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Generic Name: Balsalazide

Brand Name: Colazal

Colazal Drug and Medication User Reviews

Dam it's nice to fart and not shart. But I guess the downside is. I now gag.

seemed to help GREATLY, but have noticed some slight issues with sleep, leg pain, hand and foot cramps. Overall for the colitis it really helps.

Very effective BUT randomly manufactured & EXPENSIVE even with insurance. Lialda made things worse & generic colazal caused mouth sores.

I have had UC for almost 14 years. I took Asacol for 13 of those years. About a year ago my doctor suggested the generic of Colozal. It is cheaper so that was nice. I only take it at bedtime, 3 pills. I did the same with the asacol. If I notice slight flare ups I was told I could take more so I do that occasionally. About once a year I seem to have a flare up that I can't control so I use the Rowasa enemas for 3 weeks...

I have ulcerative colitis.I have been taking Colazal for a long time (couple of years) Does it become ineffective after using for such a long time? I have been having attacks of colitis while taking Colazal. Advise.

This medication has worked really well, the only down side is that I have to take eight pills a day.

Follow up to post from June. Found it difficult to take so many pills. Only side effect-diarrhea. Switched to Apriso, 4 tabs one time daily, much easier and so far no side effects.

I am having a hard time taking 9 pills daily. Losing a lot of my hair, not sure if this is a side effect or not. Have consulted MD, so far he has not heard of any one else with that problem. Not sure if drug is helping yet as I have only been on it a short time and am not consistent with doseage.

I take this medicine 1 pill in the morning and two at night. This is a pretty low dose I have heard, but it works well. I have been on this for 7 years and I am 20 years old. I haven't had any flare ups, or bad side effects. The only ones are: I bruise easily, some insomnia, and maybe a bit of joint pain. I have recently in the past year had hair loss on the top of my scalp. This could be from stress too. It doesn't regulate the abdominal pail or frequent bowel movements when I get stressed, but that is something that I need to control by relaxing and not freaking out.

I just got diagnosed with UC and I have tried Asacol and Lialda, the headaches were too bad with both and they didn't work. With in 5 days this medicine started working and I have had no side effects or flare ups. WONDERFUL!!!

This medicine worked for me and my inflammatory bowel disease. I wish I didn't have to take so many pills a day but other than that, I don't think I have had any ill effects from it. Kind of rare for me.

I have tried many drugs for UC including Remicade and Humira(had BAD reactions to both). Colazal is the only drug where I have had extreme daytime somnolence and insomnia. Three pills three times are day are also difficult for me to remember. Other than those, this is a very effective drug.

after taking colazal I have improvement.My doctor first prescribed 6 pills a day but this did not work so he put me on 9 pills which helped my condition a lot,but since taking the medicine I have not be sleeping good I only had about 4 hours in the last 2days.I do not want to stop taking the medicine but I have to get some sleep.So what do I do now?

I have only been on this medication for about a week. Still loose stools and nausea is a concern, don't want to eat. Other than that I know it will take time to get into my system. I take 3 pills a day for colitis

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis less than a year ago. I live a very busy life, as I am 22 and I go to college full time and I work full time. The medicine started working in less than 5 days and I felt relieved. However, too many pills to take in one day....remembering for me is very hard. If I do forget, I know it, because my stomach will act up the next day. Overall, very impressed with this medicine. Now if I could only remember to take it!

I have seen no differnce when I take the drus as when I don.t.

asacol,entocort for 12 months never really was effective within one week colazal elimanated all my symptoms,diarrehea,bleeding,urgentecny

was diagnosed with UC at the age of 13 (29 years ago), just started taking Colazal aprox. 6 months ago. Seems to be working as expected, however, now have extremely chapped lips.

stopped symptoms in 4 days, started at 9 pills per day. took 2 years to work down to 1 per day and finally o now. really did the job!