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Generic Name: Trametinib Tablets

Brand Name: Mekinist

Mekinist Drug and Medication User Reviews

Mekinist and taflinar saved and are still saving my life. I was diagnosed stage 4 with metastasis in lungs and other parts of my body. 3 days of mekinist and taflinar and all my utterly grown melanomas started diminishing rapidly. All that with hardly any side-effects apart from fever and tiredness...very bearable. Today..4.5 years later I'm still alive and kicking..still taking my mekinist and taflinar..

This medicine seems to be working after 1 month CA 125 went to normal. Has to take a break due to liver enzymes and skin reactions. Back on after 3 week break enzymes normal again and we’ll see. Promising

Side effects were too much to handle. The rash in the face and scalp was unbearable. My teeth were hurting all the time. Very bad cramps in the legs and then arm. Scalp was extremely tender. Even 3 weeks after I stopped taking it, I have extreme hair loss.

Only used it for three weeks as it produced severe leg cramps. It did reduce a tumor but the pain and itching were to much