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Generic Name: insulin regular human

Brand Name: Humulin R Regular U-100 Insulin injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am being forced into *trying* this mess over my strenious objectionos. I've tried it befor and it didn't help. Mu highs got higher. I do not want to use it. I want to go back to my Humulog and Humulin N. I've throne this mess in the garbage where it belongs.

I was previously injecting 20 units of Humalog three times daily along with 100 units of Levemir, also twice daily. My endo took me off those two and switched me to Humulin R at 22 units twice daily and within 36 hours my blood sugars were in the normal range. Absolutely thrilled with the results. Being able to use the shorter 30 unit syringe has also been a blessing for portability when traveling.

went from 6 shots a day to 3. Immediate results in high sugars begining first week of use.

IM always high it works with in min

quick , effective,afordable , easy to use . no pain