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Generic Name: Telmisartan

Brand Name: Micardis

Micardis Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been taking Micardis (Telmisartan), an ARB, for over 15 years. My Cardiologist recommended it after I started taking an ACE inhibitor, Acupril, for several months and developed a chronic cough. I take 20 mg normally at night before bed and sometimes another 20 mg at breakfast if my BP is a little high, so 20-40 mg/day keeps my BP around 110/65 which is now normal. This med got me through 3 stents and a quad bypass in April of 2014. Absolutely no side effects with a statin like Crestor or an occasional Nitro patch. I highly recommend this over ACE inhibitors if you have developed a dry cough.

I started out with micardis about ten years ago and it worked well with a second medicine. However, since it became generic, it was a little weaker so I had to up my dosage of amlodipine to lower my pressure. Now, I had to give up the amlodipine because of loss of taste, etc.I hope to find another second medicine to use with micardis so I can keep a better pressure. I regained taste but micardis is not strong enough by itself. What second meds have some of you taken with micardis to help? Verapamil was terrible so I had to give up that, too. The micardis is 80mgs, once at night and once in the day. My pressure is still moderately high but sometimes good. What second med has worked with others?

Prescribed for HTN. Palpitations increased. Over the past year, I've had significant weight gain, dizziness (3+ falls!), blurry vision, slowed cognition. Dosage increased from 20mg to 40mg and amlodipine increased. Blood pressure has not changed significantly. I'm getting injured from frequent falls; will now stop the medication.

This is the most difficult to open blister I have ever used (was a LTC nurse with lots of blister pack experience)

I've been on this med 4.5 years. I take 80 mg. once a day. This works for me, my bp runs 130-120/80, usually. I am definitely tired. I have been getting UTI's lately, but don't see many comments about that here. I seem to be more forgetful. I can deal with this better than I could deal with the heart transplant my brother had. There is a price reduction program with Boehringer Ingelheim. I pay $35.35 a month. My pharmacy wanted $400. a month 4 .5 years ago.

I have taken Micardi for years with no problems at all. BP remained steady. Then,the insurance made it mandatory to take generic versios of all drugs. I have had nothing but problems since, but to buy the brand even with insurance my cost is over $175.00 vs $4.00 for the generic made in China, that is a huge difference in cost. I have on occasion insisted that the pharmacy give me a generic that is not manufactured in China, and have less side effects with those , when I can get them. I live in America, I can not undestand why my meds can be made here! Could it just be a matter of greed on the insurance company part, and why in the world is it so expensive, it has been around a long time. This month I have decided to give up the Micardis for something comparable and made in the USA.

Have been taking Micardis 40mg for about two months. I have no side effects with Micardis 40mg compared to the Nifedipine 10mg which I was taking for 5 months (sleeplessness and trouble breathing). I was on Lisinopril 10mg for about a year wich was good, but I can't get Lisinopril here in the Philippines. The Micardis packs are a pain to open.

Very Important information I learned the hard way. Micardis was losing its effectiveness and since I had just had a pacemaker implanted, my primary doc doubled the dosage to 80mg. I took 1 1/2 tablets and BP went very low. Did a lot of research to find another RX and talked to pharmacist at TriCare who cautioned me to be sure and throw away the 2nd half of the pill. Said it loses its effect quickly once removed from the blister package. Well, that explained my problem. I had been opening a week's worth at a time and putting them in a pill box. THAT is why pack is so hard to open.

All of a sudden my blood pressure went really high and my doctor wanted me to double my meds. Since then my blood pressure has been going up and down. Does being out in the sun and heat cause this?

I've been taking this med now for more than 10 years. It works very well, and I don't even know I'm taking it, other than dropping it in my weekly pill dispenser.

I have taken Micardis Plus for 3 weeks then Micardis for several days. I have stopped taking Micardis because of the following strong side effects: 1 Strong constant dizziness which also effects the eyes 2 Tinitus (ringing in the ears) 3 Uncomfortable feeling in centre of the chest 4 Twitching in left eye lid 5 Small fingers on left hand cramping 6 A lot of flatulence (wind) I am monitoring blood pressure and will visit doctor in a few days. I do not normally have blood pressure problems but for some reason my blood pressure became high very suddenly. I may or may not go on to another brand of table depending on my blood pressure readings.

I have had no problems with the drug so far. it has been day 5 now.

arms are still heavy, back pain is still very bad

I'm 59 yrs old and have been on Marcardis for over a month and have experienced 20 of the 47 listed side effects and most of the others require a blood test. Everyday I became more and more sick and my blood pressure dropped to 66/106 and my level of energy went away. I stopped taking it.

Took it for 4 weeks. It lowered my BP but I couldn't tolerate the side effects: Extreme dizziness, aching neck, shoulders and back, leg cramps and eye strain. I am now trying a different class of medication.

packanging of individual tablets difficult to open

I have taken this for a month now and my BP is still 160/106. I have had no muscle aches but I supplement with potassium pills. I have been tired a lot, and thought maybe I was catching a cold but reading reviews it may be the meds, I have a hacking cough.

I have been on Micardis 80mg for 10years+ Age 67 male able to exercise daily and kept my B/P down 120/60 heart rate 54bpm I also take Norvasc 2.5 morning and night

It is too expensive for someone living on a fixed income & the package is difficult to open without scissors. The tablet is also sticky when removed from the package.