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Generic Name: Hymovis (hyaluronan)

Hymovis Reviews

For Osteoarthritis "I am a 49-year-old male and a past user of Synvisc and Hyalgen, with positive results from both. Unfortunately, I decided to try Hymovis because it came highly recommended by my doctor. What a MISTAKE! This product should be immediately recalled and taken off the market. After the first bi-lateral knee injections, I was very pleased with the results, but shortly thereafter, the second shot it wasn't good. My knees became severely swollen and extremely painful to the point that I had to use crutches, became dizzy, and felt physically ill for over a week after the second shot was administered and had a total of 240 CCs of fluid aspirated from both knees. It's been about two and a half weeks now since my last shot, and I still cannot walk unassisted. Prior to receiving Hymovis injections, I had moderate arthritis, but now I am in so much pain that I feel a total knee replacement might be warranted, and I am currently scheduled to see a knee surgeon. Please do not use Hymovis!"

For Osteoarthritis "I received injections in both knees. After a couple of weeks, pain was worse. Pain never eased up. Then my heart went into afib, shocked twice, and finally an ablation performed. Headaches, itchy all over, and severe joint pain in both knees. Can’t walk. Have to use a scooter. I truly believe my heart problems were due to some reaction to these injections. After eight months of having the injections, the cartridges in knee joints are completely gone. Bad product. I would not advise anyone to go through this excruciating pain."

For Osteoarthritis "I have been given Hymovis injections for a year and 7 months with great success. The two injections are given one week apart. The only negative is that I do experience pain, swelling, and stiffness after the injections for a short while. It gets better every day. After about 4-5 weeks, after my last injection, I walk normally. No pain, no swelling, no stiffness for 6 months or longer. I can walk normally! I always go back to see my doctor when I feel any discomfort with my knee. I have found that if I go in to the doctor with less pain, then the pain after my injection is not as bad. Hymovis has saved me from having a much-dreaded surgery. It’s great to have a treatment that works!!"

For Osteoarthritis "I had an injection of Hymovis after hurting my knee. I had only one injection because my knee became more painful and swollen after the injection. I have lost a significant amount of mobility and strength in the knee after the injection. I should never have had the injection of Hymovis. I can’t sleep, walk far, use the stairs. I was in good shape and weight prior to this mess."

For Osteoarthritis "Nov 2018: two injections one week apart of Hymovis. First injection went well, decreased pain, did not try walking but could do gentle senior yoga. Second injection, terrible reaction, increased pain in knee so bad could not even walk. Returned to doctor who aspirated injection site. No relief. SO MUCH WORSE. Had to rent wheelchair. Am now scheduled for arthroscopy in February 2019. Wanted that to start but ortho would not do because of cardiac history. New ortho, New anesthesiologist, hopeful I will be walking soon. My advice: get two ortho opinions before any of these gel injections. You want a permanent fix, not months of disability"

For Osteoarthritis "I have had knee pain for several years. I finally broke down and allowed my doctor to use this new gel injections in both my knees. The first 48 hours I ran a low grade fever followed by debilitating pain. We decided not to do the second injection because of this reaction. I am very disappointed in my experience with this medicine. I didn’t read the reviews prior to having this procedure which was my fault but I’m waiting for the pain to subside now. Hoping this gets better soon."

For Osteoarthritis "Hymovis is a very bad product. I have done Euflexxa several times with good results and it lasts about 8 or 9 months. I was convinced by doctor to try this the second injection of Hymovis which is supposed to last 12 months not 6 month. Bad move. First injection hurt terribly more than Eufflexa ever did. Went for the second Hymovis. It was like superglue was injected to my knee. I couldn’t bend it after the second day. It took a month to get back the mobility I had before the Hymovis. It provided some pain reduction for 3 months but wore off well before the advertised 12 months. Don’t be fooled. Stick with the products that have been on the market for a while."

For Osteoarthritis "I have had other hyaluronic acid injections and Hymovis was a lot better in my opinion. The other injections did work, but not as good as Hymovis. Plus, Hymovis seems to last longer for me. My knee did feel a little wobbly for about a day after the injections."

For Osteoarthritis "Had the Hymovis injections, 2 per knee one week apart. The pain three weeks after the injections was beyond unbearable. Slowly got some pain relief a few weeks after. Only lasted 4-5 weeks and then the pain came back with a vengeance. Three months post injections and the pain is much worse than my original condition. I absolutely can not recommend this $3000 dollar an ounce German vasoline Regrets all the way down the line. I would definitely suggest going with a different product, something with a better track record. As far as I am concerned this product should never be used on any human being!"

For Osteoarthritis "Hymovis works great! No pain, soreness or side effects. My left knee used to bother me most of the time but after I had the two shots all pain/soreness was gone. The injections were effective for a full year. I am now going to get a second round. Highly recommended!"

For Osteoarthritis "Hymovis should be removed from the market. My experience has been absolutely horrible. First injection, no pain relief. Second injection, done one week later, virtually crippled me instantly. It is now 15 weeks later; the constant pain, swelling, and instability in my knees is at least twice as bad as before the injections. The Baker's cyst behind one knee became enlarged and hard and shows no sign of resolving. The usual pain medications such as nsaids that I used before the injections now don't touch the pain or resolve the inflammation and swelling. Do not subject yourself to this gel."

For Osteoarthritis "I am a 72 year old woman and recently had my 3rd set Hymovis shots in my right knee. Had first shots in June of 2021, second in Nov. 2021, and third June 2022. After the first set was given in June 2021, it took about 2 weeks for me to get relief. But since then, I am virtually pain free. I had tried physical therapy - no good. Had arthroscopic surgery to remove meniscus - no good. Before going for the knee replacement, my doctor recommended Hymovis shots - and I'm so glad he did! They work for me."

For Osteoarthritis "On January 4, 2023, the first dose of the Hymovis injection was administered to my mother's hip. The orthopedist applied the injection very carefully with ultrasound. But the evening of the same day, my mother fell ill, we went to the emergency room. A diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was made. She was hospitalized for 6 days. The pulmonologist said that the second dose, which should be administered a week later, should not be applied for now. Anyway, we don't think about taking the second dose out of fear. Injection is also very expensive, a lot of our money wasted. My mother did not see any benefit."

For Osteoarthritis "I have been on a different injectable medication for several years until my doctor changed to this one two weeks ago. My first injection seemed to go ok, but my second one was a nightmare. The pain actually made me yell out and I am very pain tolerable. One knee hurt worse that the other, but both very painful injections. I have no idea if they will work like the other one, but I am not getting any more of this brand. It has not been enough time to assess how it will work."

For Osteoarthritis "Had two injections one week apart in August 2018. A small amount of pain for three days after the second injection. Took approximately two weeks for original pain to disappear. Still doing great after five years. Do have a small amount of pain when going up and down stairs. Just wondering how much longer it will last. Highly recommend this medication."

For Osteoarthritis "I am on week one after my second injection in both knees and my knees and legs now hurt worse than they did before the injections. I am praying that the relief comes soon."

For Osteoarthritis "I love it! I was getting another injection every six months. Hymovis has been working very well for me. Now I get Hymovis every 12 months."

More about Hymovis (hyaluronan)

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  • Reviews (17)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: viscosupplementation agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Hymovis drug information

Other brands

Orthovisc, Monovisc

Related treatment guides

  • Osteoarthritis