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Generic Name: Dolutegravir for HIV Infection (dolutegravir)

Dolutegravir for HIV Infection Reviews

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I have been HIV+ for 15 years and never took any drugs before being started on Tivicay and Descovy. I managed to stick to the regimen for just one month. Tivicay made me feel really tired to the point I had to sleep during the day (not a working-friendly habit). I couldn't think, couldn't focus, or couldn't type because it seems that my fingers wouldn't coordinate. Of course, as others, I experienced a permanent headache and the impression of my brain being in a constant fog. I think the worst, though, was the nightmares. I got scared at the prospect of going to bed in the end. All in all, this has been a very poor experience, and I'm not sure I'm willing to forego all quality of life in exchange for possibly more 'within range' numbers."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I was Tivicay for 12 weeks. The worst drug I had ever been on. Arms and legs were painful. Heart palpitations, loss of appetite, weight loss. Overall feeling of not feeling well. I quit taking it and two days later felt better. This drug is hard on people over 50. Never again!"

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Been HIV+ for 14 years now, and my doctor just changed my medicine from Odefsey which was working just fine, no second effect. And now I have been under tivicay for 3 weeks and I'm experiencing nightmares, I do not sleep, have diarrea and I'm feeling tired all the time. Not happy at all!"

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I've been on it for 9 months and finally got past the insomnia by taking it in the morning, but it makes me so tired and my arms and shoulders ache like never before. I've asked my doc about it, but nothing is coming back in the blood work, so it's got to be a neuro side effect. It's working well and keeping me undetectable in combination with Descovy, but it's a real struggle to maintain a full-time job. I sure didn't experience these symptoms when I was on Prezista/Norvir/Truvada."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Got from VL120000 to undetectable in just a month, take it with Truvada once a day (I don't mind taking 2 pills a day at all), CD4 went from 530 to 980, a great combination for me with almost no side effects (was having some mild headaches, they are gone now). It's been 2 months since I started and I feel much better now, gained about 10lbs back. You must NOT wait to start your treatment, there is no benefit to it, don't let the virus kill your brain cells, destroy your immunity system, start ASAP. I just wish I could have started sooner (insurance problems, the drugs are way too expensive). Good luck!"

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Swapped from Atripla to Tivicay and Truvada all was ok for first six months but slowly I became more and more tired, legs hurt, palpations at times, felt exhausted, so asked to go back to Atripla. I feel so much better on Atripla,so will stay on it."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Though highly effective on what it needs to do, the side effects for me were not worth taking this medication. I'm a non-smoker, non-drinker, no drugs and eat healthy with regular exercise. Before taking this (in combination with Truvada) I was bursting with energy and in the course of six months it seriously took the life and joy out of me. Waking up unrefreshed and feeling numb and exhausted and snappy. Been off Tivicay for a few days now and started Stribild. Feel so much better, happier and energetic."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "In May 2015, I was put on Tivicay, Epivir, & Viread, after years of struggling to be compliant with other regimens. My doctors are very happy with the results. In 2 months, the cd4 count went from 37 to 138. The viral load went from 35000 to undetectable. I've noticed no side effects from this regimen. I'm anxiously awaiting the next cd4 cell count."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I've been on Tivicay for about 5 months now. I have more energy and no common side effects except for two very important ones to me. The first one is the "wasted look" on my face. I began to notice this a about month a go. My cheeks have becomes more hollow, I'm terrified to think what they'll look like a year or two from now. I just don't want to be prejudice against for having HIV. The second problem is my liver. My recent blood test showns that it's 50% above normal. I don't drink, smoke, I don't know what to do now. I don't want to end up having to go to dialysis weekly."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I have been on Tivicay for close to 4 weeks now. I was previously taking Atripla for about 5 years and we switched to Tivicay. I have not been feeling so well on this. I experience headaches frequently, faintness, and moments of memory loss. I am switching this medicine as soon as possible"

