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Generic Name: Aczone (dapsone-topical)

Aczone Reviews

For Acne "In my teens, I never had acne. But when I went to college, I developed horrible cystic acne. For the next 15 years, I tried EVERYTHING - oral antibiotics, topicals, extractions, Accutane (twice!), peels, etc., and nothing helped until I went on Spironolactone in my late 30s. However, 8 years on Spiro totally messed up my hormones and put me into early menopause. I started taking hormone replacement recently, and the cystic acne was back with a vengeance. My derm suggested I try Aczone (along with a topical retinoid), and believe me - I was skeptical as no topical had ever done anything for me. Within two weeks - my acne was nearly gone - not just the big painful nodules but also the little hard milia. It has also cleared up my back acne. Give this stuff a try (especially before you go on Spiro) - I know how it feels to think that nothing will work, but this really did."

For Acne "I am 44. I got the Mirena and developed horrible hormonal acne along my cheeks and jawline. I picked at it. This caused a lot of red and brown spots. After 5 months of trying all different sorts of OTC acne medication and skin care routines, I finally met with a dermatologist who gave me some Aczone samples. THIS PRODUCT IS AMAZING. Seriously. Within 1-2 days all the bumps had diminished, and have remained gone except a few here and there. I use 2 times a day - apply the gel on a clean face, add oil-free moisturizer, followed by an oil-free foundation (for day wear). This medication doesn't bleach clothes, and doesn't cause redness or excessive dryness. SO HAPPY."

For Acne "My doctor prescribed spironolactone 50mg with Aczone and I am so happy! It's been almost a month and my skin is so smooth! I had cystic acne around my cheeks, jawline, and chin area. My skin is very, very oily with big pores but now it's all cleared up, my pores are extremely smaller and less oily... I'm a happy camper."

For Acne "Black female with cystic acne and dark spots on cheeks and under chin! I am so happy with Aczone. 2 months in and I look different without the bumps on my face. It is also slowly breaking up my dark spots too! Really calmed down my acne and I feel good about the progress!"

For Acne "I am 27, have had acne starting in the 6th grade. Some products in the past have helped, but Aczone has cleared me right up! This product has given me self-esteem that I never remember having in my life."

For Acne "Honestly, I was skeptical of this product at first because I couldn't seem to find something that would deal with my cystic pimples (I am 31). The product works on my skin, but it took at least 3 months to see results. Since then, I have not had any cystic acne. I use it in the morning and at night. I also use Retin-A at night. I only wash my face once a day to avoid killing my good bacteria, and this actually helped my acne improve too. The product is so worth it, but be patient and give it at least 3 months before deciding if it works or not."

For Acne "I have had severe acne for years. I finally found this topical and am extremely happy. I have been using it for almost a month. I don't get any severe drying but it does keep my skin less oily looking (it's usually very oily). I don't have any peeling, redness, or sun sensitivity. I also have a marked reduction in the inflammation of nodules/cysts. It literally shrinks them after application so I use it before I go out if I have a noticeable red bump or big cyst. I am really pleased and just hoping it gets better from here. It has also improved the texture and look of my scars, so much so friends and family have commented without me asking! I would definitely recommend this, especially if you have severe acne, adult acne, or scarring."

For Acne "I am 43 years old and have been cursed with cystic acne on my chin for the last 20 years! I have tried everything! Accutane, smooth beam laser, nothing lasted. Cysts came back. I started using spironolactone, had high hopes, but it lowered my blood pressure, so I had to stop. The dermatologist gave me Aczone, told me to use it 2 times a day and use benzoyl peroxide face wash once a day at night (I use Clean and Clear benzoyl peroxide face wash). It took over 2 months and now I am completely clear! I went back to the dermatologist after 6 weeks in tears because my face was worse than ever. He told me to keep using it and give it three months. I am SO GLAD I listened. I had given up. I did not expect it to work because nothing else did. LOVE THIS!"

For Acne "I am 24 years old, African American female with caramel skin. I have been on topical medications for my moderate hormonal acne. About a year ago, my skin went crazy, went back to a dermatologist, and was prescribed Aczone 7.5 gel. I 100% always look up reviews before I use a product, so I felt the need to write a review for my experience. It's literally amazing. You do go through a purging period, but please stick with it. It's been 4 months, and my face is beautiful and clear again. Just have a couple of dark spots, but all in all, I'm really happy with the results. Every now and then, I get a breakout, but it clears up quickly. It goes on smooth under makeup. Skin routine AM: Neutrogena acne-prone facial bar, Aczone, (wait 10 mins) then apply moisturizer. At night, wash face and put some Retin-A cream for my dark spots. I use Aczone only once a day. Please give it the full 12 weeks to clear you up, it works! I hope this review helped, the same way other reviewers helped me stick with it!"

