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Generic Name: Diclofenac topical for Pain (diclofenac-topical)

Diclofenac topical for Pain Reviews

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have chronic intractable pain caused by a car accident 50 years ago. 40 years later: fused/plated/screws/rods/nuts/bolts from C2-C7. Also L-spine issues, shoulder tears, arthritis, muscle spasms, lots of nerve damage. 30 years ago I learned oral anti-inflammatory medications were not my friends. When Voltaren gel was new, I tried it a couple of times but found no relief. I recently decided to try Voltaren gel again. BIG MISTAKE ON MY PART! Following the directions, I applied a pea-sized amount in a very small area. 3 days & 6 applications later, my stomach began to burn. It continued up my esophagus to mouth, lips & tongue. It was agony! I caution others with sensitivities or allergies to NSAIDs to think twice before using this medication. It took a full four weeks for the burning to stop. I can't help but be concerned as this medication goes OTC. If I could give a negative number for Voltaren gel, I would. If I could assign the actual number of days used, I would."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "Cinda Marie Helen Miller, retired RN, I'm so with you on the 'drat' 'opioid crisis'. It hit a few years ago when I needed help most. Had a hip replaced, with complications. Nerve damage in foot and calf that will last forever. Been on pain meds/gabapentin ever since; maybe 8 years. I've been demeaned by the process of 'pain clinics', counting pills, etc. My daughter has let me try her Voltaren. Going out tomorrow to buy my own. Lower back is gone at age 75, plus the nerve damage. Don't feel I can count on medical community taking care of my pain. If it weren't for the occasional urine test I would try products sold by Cannabis shops. Pain is pain. Life shouldn't be this way at age 75."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have been in 6 major car crashes, standing still, none my fault, including a Mack truck. Aside from numerous surgeries, cages, rods, screws etc from my shoulder, neck & back, I have developed severe fibromyalgia (told due to multiple trauma). Living in Florida, the changes in barometric pressure affect my body. Within 2 days of Voltaren gel, a great majority of the fibro pain is so improved. No longer feel like I’m walking on black & blues, which is what my legs feel like. Cambia (migraines) and diclofenac are also life-saving medicines for me. I feel blessed. Thank you."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have peripheral nerve damage that caused drop foot and horrible neuropathy. For years, I have suffered tingling and burning pain on my left ankle and foot, and the back of my thigh felt badly sunburned. I have seen many doctors, including a pain management doctor who prescribed narcotic pain medication. None of these meds took away the burning nerve pain in my foot, and the side effects interfered with my ability to concentrate at work. My family doctor prescribed Lyrica, and it helped a lot, but I still had constant pain. She prescribed Voltaren gel for me to try, and the results are nothing short of a miracle. After only two doses, my foot felt better than it ever has since my injury in 1997. The awful constant burning sensation is gone!"

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "Used to treat severe back pain with spasms. Gave me good pain relief but didn't help quiet spasms. Very pleased to find a pain reliever other than narcotics that helped reduce my lower back, neck, and leg pain."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I was diagnosed with neuropathy in my right knee down to my foot. This pain started when I was pregnant with my first son 23 years ago. It has gotten worse over the years. To make matters worse, I tore ligaments in my ankle from a fall at work. Finally, after worker's comp., only with my ankle, I was referred to a neurologist. They did many tests and indicated that it was a sensory nerve injury. He gave me a sample of this gel and told me to apply it 4x a day. It worked wonders. Pain was gone! I hope it continues to work this well in the future."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "An important warning: two people switching from ibuprofen or other medications that cause stomach bleeding. I found out that Voltaren gel does this too. Even though it is a topical lotion, it will still give you serious stomach problems. I found this out the hard way after ditching ibuprofen and other pain relievers, and my blood loss came back just as severe once I started the gel. And I had to go on Nexium and iron supplements. I just did not assume this would be the case since it is a gel, but if you look it up, you will see that in fact, it can be just as dangerous. It works really well, no doubt. I was using too much of the extra strength to make up for stopping Aleve and Advil. I think if you use smaller doses in a concentrated area, it would still be better than those, however. It started with stomach discomfort and diarrhea, a slow process. But nonetheless, I was back where I had been before with a burnt stomach lining from too much ibuprofen."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have had horrible shooting pain in my face and head from Trigeminal neuralgia. I was written a script by my doctor who said to try it on the temple and jaw to stop the pain. Lo and behold, within minutes the pain stopped! This is honestly one of the best medications out there, it's amazing to have relief so quickly!"

