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Generic Name: Hydroxyzine

Brand Name: Vistaril

Vistaril Drug and Medication User Reviews

This was prescribed to me to address chronic insomnia. I was also taking 200mg of Sertraline for general anxiety disorder. This gave me auditory hallucinations that kept me up all night making it near impossible to sleep. I was also unable to to stop twitching at random.

The medication was perscribed for anxiety, i can only take this 2 days ina row without feeling totally empty and depersonalizing, which is something ive never had happen to me prior to taking this. i cant think straight, my reactions slow, and I pretty much feel nothing. Would not recommend for anyone

I am diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder and I’m on antidepressants as well as Vistaril. My doctor prescribed me this medication as I expressed I had lots of anxiety while trying to sleep and it caused me to not be able to fall asleep most nights. I was getting around ~5 hours of sleep and with Vistaril I am now getting ~3 hours. It makes you feel drowsy, don’t get me wrong, and relaxes your muscles, but not in a way that is helpful. I felt like I was trapped inside a zombies body. Falling asleep on this drug is extremely difficult. My body is uncomfortable and feels numb. I wake up several times during the night and the next morning I don’t know if I was asleep or awake during the night. I can only remember staring at the window for what seemed like hours. I feel the side effects of this drug a whole 24 hours after taking it. The next morning after taking it for sleep, my muscles do not work properly and I feel as though I’ve lost motor function in my limbs and fingers. My brain is not comprehending information quickly and I have a hard time typing and reading, which is most of my job. Even reaching up to open my car door is a chore for my body. I was in a store and felt like I had to be taken to emergency because of how much anxiety I was feeling coupled with my body feeling limp and weak. Everything about this medication effected me negatively. Didn’t help with my anxiety. Didn’t help me fall asleep. Just made me feel like an empty shell of a person. I’ve only taken this drug 3 times (not even in a row) and will not be taking it again.

My son was given this in emerg room, only took 5 low doses pills over 6 days, after reaction was in hospital for 3 days. This is what vistaril did for him, it caused visual and auditory hallucinations, severe paranoid anxiety, extreme dry mouth, tremors, stuttering, and many other things. He thought everyone was trying to kill him, everyone he looked at had rivers of tears running down their face. Its killing me hearing all of it. He’s been very traumatized.

It helps me stay calm and helps my allergies

My doctor prescribed this along with my antidepressant medication because I had trouble sleeping. After taking it for the first time I noticed that I was able to get a full nights rest. After taking it consistently did a month now I’ve been getting the best sleep in my life. It does give me dry mouth but I need to drink more water anyways lol. Love this stuff!

I was prescribed this med to help me fall asleep as well as allergies. I have noticed a welcoming- calming effect that is not too sedative- very quick onset. I have had no issues such as side effects or anything to report unpleasant. Very happy that this med was added to my daily regimen of medications. It makes me feel focused. Bonus!

Been taking xanax for 7years and was at 6mg a day so i quit taking it and tried the Vistaril at 25mg and it didnt calm my nerves or my severe anxiety. Used this now for almost a week and will go back to my xanax. Everyone is different! It made me twitch uncontrollably which is somewhat embarrassing when out in the public.

I was taking this along with Demerol after a major surgery. I was supposed to take it to help with nausea. Hydrocodone makes me vomit, so doc though Vistaril would help me tolerate the Demerol. Within an hour of taking it my blood pressure dropped super low and I fainted 3 times within a hour. I hadn't taken the Demerol yet, so it wasn't the 2 drugs interacting. Had to go to the ER and have IV fluid to flush it out. I would NOT recommend this drug if you have low BP. Mine is 80/65 normally.

Taking me off Xanax , I've been on Vistaril for 2 months. I helped fine for l-1.5 then it began raising my blood pressure to 190/98 range. So now I'm being treated for High Blood Pressure with two medicines. Go figure!

My pdoc put me on Vistaril on December 14, 2016. (I also take Cymbalta, Geodon and Klonopin). Originally, the Vistaril was a low dose, so there wasn't any noticeable weight gain, but I also wasn't getting any relief from my symptoms. On January 6, 2017, my pdoc increased my dosage to 50 mg. up to 3 times per day. I am now getting relief from my symptoms, but I also notice the scale creeping upwards. This upsets and frustrates me becsuse since August 1, 2016, I have worked hard to lose 30 pounds and I'm petrified of that slipping away. I just don't know what to do. I'm petrified of gaining weight, but yet, the benefits of Vistaril have been great. I don't see my pdoc until February 15th. I guess I'll have to wait to discuss this then, because the doctors don't answer non life threatening questions when they see that you have an appointment coming up.

I began taking this drug years ago. I was taking it every day several times a day at the same times every day. It really didn't have a decent affect after taking it for about 6 months. They increased the dose by adding that I could also take it PRN. Soon I discovered that it was not working too well about 6 months later. My new prescribing physician let me know that taking Vistaril every day at the same time of day was not as effective as just taking it PRN. Since then, Vistaril really has a wonderful, calming affect during the times I really need it.

The first time I took this it made me tired. No big deal. Then I took it again the next day and could no longer control my emotions. Then I took it one more time, this time i had uncontrollable quivering externally (hands knees legs) and internally ( chest ). It is now 4 days later and my legs are still sore and my hands are shaking worse than they were before i took the vistaril. Worst Drug ever!!~!!

this is some real cheap stuff its what they give people in jail or in my case bad insurance I complained and was given a look like I was lying to them only other meds they offered was Benadryl

dont know yet

Every time I take this medicine It really doesn't do anything for me and I have to take several of them before anything starts to happen.

I was prescribed this drug for panic/anxiety treatment. For panic attacks, it sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I'll take it when I feel a panic attack coming on, and it will not kick in for about 30 minutes, and by then the panic attack has already run it's course. I have insomnia from my anxiety, so it does help me sleep at night when I feel like I can't. If I take it during the day, it makes me a little tired, but not tired enough to fall asleep behind the wheel or when I'm busy doing something. I also suffer from allergies to dustmites/mold/things in the air, and it helps control them.

I've been using this for a few days due to night terrors, sleep walking and severe anxiety. I feel"high" and sometimes numb when used, the next day I feel leveled and happier. I take buspar, paxil and minipress in conjunction with this. I have not had terrors or fine any mischief at night though and I feel rested.