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Generic Name: Diphenhydramine

Brand Name: Benadryl

Benadryl Drug and Medication User Reviews

I will not take Benedryl again. Two Harvard studies have conclusively linked Benedryl to Alzheimer’s disease which is unacceptable, especially at 77.

I have long QT SYNDROME and found that Benadryl was affecting my heart rate adversely. Stopped Benadryl and heart rate returned to normal.

I've been using this medication for the past year in a half I use it off again and on again, and I notice my memory has been very poor. I have a short attention span now its hard to concentrate and I forget things a lot more easily now. I also feel like my grammar has gone down hill and its harder to speak. I am in my early 20s, and I will be switching medication. I know they said it has an effect on the elderlies memory but they need to do a study on the younger people too. I just hope that this isn't long term and once I stop taking this medication for a few months my brain will go back to normal. If not I may see a neurologist because the way I have been feeling has been very concerning and I hope that I'm not getting early onset dementia. Overall the medication works, it stops my sneezing and itching, but it makes me disorientated and clumsy, it also makes my fingers tips go numb. I really wish I didn't take this long term. Just a little advice, don't take this medication longer than a week.

Benadryl saves My Life Everytime I have a bad reaction. I have to take it Everyday. I am Allergic to Most things, I Even take it for Pain. Benadryl is probably one of the only medications in the pill form that I can take without having an allergic reaction Benadryl is in My Opinion Better than Pain medication.

It helps keep my allergies under control and helps me sleep through the night.

Had hives related to a bacterial infection in my foot.releived the itching and related hives, plus made me sleep well. Only issue was waking up tired in the morning.

I often get a runny nose, especially in high pollen seasons. Benadryl is the weakest antihistamine that helps at all (unlike Claritin etc.). I get no side effects. I have used much more effective antihistamines that do make me a bit zonked and work well as a sleep aid.

I just took a benadryl quick dissolve strip to counteract my usual reaction to black fly bites ("black fly fever"). My tongue immediately went numb and I felt like I was going to pass out or stop breathing. I called 911. Still not sure what is going to happen. Last time I am trying this!

I have taken Tylenol PM. One pill has 25 mg of Benadryl in it. I buy the WalMart brand in caplet form. I break one of the caplets into half and take a half caplet. It helps my mind relax (stop thinking and planning) so I can ease off to sleep. If I don't set an alarm, I can sleep 7-9 hours before waking up. One whole caplet will really have me sleeping very deeply. I usually take one caplet if I need a good night's sleep before something really important that taxes my mind. When I set the alarm, I wake up, get up and move around; after 3-10 minutes I'm fully awake and feel that I can safely operate machinery, make important decisions. (I once had a bad case of poison ivy and it took 3 caplets for me to fall asleep and not itch during the night. That really did surprise me.)Regularly, I only need half of a caplet. (Aleve and Advil also have a PM version, too; but I hear that Tylenol PM is the safest to use.) I am NOT a daily user of Tylenol PM, only when needed. And my doctor knows about this use of Tylenol PM.

timely effectiveness

I used Benadryl to assist with Parkinson's related sleep problems and hand tremor. Neither responded well. My sleep problems were worsened and there was no effect on the tremor.

I take it if I have a allergic reaction to Shellfish etc. I also take it more frequently for my sinuses!

Slept more than a few hours at a time

I have been using Benadryl for 2 years now, almost nightly. It calms my allergies during season and helps me get a great night sleep. My sex life has greatly improved as I wake up refreshed and ready to conquer!

My Dr at Aurora Medical Center said to use this and Flonase and it works. My brother seems to think he is a Doctor instead of a laboror and says this is horrible and addictive medicine. It seems to work fine for me.

Benedryl really helps with my knee pain and Swelling. Hard to believe but it really works.

I have what I call bubblles in my ears. Feels like it may be fluid. Benadryl is the only medication that takes it away. Ease of falling asleep and staying asleep is an added benefit.

I have AFIB. I want to know if this medication will hurt me in the long run. Or should I stop this. I take it to fall asleep. Sometimes I take 1 pill only, but not more that 2 pills at bedtime.

I take one Benadryl every night to help me sleep. I also take one Tylenol for arthritis pain. These two meds have been a God send for my sleep. Two of my doctors tell me that taking these meds is not a problem.

Unable to function due to sleepiness. There seems to be debate whether or not it is safe for people with high blood pressure. It says tell your doctor if you have this, but it doesn't say why. This article does not address. I would appreciate a straightforward statement "yes" or "no": is it safe to take with high blood pressure?