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Generic Name: Levomilnacipran Extended-release Capsules

Brand Name: Fetzima

Fetzima Drug and Medication User Reviews

Fetzima seemed to work for awhile, but the side effects have been horrible. My heart has been beating rapidly and I sweat profusely every day. I did think it was helping my mood for awhile but no longer is. In fact, I think it is now making me depressed. I feel so low and hopeless. I have started to wean off of Fetzima; can’t wait to be off completely.

Took on a new roll as a manager January of 2021 had a massive panic attack in October of 2021 due to stress I guess? never had one before I even called 911 as I thought I was having a Heart attack! since then i have had anxiety and panic attacks. my Dr started me on Trintrellx which made me feel light headed and dizzy. then she tried me on Zoloft and that was awful, didn't want to eat felt like nothing mattered and did not want to do anything. so she tried me on this at 20mg a day and so far it seems to be working as before the only thing that would work was lorazepam. fingers crossed and I'll report aging after the 2 weeks are in. stay safe and there is always someone to talk to.

I have only been taking Fetzima for a very short time and I already feel like my old self from many yrs ago. I am eager to get up and start my day. I set goals that I can accomplish. I have so much energy! I never thought life could be this great for me again. I suffer from MDD. The only thoughts I had all day everyday was wanting to die. For me this is a miracle drug. If you suffer from MDD, I strongly recommend that you talk to your Dr about this medication. I don't have any side effects other than dry mouth but I have had it with other medications that I take. You deserve to live a fullfilled life. Best of luck and prayers your way.

I have been on Fetzima for 4 years to date. I started with the starter pack and was increased to 40mg almost immediately. It worked for me within 2 weeks and this lasted for a good year. Then, the usual, no longer really working so my doctor and I agreed to 60mgs (yes I know it doesn't come in this dosage- one 40mg and one 20 mg daily). Again this mg worked for almost 2 years before I need to again raise the mg to 80 mg daily. This is where I am currently and I am doing okay. Not as good as I was but managing. I will most likely end up increasing my dose to 100 before the year is over. I chose to go up by 20 so I could get by on the lowest dose to hopefully prolong my use as changing antidepressants is unpleasant at best and suicidal at worst. I have had MDD for the majority of my life. I have taken zoloft, Wellbutrin, Prozac, and Paxil in the past. Zoloft worked for about 8 months then nothing. Welbutrin made me ill with flu-like symptoms. Prozac made me very aggressive and angry and Paxil made me sick to my stomach and emotionally fragile. I would love to think I could get 10 years out of this drug, but I do not have high hopes. It has worked better than any other med for me. It changed my outlook on life in less than 2 weeks.

This was added to other medications I take for depression/being on the bipolar spectrum. More than anything else, it has improved my energy level, which tends to be low due to depression. I am taking 40 mg but would like to see if I notice increased improvement at 80 mg or higher.

I've tried most antidepressants on the market to treat my MDD over the last almost 20 years and none have ever really helped. My doctor prescribed Fetzima to use in combination with Wellbutrin and honestly, I've never felt better. These drugs, along with a great therapist, saved my life. I've been taking it steadily for about 3-4 years and feel great. The only side effect I've noticed is dry mouth. Overall, I'm very pleased with it and hope a generic version comes soon.

I have been on med for about 2 months. Using it for fibromyalgia brain fog and fatigue. It seems to be working. I have just increased dose to 80 mg. Will see how that works out.

I tool this med for about 2 months. I could not sleep or eat on this medication. I also was extremely angry and had worse anxiety than before starting! I work in pharmacy and know that side effects will usually subside and that is the only reason I stayed it as long as I did. Then I changed jobs, so had a lapse in insurance, when I called about a cash price it was $400. My Dr did not have samples, so I ran out. The withdrawal from this med made me think I was losing my mind! I had my friend hide my gun, because I was afraid I might get to a point where I would hurt my self or another! I have NEVER felt so out of control in my 48 years! How I kept my new job, is nothing short of a miracle. It took about 4-6 weeks to get back to normal. I am back on Prozac and feel better than I have in a long time!

I'm 29 female 5 foot 8 and 180lbs solid build with some weight on my mid section The upbeat mood was fantastic but however devastating. I'm on lamotrigine and as unsure as it could be my own reaction. I suffered some horrible symptoms for 3 weeks - Several migraines that lasted for literally 2 weeks straight - Eye pain (I do have glaucoma) - Upset stomach - Once vomited - After coming off I had sever violent mood swings leading to outbursts - Neck pain back pain which on week 4 has not gone away yet -Muscle pain -Muscle flinching as if my brain was getting electro shocked and I could feel it in my body -Sever confusion to the point I couldn't tell what happened and didn't really happen example I thought people said things about me and it seemed real until I realized nothing actually happened this terrified me -Weakness to the point i could hardly get up -Sever chest pain -Always out of breath -Sore nose as if stinging -Blurry eyes -Watery and burning eyes -Broken sleep -Thoughts of losing sanity -Thoughts of suicide and it has been 4 years since the last thought -Weight gain -Out of control hunger -Chills -Sweats -Shaking -Shivering -Difficulty warming up VERY IMPORTANT what hurt the most I couldn't hold my 2 year old or even give her a kiss as I noticed she was showing signs from skin contact. (Could be related to sweating to) This was only 2 weeks and unfortunately at week 4 of writing this im only now starting to feel better. I do warn people dont mix the two unfortunately they do react but again there is only a chance. I was so excited that it worked to a fairly good degree by week 2 but the reaction after the rash was an emergency to stop. I actually sobbed i was so devestated i had to stop. My doctor has tried so hard and we both thought this would work. I trust his judgement and hopefully maybe fetzima can work more on it to minimize the reactions it could be wonderful but it just needs some more work

I've been taking 40 mg Lexapro for the last 15 years with decreased efficiency in the last 6 mos. My doctor started me on Fetzima 2 weeks ago; 1st 2 days at 20mg and the last 12 days at 40mg. The last 2 days I've noticed extreme agitation to the dismay of my daughter. However I have also noticed I am less lethargic, less appetite (both desirable) mood and concentration has improved. I start on 80mg beginning tomorrow. Hoping the agitation goes away and this medication will be the one that gives me a better quality of life.