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I am in my 60s and woke up with pain (6/10) in my back. I had not experienced such intense pain, except for a kidney stone attack when I was in my 30s. I took two 50 mg Tramadol tablets, and after an hour, there was no relief. I had my daughter take me to the emergency room, I almost called the ambulance because I could barely move. The doctor determined that it was not a kidney stone, so they sent me home with a prescription for Voltaren. I was a little concerned that they had given me a prescription for a Bengay-related cream. However, this gel did the trick, as many reviews here indicate. I received relief in 10-15 minutes, and within the half-hour, I was able to walk around with little or no pain. It was just short of miraculous."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "Unbelievable. I just used this for the first time and had relief in about 15 minutes. 13 years of pain - shots - 12 doctors, 2 surgeries and I put on this gel and feel so much better. For me, it is a miracle."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I was hit by a police car in 2002. I was in recovery for a year, from the head down. Broken jaw, 4 discs crushed my neck, both collar bones, 7 broken ribs, and a shattered pelvis. So many pills, patches, and injections. Under the knife many times. A real Humpty Dumpty story. I have more pins and screws in me than your local hardware store. Note: I don't want to overstate how effective it is, but it works. Talking to my doctor about the pain, he gave me this to try. Well, my first thought was 'just another snake oil,' but it's freakin' amazing, it works like magic. Why did I not receive this years ago? The druggist gave me a stupid look and said it just became generic. All those years I would have paid anything. When you're in pain, money is no object."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "Tried this gel for my back pain and Flexor pain.. it immediately made me nauseous and after reading all of the side affects , it doesn’t seem worth the fear of a heart attack or stomach bleeding ... will not use again"

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have trigger finger and a knot in the palm of my hand. It would stop throbbing, like with tendinitis. This product was the only product that brought immediate relief. My pharmacist highly recommends this product. I keep in mind it is a prescription and do not overuse. Thanks, Voltaren!"

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "In a nutshell, all of the discs in my back are compressed severely, causing the nerves to literally be firing off like fire in my shoulders, upper arm, underarm, forearm, and hands. Thus, causing my muscles to tighten severely, which then pull down on my neck, causing the discs to compress even more. The doctor prescribed muscle relaxers finally, but the muscle in my arm is a tough little cookie. Even after massages. So, I tried this cream, and OMG, within one minute it was not painful any longer. I wish I could give this away for Christmas presents. I'm happy to have been prescribed this medication. It's made my life tolerable."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have lived on a formal pain regimen for many years. Among other conditions, I live with psoriatic arthritis and deal with IBS from sensitivities to some medications. My internist prescribed Voltaren Gel for me a few years ago. My pharmacist told me to use it sparingly, that with this product less is more. I have followed her advice and use it on an as-needed basis for pain that my regular meds just don't seem to control. Like when I blew a tendon in my foot walking my service dog or when I fell and wound up with a non-displaced fracture of my tibia. Using Voltaren Gel helped me control the pain so well that I was able to walk with a cane. It is AMAZING how effective it has been for me."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "Have severe tendinitis of both wrists. Had been using Pennsaid, but it is difficult to apply to the wrist as it is a liquid-gel. Looked this product up online and asked my orthopedic surgeon for a prescription, which he agreed to. Comes with a little plastic measurement card to apply the right amount. Since I was applying to both wrists, I measured out 1/2 dose because it’s better to use less than more. Supposed to apply twice a day, and I only applied the medicine a total of 5 or 6 times. Woke up this morning and saw both wrists had peeling skin. Went to the manufacturer’s website for Amneal. Apparently, this is a side effect called exfoliative dermatitis. It says to discontinue the product if you have this or any type of rash. So that was the extent of my use of this product. Disappointed that after five or six applications I’ve had this reaction."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "My grandmother had Voltaren gel for her, but when my knee wouldn't bend and I began to have pain, she let me use her gel. So far, I've placed it on my right knee and the pain was almost gone. I've placed the gel on again and the pain is disappearing. I'm 19, and there is no way I should be having joint pain... the gel works great."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I am happy with the Voltaren Gel. I have had 4 operations on my back. I have had metal put into my back to correct the bone structure and then had the metal taken out about 4 years later. I have been on the gel for about one year off and on as needed. It helps bring down the pain I experience on a bad day. It takes a little while to work, but it gets me to sleep at night when the pain is really bad. I have degenerative joint/disc disease and also problems with my piriformis muscle, and this gel helps bring down the pain. I recommend it and only need to use it 2x a day as per the directions. I have made the mistake of using more than prescribed and found problems when I use too much, so follow the directions."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I fell and injured my knees. I have had pain for three weeks. With one application of this medication, I was pain-free. Of course, I am in the process of x-rays and an MRI if needed. I really like this drug. I only wish my insurance would cover it on the lower end. I cannot afford to keep using it at the price it is now. It is NOT very expensive but I am on a limited budget. I give this medication a 10 if not more."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I use the Voltaren gel for my back pain. I have herniated disc from L3 to L5 on both right and left with pinched nerve at S1 so I have very severe pain which radiates down the back of my legs. My doctor gave me the Voltaren gel to use and it has worked wonders for me."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have been using Voltaren gel for months for chronic upper back and neck pain and for chronic migraine. It has been prescribed as an adjunct medicine for me in either case, not my primary medicine. I love this stuff! It absorbs very quickly and usually works well for me for a few hours post-application. So far, I have had no negative side effects from using it, just relief!"

