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Generic Name: Amphetamine Extended-release Orally Disintegrating Tablets

Brand Name: Adzenys XR-ODT

Adzenys XR-ODT Drug and Medication User Reviews

Wow… just wow. This medicine is phenomenal. I only realized I had severe ADHD recently because no one ever brought it up and I kept denying it. I’ve had focus problems for as long as I can remember. This medicine has changed my life so far. I used to have severe fatigue problems throughout the day. It felt like I couldn’t do the simplest of tasks without taking a 2-3 hour nap but the nap just made me more depressed for having to sleep too much. I was down on myself and unsure if life would ever get better. This medicine relieved me of that fatigue completely, it has helped me focus tremendously better, and I’m not nearly as hyperactive. I haven’t had any noticeable symptoms so it’s been smooth sailing. I highly recommend.

We switched to this from Eveekeo when looking for an extended release medication for my son which he doesn’t have to take at school. We’ve been really happy. Lasts 7-8 hours, no hard crash, no issues falling asleep at night. Very satisfied.

I am college student who has always procrastinated getting work done. I could never seem to focus in class for more than 15 seconds. Outside of school I was always very jittery and my thoughts were all over the place. I took this medication and the first few days I felt on top of my work but I also had no emotions. I felt numb like a robot inside. So on that weekend I didnt take it, and I felt myself again. The following week I took it again and I didnt feel emotionless. I think my body had to get used to the drug and it took it a few times to get it. Now I feel like myself and have emotions on and off the drug and I do not feel numb. This drug has helped me get my homework done on time, better yet done a few days early. It has helped me get small task done like making my bed in the morning. My gym workouts usually were around 45 minutes with weights and since ive been taking the drug they have spiked up to an hour and a half or more. Some days I dont take the drugs because I dont feel a need to and my workouts are still longer than they were prior to being introduced to Adzenys. I had taken adderall and vivance before (unprescribed) through my classmates around exam time and they help but the come down is horrendous, for Adzenys I do not even feel a comedown off the drug. In the mornings I take the drug around 7 am, go back to sleep and wake up at 8/830 and im wide awake for most of the day. The first 2 weeks on the drug I didnt really eat much, I had to force myself to eat. Now I am hungry at normal times and dont have an urge to eat "bored snacks" at unreasonable hours. It takes a week or 2 to get used to. I had really improved my day to day life.

This medication was cognitively and emotionally debilitating. It made my dermatillomania go through the roof and the severity has not lessened much even a year off the medication. Emotionally I have recovered, but while I was on the medication I would have continuous panic attacks for 8hrs as well as leg picking that would last in 2-4 hr sessions. Before this my skin picking was limited to less than 1 hr, typically less than 15 minutes. I have always been an anxious person, but anything would send me into a panic attack I could hardly recover from on this medication. Tasted terrible. Approach with caution, as with any stimulant medication, but think twice before trying this one out.

This medication is the best! Adzenys is natural feeling... no initial bump and no let down in the evenings. No side effects except dry mouth. No problems with blood pressure or sleep. My blood pressure is controlled by medication, but I have not seen any major increases since going on this drug. Adzenys helps me to be more focused, alert, and productive. I feel better than I have felt in years! (46 y.o./Male)

My 9 year old son is on this after trying Adderall for 5 days (he was a monster on that) and Vyvanse for over a year. We started having med crashes with the Vyvanse and it was nearly impossible to administer the med to him (line an hour fight in the morning and the school attempted to administer the medicine for about a month before they even gave up). I took the information on this medicine to the doctor and told her we wanted to try this as no one in our area had ever seen or heard of this new option. All I can say is Adzenys has been a life saver for our family. He takes it in the morning with orange tic tacs (without a fight) and it seems to work all day. He is eating throughout the day which was not happening with Vyvanse and he goes to sleep without a fight. There haven't been any med crashes that we have seen at all. The biggest problem is the expense and fighting with the insurance company to cover it. (But that fight has been worth it since this medicine has been so effective for us.)

My daughter took this for one month and I couldn't believe the difference!!! It was nothing short of a miracle. My only complaint is how expensive it is that we could not justify continuing to pay for it, so we're now looking for other options. (We don't qualify for the discount program they offer because we are on a state healthcare plan.) She had been on Adderall before and she had so many negative side effects and it only worked for up to two hours each dose.

My son was on Concerta before this one. So far he is doing well on it. We have found it only lasts about 8 hours on it but we don't have a crash and he is sleeping well at night.