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Generic Name: Amoxicillin Clavulanic Potassium

Brand Name: Augmentin XR

Augmentin XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was given this drug for strep throat. My strep throat symptoms cleared up within a day. But three hours after starting the antibiotics I started having diarrhea. The diarrhea got so bad I experienced 22 episodes in 24 hours before finally calling my doctor and stopping the medication. I was not eating and I was still producing diarrhea. I became dehydrated and lost 7 pounds in 36 hours. Not safe, I will not use again.

Requested Augmentin due to knowing I was being undertreated for Swimmer's Ear and a mild infection of the outer ear canal. My main problem that the ENT was not addressing was the massive sinus fluid built up in my middle ear. My experience: took it immediately at the pharmacy with water on an empty stomach. NO problem. Days 2-3 I followed the bottle directions and took w/food. Serious diarrhea, gas, and burping. I went back to taking it on an empty stomach, twice a day, and NO problem. On day 6, I had a low (under 100) fever. I think the med finally built up enough to get my immune system to recognize and clean out the infection. Took Advil. I did read another review that said the person had problems sleeping, and I will say that I had the same problem, until day 9, and then I finally slept 11 hours straight. I think it has to do with your body fighting the infection. In all, I finally have ALL of my hearing back in that right ear, the sinus fluid has cleared out, and the mild burning from the external infection is gone. Definitely need to take the entire 10 days of this!! If your stomach gets upset with food, try an empty stomach if you don't have a sensitive stomach. I remember pills used to be marked not to take with dairy. When I was taking this with yogurt, per all the other reviews here, that is when I had major GI distress. Empty = no problems. I'm just glad in this humid, forever-raining Ohio late fall weather that my ears are clear. I do feel a little under the weather and not quite on my game when trying to exercise again, but I think we underestimate the meds and the immune system, and what they take away from your strength while fighting infection. Giving this a great review because it fixed everything, but it did take at least 9 of the 10 days to do it. Around day 6, I could hear pretty good, but the ear drum kept popping and going back and forth for quite a while. It's good for bronchitis. Keep that in mind if your sinus infections usually go south!

taking 2 875mg twice daily for sinus infection. from day one, stomach pain/nausea, diarrhea. take food before, yet still nausea. Pain wakes me up at night. Reported to nurse on 6 day, haven't heard back yet

Gall bladder infection (I have some stones but not a problem) for six months, unable to get surgery as I have had liver flu and head cold, now out of shape, raising chance of complications, finally doctor forced hematologist to give me meds - Amox/K Clav 875MG - 1 every 12 hours. Had low thyroid (bad pill?), constipated. Now on day 10, getting slightest nausea and some diarrhea, took loperamide to control it. Some liver discomfort (side effect with irritated liver from the gall bladder), adjusting other liver-clearing meds with doctors so no damage. Four days to go, I will not only finish this but if needed take more. I have to be well enough to exercise and get healthy for surgery (if needed.) Seven months of illness is too much. If I had known which med, I would have bought it on line!!! Never had a side effect with Amox/K Clav or Amoxicilin before, but I'm fairly med-tolerant.

Bad diarrhea that is lasting beyond the last dose. Dizziness. Now, 3rd day after last pill, I have some blisters and discomfort in my mouth?

Started taking 875 mill twice a day on Thursday after ending up in hospital for severe bladder infection after treating with cipro for a week. Started it on Thursday and although I feel my bladder infection is almost gone after 4 days I have not slept since taking this medication. At first I thought it was just stress and worrying but last night I was purley and utterly exhausted and still couldn't sleep a minute so Im left to think it has to be this medicine since I have not started taking any other new medicine recently and the insomnia started first night I started medicine. And I have had very loose stools also

i do not recommend this drug!!! it can lead to death as i have seen!!

Helped my sinus infection, but caused diarrhea!!!! Started with terrible stomach pains for 2 days and then started diarrhea for 3 days now. I think i am going to stop the med.

pills are too big to swallow

Day 5 of taking medicine, loose stools and nausea, it is day six and my stomach feels like I am coming down with stomach bug. Two more days left to finish the dose.

IO was on a 10 day regiment for this med for a sinus infection, a ear infection and a Throat infection.. on day 4 my tongue and gums swelled up and is very sore and discolored. Called my doc and was told to stop taking immediately. It did help the infections but the side effects I experienced are still very sore, and its been 4 days... It's NOT worth it. Besides this drug has so many side effects! I guess I'm lucky, even though I can barely eat.

From taking the first pill to now day 4, I have a terrible stomachache. I also have a pounding headache that has worsened on the antibiotic. My cough has improved but overall I feel worse since starting the treatment for my sinus infection.

This is the third antibiotic I have tried in the past month to help with cellulitis and infection caused by an ingrown toenail. It did cure the infection and I had no side effects until today. I took my last pill this morning. I was looking in the mirror and noticed that my teeth are brown and yellow and discolored. This literally happened overnight, so I was shocked. I did some research and apparently this is a rare side effect. It usually happens in children, but I'm an adult. I will be going to the dentist soon anyway and hope this is not permanent.

diarrhea!! worst ever. took weeks to recover from taking this med - will never take it again!

I had acute bronchitis and sinusitis. My doctor gave my a very strong dose. I was told to have a big meal before it so I did and I took the pill about an hour later I was throwing up and had pain and a sick feeling in my stomach. After that I cut the pills in half and here and there I felt sick. Other than that it knocked it right out of me. Also my intestines were messed up for a while.

I took this medication for a couple of days then started experiencing sore, painful muscles in my upper body. the longer I took it, the worse it became. By 4 days in, the soreness was worsening and spreading to lower muscles. My doctor took me off of it right away, saying he thought it was a reaction to the augmentin. The pain and soreness faded within a day or so but took at least 5 to go away completely. I have never had problems with penicillins (including amoxicillin). This seemed like such a strange reaction to me, but my doc had no other explanation for it. He said I should avoid all penicillins now. I have searched but have found no one else who has had this reaction, but I wanted to note it here because it sure scared the heck out of me!

Within a day or two my sinus infection subsided, but after 8 days on the medication (10 are required) I'm feeling irritation in my throat and mouth that I can only attribute to the medication. I don't see anything in the side affects that describe what I'm experiencing accurately. It's not too uncomfortable but it has me cautious. Loose stools and mild diarrhea have also been present, but not to the extreme. If this takes care of my sinusitis for a while, then I'll consider it worth the slight discomfort.

I am taking this medication 2 pills twice a day. I have had bad gas but other than that no problem. I am taking it for a sinus infection. I hope thatbit works.

sowhat sick to my stomach, zapped, no energy,but it does appear to be clearing up my sinuses