For Acne "I am a 49-year-old woman with acne, rosacea, and sensitive skin, and I have finally found a solution in Aczone. My face is nearly clear. I won't say it's perfect because I do have an occasional stray bump here and there, but my whole face simply calmed down. I've reduced the number of medications I use to three - Aczone, Oracea, and Kuric cream. I am not photosensitive to this like I have been to other topical treatments. It is a little drying, but nothing like some other medicines I've tried. I found an improvement almost immediately. I am thankful that it has been placed on the market. It's worth every penny to me."

For Acne "I haven't seen many people on here comment on using it for over 2 weeks. The first few weeks it worked for me too. Thought it was amazing. I've now been using it for 6 months, hoping it just needs time. Nope, NOTHING. I have mild/moderate acne. I'm 24. I still get cystic acne, especially on my period. I get whiteheads, ones under my skin, blackheads, YOU NAME IT. I still get it. The only time my skin is clear is the week before I get my period."

For Acne "After my teen years, I thought I had finally gotten my skin under control. I'm in my early 20s now, and Proactiv just wasn't cutting it anymore. I was developing cystic acne along my jawlines and cheeks, which I have never had before. I then tried the new Proactiv, which made my skin so unbelievably dry and much, much worse. I finally decided to go to the dermatologist and got a prescription for Aczone. For my first use, I put it on right before bed, and the next morning the bumps were, for the most part, flat. I was amazed! I've now been using it for 10 days, and it's crazy how much better my skin is. It's on its way to being completely clear and not dry at all! This is a miracle product!"

For Acne "I had very bad cystic acne and had to see a dermatologist. She prescribed Aczone and Tazorac, it did not work, it made me break out worse. I went back to her, and she prescribed doxycycline, an antibiotic, and within the first week, I saw an improvement. I am on antibiotics, Aczone, and Tazorac, which together work awesome, my dark spots and acne scarring are fading also."

For Acne "I had cystic acne on my jawline and cheeks for almost 2 years. I have been using many medications like benzoyl peroxide creams, salicylic acid, and over-the-counter creams. But nothing was working out. 2 months ago, I went to another dermatologist, and she prescribed me Aczone cream to use 2 times a day. It really worked for me. Within 2 weeks, I can see the difference. New acne almost stopped appearing, and even the acne that is trying to come out is clearing up fast. I am so happy that my skin cleared up pretty soon. But if I stop using it for a few days, acne starts coming back again. Also, the scars are still there. I think they are fading a little, but still not completely. I am happy my doctor prescribed me this."

For Acne "At the end of October my almost 14 year old who had always had such great skin started to have terrible breakouts. We tried so many OTC products and she cut out sugar, dairy, and would drink gallons of water each day and it seemed to get worse. I took her to a wonderful dermatologist on Nov. 26 and she prescribed Aczone 7.5%. She started using it that night. She has not skipped one night and after 2 1/2 weeks her skin looks SO GOOD! The reviews are right, you won't see immediate results, you have to BE PATIENT. She continued getting a new pimple almost everyday for the first 2 weeks, but they cleared up so fast and the last 4 days she hasn't gotten anything new and everything else has faded. She washes her face with Cetaphil, waits 20 minutes to apply the Aczone, then waits another 30 before applying her Cetaphil night cream moisturizer. She plans on using this for a very long time! Please don't give up right away, I know it takes a little longer for some people."

For Acne "Aczone made my acne worse! My derm prescribed Aczone 5% (twice a day) for my adult nodulocystic cystic acne. He said my case was mild so I don’t really need the 7.5%. During the 1st week, I thought I found my holy grail. It dried my existing acne and redness was calmer. On the second week I started noticing new bumps on places I don’t normally get acne (forehead and temples). I thought it was just phase and waited and waited til it came to a point that I couldn’t go out of the house! On my 6th week I still see new breakouts and this time, they’re in clusters! Far worse than what I had. I never had this kind of flareup before. I called my derm to book an appt and the nurse just told me that Aczone wasn’t suppose to break me out and to stop using it. So I stopped, but boy The damage it did to my skin will not be an easy fix. I only used Aczone with a gentle cleanser and Avene Tolerance. These two have no actives and I’m very certain that it was aczone that caused these enormous acne!"

