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Generic Name: Metolazone Tablets

Brand Name: Metolazone

Metolazone Drug and Medication User Reviews

Metolazone is the absolute worst drug. I have to take it for fluid buildup 1 - 2 a month. When I do take it, my potassium levels go critically low and I end up with acute kidney failure. However, I don't have any other choice because the Torsemide that I take daily has all but stopped working. This stuff is the devil. If you can avoid it, you would be better off to do so.

My cardiologist prescribed me this water pill due to edema on both upper and lower extremities and fluid accumulation in my abdomen, It works fast and after 5 days I had hypokalemia.

I have used Metolazone for years, and it has worked better than any water pill out there. But the longer you are on it the less effective it is. It did take a long time but now the swelling is back in my abdomen and ankles. I take this for heart issues, and if the dose is doubled, the water gain goes up, and postassium goes down

I was given this med due to swelling in legs and cramps at nigt.

So far so good, but my heart rate is a bit irregullar with this and I am only on a small dose. Do you get use to this after awhile??

This pill is like magic at removing the fluid. I take 5mg and was instructed to use it no more than once a week (because it strips all electrolytes also). I take spironalactone 50mg and demadex 60 mg daily also. My instructions were to take the metolazone I hr before the other two diuretics. When I take the metolazone I pee like crazy for 3 days. I also have to take prescription potassium to keep from getting severe leg cramps. It works wonderful for my condition.

I take this along with Bumetanide and it works fantastic! Metolazone could get water out of a rock. I do however have much lower potassium from taking this, so if you are thinking of taking it make sure to to have your Dr. check your levels regularly, I take 800MG of an OTC Potassium Chloride (make sure it's Potassium chloride as other types of potassium will not be enough to make a difference no matter how many you take) daily and it seems to keep my levels within normal range.

I went to my MD because I had 2+ pitting edema in my lower legs. He instructed me to take it every other day. Day 1 NO increase in urination Edema up to 3+. My ankles now hurt due to the edema.

This medication got my BP down and my edema in ankles and feet are gone. Thank Goodness!!!

the medication appears to be working yet there seem to be a lot of side effect tomeney for it to be safe for long tern use.

This drug was added when I needed additional help.

it seams to be working

no problems with it i take it with lasix and aldactone for congestive heart failure it worked a little bit but im on a real low dose 2.5 mg so it may just need to be uped overall it makes the bloating go away by a pond or pond an a half with in 2 days

I take this drug along with lasix. I have stage 4 kidney failure and I also have COPD and congestive heart failure. If I want my heart and lungs to work I take the combo of drugs until my blood work shows that my kidneys are failing then I stop the duo for a couple of weeks.

this pill has a letter 'M' and the #645 on one side of the pill and blank on the other side and suppose to be for depression and my daughter doesn't know if it is the right pill

My Dr. put on this drug for edema. I have no other problems relating to the use of this med. Lasix is not fully effective but seems to work better. I am also uncomfortable taking a drug for med. conditions that do not exist.

My physician placed me on 120mg of prednisone for an immune disorder. I immeditely began swelling, picking up over ten pounds in just a few days. He tried me on lasix, with no results. The day after taking my first 5mg dose of Metolazone, my ankles and feet were back to normal, and I was 2 pounds lighter. The next day, my face had nearly returned to normal, and I was only 4 punds heavier than before the prednisone. This medication worked wonderfully for getting rid of the fluid.

I am taking this drug for edema. I have no kidney problems, no lung problems and no heart problems. It has helped some but not a lot.

I'm taking this medication along with spironolactone. Apparently, it also helps whatever you take it with to work better.