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Generic Name: menotropins

Brand Name: Repronex injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

i'm a male using this drug.In combination with novarel it makes my body produce testosterone.I have pituatary failure and testiculare death.Only problem is that there is not enough of it on the market.You simply can't get a consistent supply to reach therapuetic levels.same goes for navarel

I took this medication for my third IUI (at the age of 37) and have a beautiful b/g twins now. This medication is worth every penny.

I have been on this medication twice. The first time I had no side effects. The second time, I have been tired, breast tenderness and my husband says emotional.

I took this 9 different times (9 months) before getting pregnant. I was allergic to something in the medication so my doctor told me no more on the 9th try and luckily I was pregnant.

I am still taking the shot (I just started yesturday for the first time). I do have one question though: at what dosage have women gotten pregnant off of this med. And of those pregnancies conceived from this injectable, how many were multiples? Justy curious.

Very easy to use. I had little to no side effects and after 1 cycle was pregnant with twins after 6 years of infertility.