perhaps it is keeping my BP in check as I age. For me it had been a great medicine. No side affects that negativity impact me. I am on 1mg 2 caps in AM and one in the PM"

"Also take for extreme facial sweating resulting as a side effect of antidepressants. Been taking for years after searching for relief and finding online article mentioning study of terasozin for this purpose. Sometimes works well in sweat reduction, sometimes not at all, but better than nothing. Tried drysol topical but my skin is too sensitive. Curious what mg dosage others take. I take 2mg x 2 after driving into work as I think it contributes to dizziness, likely along with other meds."

"Terazosin has saved my personal and professional life! I was sweating spontaneously under stress or anxiety and every night while sleeping, no matter how cold the temperature. It was perimenopause and menopause symptoms that could not be treated with hormones. This has done the trick for me! It started at 1mg at night then upped to 2mg twice a day for 10 years. Now the dosage is 5mg twice daily. I can still feel “heat” but not excessive sweat on my body."

Hytrin (terazosin) "Works great! It has stopped the extreme sweating that was occurring from a side effect of Effexor. Anyone who is taking Effexor and has severe sweating problems, this medication works great."

"I took Terazosin for hyperhidrosis induced by Clomipramine . It was very helpful for my problem ."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: alpha blockers
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Terazosin drug information

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Professional resources

  • Terazosin monograph
  • Tarazosin Capsules (FDA)
  • Terazosin (FDA)

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  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Hyperhidrosis