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Generic Name: Procardia (nifedipine)

Procardia Reviews

For Raynaud's Syndrome "I experienced Raynaud's for 20 years. Not just in cold weather. It would happen even when I sometimes walked down the frozen food aisle in a supermarket. One day, my cardiologist suggested I try Nifedipine. Said it possibly might help. Hands would get white and numb. Painful too. After 20 yrs, this was such a blessing to finally not have numbness and pain almost every day. I'm very thankful for it. No adverse effects at all!"

For Raynaud's Syndrome "This medication is a miracle for me. I have been diagnosed with Raynaud's over 40 years ago, and for the past 10 years, I have been taking Procardia. Feels like I don't even suffer from this disease anymore. I highly recommend this drug."

For Raynaud's Syndrome "I started the nifedipine/Procardia this morning. About 4 hours later the rare side effects kicked in. Heart palpitations, dizziness, headache, and I was FREEZING. Even at 43 I still call my mommy. She wasn't thrilled I was going to take it anyway since I have perfect blood pressure. But she recommended laying on my left side. That did help even if it did take awhile for me to get warm again. The headache is still lingering."

For Raynaud's Syndrome "Previous doctors did nothing to help me resolve attacks. My new doctor suggested Procardia, but was worried because my blood pressure was low, and I may feel light-headed as a side effect. So far, this has not happened, and I have not had an attack since. I wish this was prescribed to me 10 years ago!"

For Raynaud's Syndrome "I am still having Raynaud's attacks, but this medication helps me recover faster from my attacks. Unfortunately it gives me horrible headaches but I have to outweigh the good to the bad, and this medicine is helping me."

"I took this drug Procarida for membranous glomerylononephritis as ONE DOSE in my doctor's office and sat there for an hour. No reaction. I went home and an hour after that started vomiting. All my body functions moved..urine, bowels. My head was exploding. My son had to drive me to the hospital. My blood pressure was so high that it took hours to get it down. Demoral. I cannot take Calcium Channels. If you do genetic pharmacological testing, it will give you the drug interactions and genes involved. Mine was CYP3A5. also CYP2D6 depending on how a drug is converted to active or inactive metabolites."

For Raynaud's Syndrome "I have found this medicine very helpful. There was an adjustment period with headaches and dizziness. But it did get better, and the improvements are well worth it."

More about Procardia (nifedipine)

  • Check interactions
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  • Reviews (7)
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: calcium channel blockers
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Procardia drug information
  • Procardia (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Adalat CC, Nifedical XL, Nifediac CC, Afeditab CR

Professional resources

  • Procardia prescribing information
  • Nifedipine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Adalat CC, Nifedical XL, Afeditab CR

Other formulations

  • Procardia XL

Related treatment guides

  • Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis