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Generic Name: diclofenac epolamine

Brand Name: Flector transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Pain relief is hit or miss. I was prescribed for degenerative disc disease pain. for everyone complaining about the price, get on the website and download the 420 coupon, pay no more than $20!!

I use Flector when my RA and Fibromyalgia flairs up. It has been a life saver.

I now cum constantly 3 days a week


Love the flector patches, but need to find a similar patch as insurance will not cover once by husband retires. Any suggestions? Do they make a generic?

I had been in pain for months with sciatica in my right hip. I could barely walk when getting up from a chair or out of my car. I went to my doctor because the next day I was driving for four hours to visit my son at college and was worried I would be in too much pain to walk around all day. He prescribed the Flector patch. I put the patch on my hip where the pain was right before I left for my trip. By the time I got there, I forgot all about the pain! It was gone! And not only that, the pain never returned! After being in pain for so long, I couldn't believe the Flector patch worked so well that it would actually get rid of my problem altogether!

I have a rotator cuff problem in right shoulder causing intense shoulder and upper arm pain. I bought this patch while travelling in France. Applied 2 patches to affected areas. The pain continues to persist. Looking of another solution.

I went to a podiatrist with intense "top of foot" pain. Said I had degenerative arthritis and put a Fletcor patch on top of both feet. I did not have any pain the rest of the day. Wonderful! Medicare/FL Blue won't pay anything on it, so it would cost $500 for 30 days. Too bad. It really helped me. I am a senior citizen on insulin for my diabetes. There is no generic CVS said! I called FL Blue and they said it would cost THEM $65, but have not given an okay for me to get it at any price under $500 yet. Any ideas out there for getting it for $65 or under?

I have a burning pain in my mid back which my doctor thought might be some type of muscle spasm or nerve problem. The patch was totally worthless. Doesn't even touch the pain. Glad it was a sample patch the doctor put on as I wouldn't pay any money for them. I don't believe I've ever had any success with patches.

Worked well and fast. Basic paper tape from Curad worked well at keeping the patch in place on my heel even during excercise.

I wore this patch for 3 days. After the third days I broke out in hives. I stopped using the patch all together. Its been over a week now and the hives have not gone away. I do not suggest this patch for use. I did not see my pain reducing and it gave me hives. Overall, ineffective.

This patch caused me to lose 70% hearing in my left ear the same side I wore the patch on. (Wore the patch on left shoulder area.)It is nevre damange and I will never regain my hearing. Beware do not use this patch and if you are using it if you notice ringing in the ears dicontune at once.

I have a ten ich metal rod in my upper thigh and it helps with the pain that i get with the weather changes. and lifting things.

This medication works for me and I have used it on a broken anker, hip, and shoulder.

After suffering lower back pain after a fall, this patch was wonderful..I suffered for 9 months before seeing a doctor who prescribed it. I have these headaches with it that are migraine like. It lasts all day-and is making me irritable and feeling horrible. I also get a tightness in my chest that makes it feel like someone is giving me a "bear hug". I also feel as if I have "withdrawel" symptoms-but I am not trying to break away from any meds/alcohol. These side effects start happening about 2 hrs after applying the patch.

Super for taking care of pain with my deteriorating Disk disease. 3 disks gone.. pain and patch works... Does have some side effects. First being a lot less pain. Second being the runs... oh well,nothing is perfect. Also may be what causes those really bad headaches I get at night.

I was prescribed this for the arthritis in my back & am happy with it as it doesn't irritate me stomach. The price is prohibitive though, sad to say I won't be using it much longer.

I have arthritis, bursitus, and fibromayalsia. Found that the patches have worked really well for me. I am however really dissapointed with the cash pay price. Prescription for 60 patches is $425 here in Florida. But, how do you put a price on pain relief that is non-narcotic? Narcotic pain meds only lead to more pain meds and more pain. Take it from one who has been there and has recovered from 5 years of dependance. Flector patches have helped me get off those kind of meds. If King Pharmicuticals and the other company that distributes these patches is reading this, you would sell much more of the patches if you would lower the price and get the FDA approval for use on the conditions that most doctors are prescribing them for!

Used patch for arthritic, bursitis and fibromyalgia in both hips, cut one in half to put on each side, changed them every 12 hours, stayed on well and worked. After 15 days I am covered in itchy hives and have been given an inhaler to help stop the constant coughing I have developed. Now trying Singular to get rid of the hives. With the added stress of this, pain is now worse then before and I itch like crazy. Everyday I wake up to see what part of my body has the hives now, hope it ends soon, it's been 5 days so far and yes I quit the patch when this started.

I am using the Flector Patch on my knee after just having knee replacement. However, I have noticed from the knee down I have broken out in a rash