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Generic Name: Myorisan (isotretinoin)

Myorisan Reviews

For Acne "I had my first zit before I even entered my teens. My dad has "problem" skin and blessed me with the same. It was not unusual to see me constantly wiping the excess oil from my face and sporting a huge zit or two. As a young adult, I've tried a ton of those over-the-counter products like Noxema, Clearasil, Proactiv, Neutrogena, etc. But I found that as I got older my acne just got worse. So, I began seeing a dermatologist and we tried several things: doxycycline, minocycline, tetracycline, epiduo, differin, tretinoin, clindamycin and birth control pills (for the benefit of clearer skin). And I must admit that some of these regimen helped but the minute the doctor felt that it cleared up enough and stopped the medication, my skin would worsen. So, with my oily skin and now experiencing breakouts more frequently and especially around my mouth and jaw area, I had had enough and decided to try Accutane. Medication: I was prescribed MYORISAN 40mg for 6 months. Experience: In the first month, the breakout could be described as the worse I have ever had. I had developed larger, more painful and a lot more acne than at any time that I could remember. I was so discouraged but had to keep believing in my dermatologist's promise of clear skin. After the first month, the breakout lessened and my skin began to dry out. Now I was required to moisturize my skin which was something that I would have not have dared to do prior to treatment. My lips began to chap and crack but that was easily remedied with chapstick or any other type of lip gloss. My skin was a lot more sensitive than before. I used to be able to wash my face with warm water and a wash cloth, but now the skin was so thin/dry that it would actually damage the skin and develop a scab the next day. I had to wear sunblock and a hat when I exercised in the park. If I didn't wear enough, I would suffer a mild sun burn. I didn't suffer any nose bleeds or depression. As the months went on I became acne free. And I was even told by someone that I had beautiful skin. Can you imagine my surprise?! I was in heaven. My dermatologist recommended that I apply Epiduo and tretinoin to my skin every two days after I took my last Accutane pill. This surprised me because I thought my days of acne medication were over. After I took my last pill, my skin remained clear and dry of excessive oil for a couple of months but gradually I began to develop a few small zits and my skin was becoming oily again. This was not the promise that my dermatologist gave me. He said I'd be acne free and at the very most I would be a small bump around the time of my menstruation. I can without a doubt tell you that is not my reality. It has now been almost 6 months since I completed my Accutane treatment and I am once again carrying around napkins to wipe the excessive oil from my face throughout the day. And there are days when I have several zits on my face at any given time. I don't dare moisturize my already oily skin. But honestly speaking, my breakouts are not to the degree of what they used to be prior to Accutane because the pimples are smaller. But I'm unsure that if it's too early to tell and that maybe with more time it may all go back to how it was originally. I guess time will tell."

For Acne "Prescribed Myorisan 40 milligrams twice a day for 7 months and I am done with my treatment with an acne free and the best skin I’ve ever had. The oil production in my face is normal and all side effects have stopped and I have been off the drug for two weeks. Treatment is tough at first but worth the outcome, do not stop as it gets worse before it gets better , just don’t let that discourage you. Dryness, body aches, is only temporary. Drink lots of water all day, will help so much!"

For Acne "I always had bumpy, oily, acne-prone skin. I tried everything. I would go to sephora, blue mercury, cvs, you name it, and buy every acne-clearing product they had. Finally, I decided to go to my dermatologist. I tried a clindamycin medication and a Retin A about two months before going on accutane. I had huge cystic acne that was so painful and puffy and red. The clindamycin and Retin A did help, but I still had some pimples, clogged pores and break outs. I was so exhausted with acne that I decided to bite the bullet and go on accutane. I cannot rave enough about the treatment. If you are someone whose acne destroys yourself confidence I recommend accutane. My acne was cleared in 5 days!!!"