After being on several different types of anti-depressants over 20 years off and on, I finally feel like I found a RX that works. Fetzima was a game changer for me, 80mg taken in the AM. I also suffer from ADD, and unfortunately I accidentally weaned myself and as a result suffered severe migraines. Been completely off now for about a month and will be meeting with my doctor soon to discuss what's next. Honestly, I feel more "normal" now than ever and I think it's because of taking Fetzima for the last 15 months. I'm not inclined to go back on it, now, but if in the future I find myself chronically depressed again, this will be my go to anti-depressant. This RX was recommended after taking a "GeneSight" test that informed my doctors and myself of what types of medicines would be most effective for me based on MY genes/DNA. I highly recommend everyone take this simple saliva test. It's worth every dollar!

This medication has helped me with my depression. I have more energy and focus, and my mood is improved. I'm able to sleep just fine on this medication. No negative side effects so far. I'm on 40 mg and may increase to 80 mg in preparation for my seasonal variation to my mood.

I'm on 120mg.. have had stomach pains, crying more, anxiety is worse, feeling worse, can't get out of bed, feeling blue, loss of appetite.

1 month after starting before minimal improvement. during 1 year taking fetzima NEVER achieved 1)relief of anxiety, 2)ability to multi task, 3} ease to complete projects, 4) sleep improvement

Anxiety is terrible on this drug, panic attacks, afraid to be alone, heart beats fast, chest pain, constantly crying, shaking, I worry about everything, Constipation, appetite decrease, I think I am having a nervous break down. Feel hopeless

Hi, seldom do I write a review, but for Fetzima I think that I need to. I have gotten up to 60mg dose taken with Welbutrin XL 150mg. I have had no bad side effects. I was on Cymbalta and Welbutrin for about 7 years before and gained a lot of weight. Fetzima has helped cut my appetite and made it possible to do the Jenny Craig diet. I am sorry for those of you that have had a bad experien ce. Maybe your dose was too high, or maybe the fact that I take it with Welbutrin makes the difference. Just letting you know that I love this medication (taking it for 5 months now)!!

I took Prozac and Wellbutrin for at least 20 years, but it seemed like the Prozac might no longer be working. I was lethargic, depressed, teary, just blah. My nurse practitioner put me on Fetzima and I think it is great. I did have some increased itching early on, but that went away. I also have noticed that, though I am a compulsive overeater, my appetite was diminished and my cravings for binge food lessened. And another surprise was that, even though Fetzima has not been approved for use in chronic pain situations, my pain has been lessened considerably also. For me, this med really works well and I am very glad that I ended up with a nurse practitioner this good, who was aware of this medication and put me on it.

I encourage everyone to read ALL the reviews before making a judgement on the effectiveness of Fetzima. I have been on dozens of meds for my depression since I was 13 and this one has been the least intrusive in my life. Am I a normal happy person now? NO! But I can finally see myself getting there AND I am no longer suicidal, angry, hoarding, hospitalized, crying, stuck in my house or feeling the helplessness of extreme major depression. I have experienced weeks of ECT, had a Vagal Nerve Stimulator implanted (that really made a huge positive difference in my life)and I have had years where I spent more time in the locked hospital unit than I did out. For me personally, I don't ever see me experiencing any of those nightmares in my life again. I know I'm not cured, if that is even possible, but Fetzima has certainly given my family and I hope that I will live out the last years of my life without any major depressive episodes. After reading the reviews I feel such sadness for those who tragically lost loved ones and those who have experienced bad side effects while they or you were taking this med. I truly know how hard it is to trust your doctor telling you once again that the side effects will go away and this med is the one that's going to help. Only to look back and see how wrong they were when your life and depression were no better and often times even worse. Or you experienced another change in meds and the side effects turned out to affect your life even more than the depression. I would encourage anyone having side effects to talk to your doctor to see if there is something that can get you past them. I wanted to personally write a letter to each reviewer in hopes of helping support them while going through the side effects. I wish there was a way that reviewers could update their postings to show how their lives were going a few weeks, months or even years later after using, or not, Fetzima. I hope you find a good path for yourself.

I was put on Fetzima after 25 years of other depression meds. I began with the starter pack and within a couple weeks was on 120 mg. for MDD. It seemed to be working good for a few weeks. Then I realized something was just all wrong. I was having suicidal thoughts every day....and cried at least ten times every day. I had evil thoughts in my head and thought everyone was against me. I stopped going to church. I became mean and even my pets were afraid of me because of my screaming. I screamed at myself....the walls....just to get it out. I cursed myself....a lot....for any simple thing, ex. If I dropped something, I'd call myself a stupid "B". And then I'd cry...again. My language, to myself, was awful. I used the worst of curse words.....and I am supposed to be a senior Christian woman. I became my own worst enemy. I hated myself for what I was going and couldn't stop. Without a doubt, I do have MDD and need proper meds.......but NOT this one. Please be careful when taking this medication. And by all means, let your family and friends intervene when they see something wrong. Listen to them. They will see what you may refuse to admit.....just as I did.

i was ona trial for this fitsima, fetzeema, whatever you call it. it was working good until these innahnet avengahs, yeah, the original cybabulliez made me their haha joke of tha week.