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Started to Tivicay and Epzicom on May 6th. Viral load was 200,000 and CD4 was 208. After 6 weeks my viral load was 367 and CD4 was 337. Doctor said it was working very well and I don't have to go back for Labs until September. The first 2-3 weeks were pretty rough with diarrhea, headaches and very low energy, but I'm feeling a bit better now. I was freaked out that the test did not come back as undetectable, but I asked my expert doctors and they said my results have been superb so far. I think people get hung up on being undetectable very quickly. If you start with a high viral load above say 100,000 it can take a few months to reach undetectable."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I am on Tivicay and Descovy now for 2 months ,I swapped from Atripla after 7 years on Atripla, this combination is the easiest I ever taken, only thing I noticed was I was constipated for 4 days on starting,totally normal now. If your considering this swap go for it,I love this combo.."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Was taking truvada and 400 mg sustiva but could not get my viral down beyond 180-200. Got off Sustiva and went on Tivicay/Truvada and within one month my viral load dropped to 70 and my cd4 rose to over 300 for the first time. Now my cd4 is up to 340 from 280 and my viral load is down to 40. Getting off of sustiva was the best decision I ever made. No more side effects and no more worrying about eating and taking med. Two pills a day is all that I take. I'm very pleased and have zero side effects and am finally very close to undetectable."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I have been on Tivicay for about 2 weeks and I am experiencing water retention really bad in my legs. I will not be taking any more of this drug, I am going back to my Truvada I was not dealing with this when I was taking that drug"

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Previously doing very well on Truvada/Prezista/Norvir (emtricitabine/tenofovir/darunair/ritonavir) for four years. Switched to generic version of Truvada, and Tivicay as a cheaper alternative. Didn't have any side effects, and my blood works, CD4+ cell & viral load count remained the same, i.e. high CD4+ cell count (over 1000) and undetectable viral load still. Very happy with this new change, as I only take two pills from the three. Tivicay pill being a lot smaller is a plus too."

"I was recently switched over to tivacay and devoscy. I had been taking truvada, reyataz and norvir for over 10 years with no problems or resistance. It hasn't even been a month and I have formed a large mass on the back of my neck. It is causing strain in my shoulders and is very uncomfortable when turning my head. I am young and I know this sounds petty but it is very unattractive. my doctor switched me with concerns of kidney problems from truvada. Well this new regimen can cause liver problems. I want to go back to my old medicine"

"I've been on this medicine for 3 weeks. I'm also taking Symtuza. Just before I took Triumeq only for over 12 years but it started to fail and my viral load was climbing. So far I find I have vivid dreams, or I can't fall asleep at all. No other side effects after 3 weeks. So far so good. I had trouble staying asleep on Triumeq as well."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "Better option for my patients that cannot take STRs or for those patients that I would not start on STRs due to potential issues with compliance, easy to add to either NRTIS regimen, once daily is better for compliance"

"I have been on delutogravir for 6 months. I have no side effects but the only thing I have noted is fat gain around my waist and loss of my hips. I am 48 yrs and going through menopause and I don't know if this is because of that or its the side effect of delutogravir"

"Switched to this medication after Raltegravir due to adherence issues and couldn't have asked for better! No side effects (same as raltegravir), only have to take it once a day with my Truvada which makes my life a lot more manageable. My counts are still stable; VL 40 CD4 1430 and CD4% 47. In a nutshell if you're struggling with adherence but Stribild isn't an option then I reccomend this to anyone."

"I have been od Tivicay + Truvada for 6 months and have zero side effects. At the start of treatment I had 1,500,000 viral load and 98 CD4. The third month after starting therapy, my viral load was undetectable and my CD4 jumped to 490. As far as I'm concerned - perfect!"

"I started dolutegravir/Truvada with a viral load of 2000 and a CD4 count of 800 when I was first diagnosed, which my HIV doctor told me means I hadn’t recently contracted the virus, otherwise, my viral load would be in the 100,000s. I have Asperger's. For 2 years, psoriasis was covering most of my body, I had IBS bi-weekly, and I was experiencing extreme functional neurological symptoms (unable to walk, talk, or breathe properly, cervical dystonia, and a tremor/muscle weakness down the left half of my body), which was most likely due to undiagnosed HIV infection, but it started when I got COVID, hepatitis B, and herpes at the same time as HIV. I was constantly trying to get my energy levels up, going through multiple second opinions with neurologists who told me it was all functional (psychological), which didn’t make sense to me as my mind was clear, antidepressants didn’t help. With both meds, I was undetectable within 2 weeks, my energy levels returned, and all symptoms were healing. Amazing stuff! No side effects!"

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I switch to Tivicay and Descovy about a year ago and T cells have gone from 481 to 279!"

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I have been on Descovy + Tivicay for 2 weeks and have almost zero side effects, besides a little diarrhea for the first three days. I'm looking forward to my results in a week."

Tivicay (dolutegravir) "I am taking Tivicay along with Truvada, no side effects and working well so far."

More about dolutegravir

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: integrase strand transfer inhibitor
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Dolutegravir drug information
  • Dolutegravir (Advanced Reading)
  • Dolutegravir 10 mg
  • Dolutegravir 25 mg and 50 mg

Other brands

Tivicay, Tivicay PD

Professional resources

  • Dolutegravir Sodium monograph

Other brands


Related treatment guides

  • HIV Infection