For Acne "I have been taking Myorisan for about 3 months now. I have always had reoccuring mild acne since a very young age. I have tried multiple antibiotics including; minocycline, doxycycline, and bactrim. I have even been on Spironolactone. Since getting on this medication, my acne has COMPLETELY gone away, just in 3 months. My skin has never been clearer. So thankful and I 100% recommend anyone who is unsure of getting on it. It is life changing. Only side effects I have experienced is some muscle soreness, dry lips, and some patches of dry skin."

For Acne "I started taking isotretinoin 5 months ago and I just recently finished it. My acne was bad when I started taking it and it has only gotten worse. I have been finished with my medicine for 2 weeks and my entire face is covered with acne. I put my skin through hell just for it to get worse. I’m extremely mad and NOBODY should ever take this medicine EVER. It shouldn’t be allowed."

For Acne "Freshman year of college I broke out pretty bad. I really hated it and I would even go days without looking myself in the mirror. When summer came around I tried Retina-A but that only helped a little. When I got on Myorisan prescribed, I started at 60mg a day (I weigh 140lbs). Then after two months I went up to 80mg per day for the last 3 months. I gotta say it cleared my face up and I can’t thank it enough. It really helped me and even tho it takes some time it’s well worth the wait. I did have side effects like dryness, dry lips, dry scalp, and a little constipation. But other than that it was good. Now I’m on Microretina-a to help even my skin tone and texture."

For Acne "This is my sixth and last month of taking isotretinoin (40mg 2x/day at 145 lbs). From angry, red acne to faded marks, this drug has transformed my face. Side effects: - dry lips - you have to CONSTANTLY have your lips covered in a layer of chapstick or vaseline (specifically for lips). Otherwise, your lips will immediately begin to peel and crack. If you're covered, you should be 100% fine. - dry eyes - after the second month, I would wake up 99% of the time with my eyes shut together. No crust or goop or anything like that. Just the rims of my eyelids shut together and it sometimes would make them a little sore when I'd take my fingers to force them open. - nosebleeds - out of the blue, I have woken up coughing up blood from a nosebleed draining to the back of my throat. Usually they would occur when I blow my nose or some minor impact to my nose. Usually occurs every couple of weeks."

For Acne "It all started in middle school. 6th grade to be exact when I saw a little pimple pop up on my left cheek. I had noticed that those pimples went from whiteheads, to papules, to pustules, then to large cysts all over my cheeks. Those cysts had also left me with severe, atrophic scarring and dark hyper pigmentation. I’m 18 at the moment and had visited my dermatologist 2 years ago. I had to be prescribed topical creams and oral antibiotics—as usual with any other acne sufferer. I’ve tried clindamycin, tetracycline, retin-a, benzoyl peroxide, sulfate, clearasil, apricot scrubs and washes; you name it. But around 4 months ago, I was prescribed this drug and let me tell you, in the first two months I’ve seen SO MUCH progress with my skin overall. I no longer break out like I used to and my hyper pigmentation is clearing up day by day. Yes, there are a lot of side effects that you shouldn’t ignore. But this was just a personal decision I have made, and I’ll never regret it."

For Acne "Changed my life. I used to be so self conscious, I wouldn't even go around my family without makeup on. My acne took over my life and made me such a negative person. I experienced some side effects that were no fun but, they were worth it. 6 months of suffering for years of confidence. I've been off my medicine for 3 months now and no sign of breakouts or relapses!"

For Acne "I had a very bad cystic acne for years tried a lot of things just to cure those big painful cystic acne that affects my self esteem, thought that there is no way for me to cure them. Until my dermatologist prescribe me the myorisan accutane, took it for 6 months. The first 2 months was bad, big bumps keep appearing, dry skin and joint pains, but it was worth it I finished my medications for 5 months now no acne or pimples appearing. I'm very happy with the outcome. I will recommend accutane, it really works."

More about Myorisan (isotretinoin)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antineoplastics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Myorisan drug information
  • Myorisan (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Myorisan prescribing information
  • Isotretinoin (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

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