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Generic Name: Amoxicillin Extended-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Moxatag

Moxatag Drug and Medication User Reviews

It's been 5 day's no relief yet so I'll wait until the 10nth day. The only thing or side effect is this dang headache that I get and have to take Advil to relieve the pain.

im on day seven,finally feel some relief

I had a sore thoat for four days now. It's only been two days and I still have no relief. My doctor told me I should be feeling the effectiveness within the first night, but I didn't. The first night was restless dry pain, but if I frequently swallow it does ease the pain. He gave me 10 pills, but he said by three days i'll be better. Let's hope it does. Over all, I do think this medication works, but I don't expect any fast results anytime soon.

I'm taking Moxatag long term for Lyme disease. The first time I took it, I got worse for a week, and then improved dramatically. However, I developed a new symptom, eye problems, which the doctors are unable to diagnose (a possible exacerbation of the lyme to the nerves in the brain has been suggested but not confirmed). Went off for 2 months. Lyme symptoms returned. I will probably have to try IV antibiotics but in the meantime I'm back on Moxatag so I can have a surgery I need...unfortunately the eye problems seemed to have worsened, one week in, although the other Lyme symptoms, as before, have regressed. It's a frustrating disease. Moxatag is much more convenient and safe than oral abx I've been on (no interactions with food or sunlight, and no dietary upset). I came here looking to see if the eye problems are possibly related to the Moxatag rather than the Lyme.


After having a sore throat for four days, I went to my doctor and he prescribed Moxatag 775 for me. After taking the first pill, I went to bed. No relief at first. I got "cotton mouth". I coughed and my sleep was restless. I awoke feeling "spacey". Now 24 hours later and after taking the second of ten pills, I feel better. Not coughing too much anymore. Will wait for the tenth day to make my final analysis on this drugs effectiveness.

I have had Strep throat for 4 days now and have been taking Moxatag for 4 days. Doctor told me I would feel relief in a day or 2 and I feel no change. Only thing that seems to help is the Tylenol I take for the pain and fever.

I was prescribed this medication for an ear infection and sinus infection. After the first dose the clogged feeling in my ear was gone. And the fact that I have to only take it once a day is great.

This is a very good medicen. I just keep getting very bad headaches.

Right now I would say that the pill is doing its job. I am 4 days into a 10 day pill treatment and have unforunately had some stomach issues with diahrea and feelings that I needed to vomit. Hopefully these side effects will lessen because the pill is great otherwise. I hope to be rid of a horrible sinus infection soon!

It has been 30 hours and I've taken two pills, still no relief for this terrible sore throat. Need to take 8 advil a day just to be able to function! Still waiting for some results...

it takes for ever to work did not care for it to well...

i was given moxatag for acute broncitise.. it did nothing for me at all. i suggest if prescribed for brocitise ask for something different. after completion of meds. the very next day i was in the hospital for it not clearing up my lungs like i was told it would.

My teenage daughter had a sinus infection and the start of tonsillitis. She took a 10 day treatment. By the second day, symptoms had almost gone completely with some stomach upset. Every time she took the pill, it made her very hyper and unable to concentrate. Luckily she only had to take 1 day and took them in the afternoon and then slept it off before school. Pills were giant and I could not have swallowed them but she did not have a problem. Overall I would recommend it though to knock out a sinus infection really fast.

i had severe strep i could not eat or drink for 2 days, after taking Moxatag i felt better next day, day 4 i feel 90% better

my son has horribly painful strep. we were told this would work w/in 24 hrs. it's been 36 and no change. hoping and waiting...

I can't remember taking a drug this effective. My awful throat pain disappear after the second dose. However, I had stomach pain almost immediately. But I was happy to get rid of the throat infection and overall nasty feeling.

I had strep and my doctor prescribed Moxatag because it is so easy to take! Once a day rather than 3 times a day-AWESOME! It costs a bit more than generic but was well worth it to take only one pill a day!