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have had neck pain, stiffness, and spasms in my shoulder and neck for over two years. I had multiple MRI scans to try and diagnose where the pain was coming from. Two days after taking Voltaren in tablet form, the symptoms seemed to disappear! I feel alive again and can't believe the relief it has given me. I'm not 100% back to normal, but I'm nearly back to full health now. Fantastic stuff!"

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have a sprained rotator cuff. I was prescribed Voltaren for plantar fasciitis several months ago. I found no relief from the Voltaren for my feet. When I injured my shoulder, I remembered that I had the Voltaren, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it. WOW!! AMAZING!! Nothing I have tried orally can even come close to the Voltaren. It is like a miracle. I have never found any medication for anything that was more effective. I guess it just works better for some injuries than others. It is, however, very short-acting. But the pain relief it provides is priceless. I have arthritis in my hands, I don't find it helps with that pain. For certain types of injuries, it works better than narcotic medication. Smells great, absorbs quickly."

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel (diclofenac) "I have tarsal coalition, and if I am on my feet for too long, I can hardly walk from the pain in my ankle. I have suffered from this since I was about 8 years old. I am 52 now, and my doctor prescribed this medication for the arthritis in my hands. It didn't seem to help my hands a lot, but I tried it on my ankle one night, and literally within 5 minutes, the pain was gone. It is amazing, and I love this stuff."

Flector Patch (diclofenac) "The Flector Patch is the only medication that I have been prescribed that has significantly helped my lower back and hip pain. I have been prescribed oral pain pills, and they didn't touch. Of course, the insurance won't pay for them. Let me just say that without the patch, my life is painful enough that I am pretty much in a recliner all day. I am going without other things to have the patch. My pain level would be 8 to 10. With the pain patch, it is 3 to 5."

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  • Reviews (463)
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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Diclofenac topical drug information
  • Diclofenac transdermal
  • Diclofenac (Topical application) (Advanced Reading)
  • Diclofenac Cream
  • Diclofenac Gel (1%)

Other brands

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel, Pennsaid, Licart, Flector Patch, ... +5 more

Professional resources

  • Diclofenac (Topical) monograph
  • Diclofenac Epolamine Patch (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Gel (FDA)
  • Diclofenac Sodium Topical Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel, Pennsaid, Licart, Flector Patch, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Back Pain
  • Keratosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pain