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Generic Name: Entecavir

Brand Name: Baraclude

Baraclude Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been using Baraclude (Entecavir) for over 4 years now. It worked until few months ago. The virus came back and now my doctor has to search for new drugs for me. I read an article about this drug's resistance in 6 years. I don't know whether it is normal for the need of switching durgs but I hope it is something out there can work for a lifetime.

I have been taking Baraclude 5 mg for almost a year now. my only issues I have is I have become a nerves wreck. by the end of the day it wears off and im clam but with in like 6 to 8 hours after I take my 5 mg pill every am im out of control. my only other issue is I have gained almost 30 lbs in less then a year . I walk 2-3 miles a day and ride a bike 7 miles a day and still put on weight its odd but Baraclude doesn't seem to show any side effect's like I have just wondering is there any one else out there with the same side effect's

it is good but very expensive and doctor say i need to take it for life.

I believe that I am taking baraclude for about a year. I had billions of virus load on my blood. Now I am down to (0)Zero. Although, I believe that Hep B already did the damage. I am so depressed because of this virus and seems that I cant get back to be a normal person. I hope that Hep B wont come back

It's crazy how expensive it is for you guys in the US! In China it costs US$14 for a pack of 7 pills under the name of Entecavir. My virus count went down four orders after four months, but it's still not clear when I will be able to stop taking it. Haven't noticed any side effects.

I have been using Baraclude since 2009.The viral count went down to almost zero right now. But I still have to take it according my doctor. Its very effective medication and life saving.

I've been on Baraclude for 3 years. Lab works and ultrasound is ordered every 6-12 months. Since my father died of liver cancer in his 50's, my doctor told me that I might need to be on it for the rest of my life to continue to keep the virus count to zero. It costs $1,200 per 30 days supply. I'm now 32 and if I live to be 77 years old (the US life expectancy), it would cost me about $648,000. I used to have insurance coverage on and off for over the period of those years. If your proof of yearly income is less than $47,000/household, or $55,000/house-hold of 3 members, Bristol-Meyer Squibb company (the manufacture) will send you free Baraclude every month as long as your doctor help sign your application. Thanks to Bristol-Mayer Sqibb for such a helpfull program to help save thousands of average-income Americans that need Baraclude. If you're one of us, you will surely get it for free from the manufacture.

I have mild chronic HepB and liver adenoma, started Baraclude 0.5mg daily since Sep 2011. Dec 2011 I had a blood work showing the viral down from 5 trillions to about 19,000. AST was back to normal at 34 from 76. ALT was high at 41 but down from 98 though. Antigen was still positive showing "active" so I need to continue this drug until it is negative, will get another blood work again in Mar 2012. This drug works well so far. My joint pain and fatique are way better than before and I am ready to go back to work again!

I have been using baraclude for nearly a year and I am cured. I continue to take the medication and I feel refreshed.

I have been taking baraclude for 24 days now and no apparent side effects. I take the med 2 hours after dinner, just before bedtime.

My chronic Hepatitis B was not found until I had already developed cirrhosis. Baraclude has been a life saver for me. I find it very easy to take first thing in the morning, and my system tolerates it very well. My quarterly blood tests all come back with normal numbers. I'm extremely happy that my liver doctor chose Baraclude for me.

Virus came down to zero from 4 million after taking this medication for more than 6 months no side effect. Feeling great! I should say God blessing.

count down from a billion to a few hundreds in a year. thanks to these who make it possible

my mother is a carrier.i have 305 virus count. prescribed lamivudine by my doctorin the pihilippines.undected after one month. as i arrive in the unitedstates my doctor changed to baraclude. for 2 years still a carrier. don't know when to stop taking this medication.

I have been taking this medecine for 3 months now. DNA count went down from 6.4 billion to ONLY 101K after 2 months. This is amazing!! Next lab is 3 months. I take every early morning at 6am and take my breakfast only at 8am. I am using the 5 mg tab. White triangular.

Been on this med for this for 3 months now. DNA went from 600k to 800 after 1 month. Next lab in 3 months. So far no side effects. I take right before bedtime. At least 4 hrs after last meal (although 2 hrs is enough). I am using the 5 mg tab. White triangular. I keep the med and a bottle of water by bedside. This way I won't forget to take.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

This is my 7th day of taking Baraclude; so far no any side effect on me. I take it every night at 10pm (3 hours after meal); anyone can tell me if this is timely?

Went from 1 billion virus count to zero count in 3 months. No side effects so far after 3mnths. Note: I am on the .5mg white triangular pill.