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Generic Name: cimetidine HCl

Brand Name: Tagamet oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’ve struggled with nausea and indigestion for years. Tagamet seriously saves my life when it comes to having an upset stomach. I tend to overthink and make my nausea even worse, so taking this makes me feel amazingly better. Red meat especially causes me to feel uneasy, but Tagamet relieves that feeling very quickly. Seriously never fails to make me feel better, highly recommend. I never write reviews for medication but I love Tagamet so much that I just had to

Tagamet has worked wonders for me. As soon as I feel the acid reflux in my throat I take 1 tagamet and within minutes all the symptoms are gone. I only use it when I feel the first hints of acid in the throat or get that queasy feeling in my stomach from eating certain foods and it has never failed me...and no side effects...James, Male, 68

This drug has helped me so much with nausea. The stomach flu will go away within the hour after taking Tagamet.

Great Medication, but..it does cause me to have severe toung coating.

I have infiltrating lobular carcinoma breast cancer. I am currently undergoing chemothrapy and have a lot of heartburn. This drug has been effective in treating the heartburn and I occassionally use tums in between. I did not know it could interfere with absorbsion of tagamet and this was very helpful. I will be more careful if the heartburn gets severe and I need tums in between doses.

I take 1 to 2 600mg.a day as prescribed by my doctor. I recently tried Nexus for 2 weeks and found it worked even better, but at $3.00 a pill can't afford it, I have a Canadian Drug Plan but the Government will not approve this med.

I do not exactly know why I am on this medicine. I was dignosed with IC about 3 weeks ago and the dr. put me on this medicine also. I think it was to cut down on the acid that may have built up in my bladder. if that was the case then it has seemed to help. I take elminrod also and i can see a difference in my pelvic pain!