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Generic Name: norethindrone-ethin estradiol

Brand Name: Cyclafem 1/35 (28) oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

The side effects for me were itchy scalp and hair loss, excessive gas, headaches, tiredness, depression, and alcohol made me extra sick.This is the only time I've used any of hormonal birth control so I cant compare it to others, I took it for about 4 months but stopped because of the side effects. Also gave me headaches the first week after stopping taking it and have been spotting bleeding on and off for a couple weeks now.

I have been on Cyclafem for about 6 months now and I really couldn't be happier. Everybody is different, but I put my trust in this pill. I was on Lo Loestrin Fe for 6 months prior and it was terrible- acne, horrid mood swings, the whole thing. I switched to Cyclafem and not only do my periods begin THE DAY OF indication on my packet; they only last 3 days! And they're so light! I really don't even need to use a tampon. I've had no side effects whatsoever really. Overall using it for birth control. Me and my boyfriend of 2 years have unprotected sex and this pill has always had my back. No cramps at all really. The only time I feel mood/slightly cramp is the week of my ovulation, (week 2) the week of my period is normal as can be! Really thankful for this pill!! #TeamNoBabies

I was put on Cyclafem because for some odd reason I started my period and it never went away. The bleeding was ongoing for about 6 months. During that time my Dr switched me on different BC but that did not help. Finally on this medicine about a week later I stopped bleeding. No more periods have come back. I have now been on it for about 8 months. No periods. No Mood swings No more fatigue

You may be one of those people who are sensitive to certain progestins like I am. Apri made me so depressed I didn't want to get out of bed. Cryselle gave me a rash and painful cystic acne but my sex drive was that of a 16 year old boy. Junel didn't diminish my sex drive but it slightly improved my cystic acne. Now I'm on Cyclafem and my sex-drive is normal, but I still have cystic acne on my back and chest (6-8 cysts). When I'm on the placebo pills I have zero acne and the cysts clear up practically overnight. My doctor is switching my pill to Nortrel .5/35 as the lower Norethindrone dose may rid my back and chest acne. I can deal with 2-4 cysts every month. At least I'm not depressed, unmotivated, bloated and moody 3 weeks out of 4. I must say for those of you dealing with terrible side effects don't give up! Patience is key. Every woman's body is different and it takes time to find a hormonal method that works best with your chemical makeup and age. Tell those around you that you're trying to find the right pill and to be vocal on any changes they may see that you don't. Plus, it will help to keep you sane with a good support group while you ride the birth control pill hormonal roller coaster.

I've been taking for a month to regulate periods and it's working great !!! Also I'm not sure if it's the medicine but I have absolutely no appetite!! I went from eating 24/7 to eating a banana and being satisfied!! Anyone else experience this?

For the first two months, things seemed to be completely fine with no side effects (except for a little spotting the first two weeks but that was expected). THEN as soon as I hit month three on Cyclafem I got the worst cystic acne of my life. I've never had perfect skin, but the acne covering my checks and chin was way worse than anything I had ever experienced, plus extremely painful. I contacted my doctor, and she said to stick it out for the month in hopes that it would get better, and that maybe the acne was due to a change in diet or something. All of month three was awful, and then during the week of my period my skin magically seemed to get slightly better. I took one week of month four (the acne came back just as bad as before) before switching to a new pill. My skin is slowly recovering, but I would not recommend this pill.

I have had no side effects or reactions while taking this medication. I have been using Cyclafem 1/35 for two years now and have continued with my daily activities as normal with no interruptions from symptoms related to taking it.

I have always had a challenging time finding a perfect birth control for me but this was one of the worst. Up there with YAZ. When I first started taking it I was nauseous every single morning when I woke up and it was always accompanied by a massive headache. I felt hung over when I hadn't drank the previous night. Then the mood swings. My boyfriend of a year finally looked at me and said quit taking that- I cant do it any more. I want to cry then laugh then get angry, its completely out of my control. I know what I am doing and realize how "crazy" I am acting but have absolutely no control. This all being said I am VERY VERY sensitive to any hormonal medications. If you are sensitive I would NOT recommend this birth control for you.

I take Cyclafem primarily for birth control. When I first started taking it I was taking it in the morning and was nauseous and had stomach issues during the day. It took me about 3-6 months to completely adjust to this birth control, and once I started taking it at night before bed, the nausea and stomach pain went away. So far it has proved to be a very effective birth control (the only one I have ever tried so far) but my main issue with it is the major weight gain (15 pounds in less than a year) and cellulite on my legs that wasn't there before. I will probably be switching to something else since I have been on Cyclafem for about a year now, mainly because of the weight gain and cellulite issues. Hope this helps someone!

I am 16.I started taking Cyclafem back in August(when I was 15) and it was my worst decision. I got on because I didn't want to get pregnant, to help with acne, and to regulate my periods. When I first began every morning to this day I am nauseated for about an hour. It never made me vomit but I was so close. Also, it made me break out more than I ever have before. My whole forehead is covered with acne now and it's so embarrassing, even a bit of cystic acne. My acne was not too bad before but after this it was disgusting. Though, it did help regulate my period, and I have not had any pregnancy scares and I have not gotten pregnant. I am also very emotional now. I can be happy and laughing one minute and crying my eyes out the next, especially around my boyfriend. So overall I am not satisfied with this birth control. I am switching to Yaz. Hope this helps!

I very seldom get a period, not preganenthave bad acne

I like knowing when im going to get my cycles.. and my cycles are normal. I have less migraines. the only problem are the mid stomach cramps 2 weeks before my cycle.. also no hot flashes..

Doctor prescribed for night sweats/hot flashes, went from having about 20 a day to zero in less than two weeks.

I've been taking this for 4 months now. I have breakthrough bleeding at least 2 to 3 times a week - sometimes up to a week or so long. I take it at the same time everyday. I have horrible cramps throughout the month when I get spotting, which is the opposite of why I am taking it. It was supposed to help with cramps and shorten my period. It has completely failed to do that and is actually doing just the opposite. Maybe it works for other people - I'm not sure and can't speak for them - but this has been a horrible experience for me. I've already requested a different pill because I can't take it anymore. I've taken birth control for years and never had an experience like this!

I am 25 and have always had very heavy periods with debilitating cramps. This is the second birth control pill I've tried after I had a large endometrioma removed from my ovary. Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo caused breakthrough bleeding for more than 3 months, so I switched to Cyclafem. If I'm disciplined about taking it on time every day, it causes no breakthrough bleeding, my periods are lighter and shorter, and I barely have cramps. I also think it has cleared up my acne significantly. I still break out once or twice a month, but not as badly as I used to. The only thing I don't like so far is the packaging, which is bulky and messy. The chads from the blister pack end up in my purse or on the floor, and the cardboard is less convenient than the round compact OTC Lo came in. Overall, I'm satisfied with this medication and will continue to use it.

It seems to be working. Not causing any drug interactions with my other meds. I don't like the occasional spotting since I have finised or almost finished with menopause.