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Generic Name: Tessalon (benzonatate)

Tessalon Reviews

For Cough "Tessalon Perles are little more than a placebo. Gummy Bears are about as effective in preventing cough. Prescribers like them because it keeps them from having to prescribe controlled cough syrups, which can place them on the State and Federal 'frequent prescriber' list, while at the same time making the patient think something has been done to treat him. At one time, Perles had fallen into disuse, but the current legislative attacks on sick people by denying them drugs that can be abused has caused the Perles to come back in style. Besides, there's a new generation of know-nothing patients who can be exploited before they smarten up - that can take years."

For Cough "I have had allergies for months. The drainage caused me to develop a severe case of bronchitis which triggered my asthma to be worse than ever before. Nothing was working for my cough, which was keeping me awake night after night. Sleeping sitting up on the couch for 30 min at a time... Doc at ER gave me 2 Tessalon. Cough stopped almost immediately. First night of sleep I have had in weeks. Thank heavens she wrote me a prescription. Now I am looking forward to my second night cough-free. Thank God for small miracles."

For Cough "I have trouble finding something non-narcotic to help with my cough. I don't do well with most over-the-counter cold medicines for one reason or another. This medication worked great! It did make me a little sleepy but otherwise did the trick. I could tell after about 4 hours the effect wearing off."

For Cough "After being unable to sleep for more than 15 minutes at a time for three nights in a row, even with my head elevated on several pillows, the doctor gave me this. My nonstop dry cough stopped for up to 5 hours, and then it came back, but less severe. It doesn't last 8 hours, but it allowed me to get some much-needed sleep. Sucking sugar-free cherry Luden's cough drop and/or swallowing a teaspoon of honey without water help also. Also take Mucinex to thin secretions."

For Cough "Diagnosed with bronchitis and sinusitis, I had been unable to sleep as I was coughing terribly all night long. My doctor prescribed me Tessalon Perles, and the coughing stopped immediately! I felt relaxed and wonderful and was able to lay down and sleep. However, 5 hours after taking 2 pills, the effects wore off, and I was thrust awake, coughing something fierce again. Just wish the meds would last longer!"

For Cough "So I get sinus infections all the time. I got nervous the last time because the doctor made a comment about how I wouldn't be to get the cough syrup with codine that I relied on to stop me from coughing (it was literally the only thing that worked). This time I got prescribed tessalon along with a z pack and Sudafed. It feels like magic. Where had this been my whole life? Normally my chest is in pain and I can't take more than one breath without coughing. I'm taking 100mg every 4 hours and just slept 6 hours straight!!!! This is unheard of for me. I will be asking for this every time I have a cough."

For Cough "I found Tessalon very effective. Much ahead of OTC syrups. My cough is a racking type with extreme pressure on the sternum. Tessalon works very well. In my opinion, its ability to relieve the cough by controlling the 'nerve center' is why it is so effective."

For Cough "I just took a Tessalon for the first time, even if it will let me get 3 hrs of sleep tonight, I will be very happy. Nothing else seems to be working, and I have heard great reviews. I haven't coughed since I took one about a 1/2 hr ago, so goodnight."

For Cough "Had to go to urgent care because it felt like my entire esophagus was on fire. Turns out, I have pharyngitis caused by my terrible cough. The cough has kept me up all night for the past week. Dr. prescribed the Tessalon Perles and magic mouthwash. The magic mouthwash works wonderfully, but the Tessalon does not well, it works for about 30 minutes and I am right back to coughing. Called Dr. to see if there was something else he could prescribe. Hopefully I can get a full night of sleep sometime soon."

For Cough "I was prescribed 10 days of Tessalon for my persistent cough and received benzonatate instead. It's day 5 of taking it and it has not helped in the slightest. My cough has not slowed down or been relieved even a little bit."

For Cough "I have been very sick with flu for 6 days and have coughed almost non-stop for the last 3. This medication does nothing for me at all. I was prescribed this a few years ago and got the same result. My eyes burn and my throat burns from the constant coughing. I wish I had been prescribed something that actually works."

For Cough "Tessalon is the only thing that helps me when I get a really bad cough. I've tried everything else. With Lupus and chronic infections/bronchitis this medication has helped me very much. No one likes coughing. This medication worked for me when nothing, I mean NOTHING else did. Thank you to the Makers of this drug! Kudos."

For Cough "Tessalon worked well AFTER the doctor prescribed antibiotic for me. I was taking a dose in the morning, sometimes lunch and evening. After taking Tessalon my coughing calmed down for few hours which worked very well for me."

For Cough "My sister loaned me a few of her Benzonatate while I was at her house suffering from a cough. It worked very well. Now I am on antibiotics and have just gotten home from a 9 hour drive. This is day three and I am hacking and hacking!!! Not working so I added a 400 mg. Guaifenesin to my regimen. Seems to be calming down finally but the cough and congestion is still terrible. I will report back in 24 hours to see if the combination of the two works."

For Cough "The first assist practitioner ordered this med because of my asthmatic bronchitis. I took it and it gave me the worst headache I ever had. It was also too expensive and my insurance would not cover it. Also, it is made with animal products (contains gelatin) and my religion does not allow it. So I may end up in hell."

For Cough "This product may work for some, but I finding no relief. I’m on a week with coughing. Went to the ER and was told this would give me relief. I still coughing and still no relief. Will return to family care and hope for miracle!"

For Cough "My doctor prescribed the tessalon perels for a bad cough due to the flu. It's working incredibly well. I've only been taking it for two days, 3x per day."

For Cough "Had a dry, hacking, very painful, deep cough. Kaiser prescribed Tessalon, coughing stopped within 20-30 minutes. It has not started back up. I've been using it for 24 hours-one pill every 8 hours."

For Cough "I have been on this for three days and it has not helped. Not sleeping. Cough is worse."

For Cough "Tessalon has been extremely effective in controlling a cough and starts working immediately. This med is wonderful."

For Cough "The Tessalon didn't work at all. Coughing all night!"

For Cough "It seems to have taken the edge off, I'm not "barking" coughing anymore but still wide awake at 4:30am and coughing all night."

For Cough "Totally worthless. Did nothing but make me feel like I was chocking on mucus while I was trying to sleep."

For Cough "Tessalon did not work for me, also gave me a headache!"

For Cough "No effect on my cough at all."

More about Tessalon (benzonatate)

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  • Reviews (33)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: antitussives

Patient resources

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Professional resources

  • Tessalon prescribing information
  • Benzonatate (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Tessalon Perles

Related treatment guides

  • Cough