For Acne "I am a middle aged male and have been experiencing problems with acne for the past 8-10 years. I have been on accutane 4 times and would exeperience clear skin for about a year every time after my treatment. My acne would always resurface, and it would be an uphill battle to keep it at bay. I would also like to add that I experienced breakouts most frequently during the winter months. After habitually visiting my dermatologist, I was finally prescribed Aczone but did not expect much from topical treatment. I have been applying for about six months and my skin is not only completely clear, but I am able to actually touch my face and eat foods I NEVER use to eat in the past. I strongly recommend this product to any male experiencing the problems I have. Acne is the most frustrating situation I had facee, and it killed my self esteem. If you have severe cystic acne, I suggest you clear it up with accutane and immediately switch to dapsone to keep it under control."

For Acne "Before I was prescribed Aczone, I looked on this site for reviews. I've been on it for about 9 weeks now, and while I've never written a review of a drug, this one warrants it. In my early 20s, I started breaking out worse than I ever did as a teenager. I tried OTC everything, which did nothing, and even shelled out for Proactiv, which only seemed to inflame it. When finally I went to the derm, she told me that adult onset acne is common and that Aczone + antibiotic would kick it. The antibiotic (minocycline) was awful, and after vomiting for 2 days, I went off it. Aczone on its own, however, has been a true lifesaver. My painful, deep, cystic acne is gone. Only rare whiteheads now. Truly life-changing. I wish I could post before/after pix."

For Acne "This product works so well. I have been using it every day for 2 weeks now and have no acne anymore. It's amazing. I love it. I highly recommend this product. I'd buy even without my insurance covering it, it's that good!"

For Acne "I am a 44-year-old female who, after having clear skin my entire life, had a sudden breakout of cystic acne. I was devastated and went to my dermatologist immediately. She was rather dismissive and put me on Acanya and Oracea. This did nothing except make me feel like I had the flu (Oracea). I decided to try a new dermatologist. My new derm took me immediately off Oracea because, in her words, I don't have rosacea. She also took me off Acanya because, in her words, she would use it on maybe a 9-year-old! She started me on Aczone and Tazarotene. Within 3 days, I was completely clear. Now, if I even start to get a cystic pimple, it is gone within a day! It is perfect for cystic hormonal acne:) I am so happy to be clear and confident:)"

For Acne "Being 60 years old and still having acne, I've been able to try lots of OTC and prescription medicines for bad skin, from antibiotics to Retin-A to tons of other products. Aczone is the only thing that has actually worked. I've been using it for over a year now and love it. The product never made my skin worse like many products I have tried. It got better right away and has been clear now since I started using it."

For Acne "I'm a 46-year-old female. Over the past five years or so, I developed acne around my mouth and chin. My old derm said it was hormonal, and for years I used Finacea (and tretinoin for wrinkles). It just got worse and worse. I switched dermatologists. The new derm prescribed Aczone. Within about two weeks, I saw HUGE improvement. It's been 5 weeks now, and the acne is completely gone. This is a miracle! I can even eat chocolate now without breaking out, which ALWAYS caused breakouts before. And I have had zero side effects."

For Acne "I'm a 20-year-old female who's been battling moderate to severe acne since middle school. I've been wearing hypoallergenic Almay makeup since I was 12 because I was so self-conscious of my skin. After unsuccessfully fighting it on my own, I went to a dermatologist who put me on Oracea to take in the morning and Aczone to apply at night. It's only been a week, but I have had zero breakouts! The pimples I had prior to this have vanished, and my dark spots are fading. I use Aczone at night after washing my face with Neutrogena acne-prone skin soap (also recommended by my dermatologist). It has made my skin a little dry, but it used to be so oily that it seems to have balanced things out. Hopefully, it will continue to work!"

For Acne "This stuff is amazing! When I hit 30, I started breaking out horribly. I'm talking at least 3 a day, including the deep cystic ones. My dermatologist started me on this, and I noticed a difference in a couple of days. Two weeks later, I was 85% clear. I've been on this now for 5 weeks and am now at 95%. I do get an occasional one here and there, but it's nothing like I was dealing with before. You can buy over-the-counter things that you want, but this will get your face clean, and it's stayed clear for me. Knock on wood!"

For Acne "I was put on aczone 5% about 2 years ago and it didn't really do much. I had tried everything (and I mean everything, changing my BC, proactive, you name it). My dermo put me on tretinoin .025% and my face started breaking out like crazy. I stuck with it for about a month and then I called my dermo really upset. They moved me to aczone 7.5% and tretinoin .05% and I stuck with that for about 6 months. Oh. my god. I haven't gotten a single pimple in 3 months, all my scars are gone, my skin looks AMAZING. I honestly never thought I would have clear skin in my life and I feel like I found the holy grail. It really sucks for about 2 months when you go through the purge and your skin dries out, but it is SOO worth it. I promise."

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  • Drug class: topical acne agents
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  • En español

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  • Aczone prescribing information
  • Dapsone (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Acne