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Generic Name: Estrogens

Brand Name: Menest

Menest Drug and Medication User Reviews

Been taking for over 40 years since total hysterectomy at age 40- I have reduced dosage over the years but it continues to keep me from having hot flashes and improves my overall well being with NO bad side effects.

I switched from Premarin to this medication and am finding darkening and spotting of skin on hands and arms. Otherwise I don't notice a difference. I'm considering switching back to Premarin because of the skin discoloration.

this medication has cleared up all of my menopause issues! i feel like a human being again...it's about quality of life for me.

I've taken Cenestin for a decade & my doctor has been reducing the dosage periodically to finally get to the lowest level. But, when Cenestin was back ordered in December, my new doctor prescribed Menest without me knowing it. I was sick for the entire 2 months while using it. I finally figured out what caused this as that was the only thing I had changed! Menest made me extremely dizzy to the point where I never should have driven, sick to my stomach, ears ringing constantly and feeling horrible. My life was on hold. I switched to Enjuvia since Menest is in the same category as Premarin which also made me sick long ago. The pharmacist told me that Menest never should have been ordered as a replacement. The dizziness is gone but the ringing in my ears is still there, driving me crazy! Does anyone know HOW to get this ringing to stop and have others experienced this problem ??? I want to stop estrogen completely. I am 60 and had surgery in 1995 so have been on it too long. I now have 90 Menest pills that cost me $52 and I can't even use them.

After a total hysterectomy (includes ovaries) I tried other HRT but always had side effects. Since taking menest (now in my 8th year) I have not experienced the mood swings, sweats, or crying episodes that seemed to be associated with the loss of natural hormones.

I had cervical cancer when I was 32 (1986) and had everything removed. My doc put me on Menest 1.25 mg and I have been on it until June of this year. I never had problems with it. At my age now I decided to try a natural HRT.

Has helped thinking, overall mental stability. Increase sex drive again, tenderness in breast. Has caused higher blood sugar readings, resulting in higher insulin usage. More frequent urination. But when weighing mental to physical control it is worth it.

night sweats bruising on breasts irritability

My insurance would not pay for my estratest, so substituted and actually am surprosed to find I feel even better. I take this for mood,libido and against osterporis, along with fosamax. I've been taking hormones for 49 years(yes, since my uterus was removed at childbirth)


I have been on this medication for years and it truly helped me I Love it and lost without it....

Too soon to tell if working for the vaginal atrophe & dryness