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Generic Name: Quinine Sulfate Capsules

Brand Name: Qualaquin

Qualaquin Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had leg cramps so bad that I would walk the floors at night, not sleeping. Eventually it extended into my toes and hips. A podiatrist recommended quinine and prescribed it for me until it was no get available in the US and my cramps went away almost completely. Even then they were only 10% of the severity before I talked to my cardiologist who agreed it was a wonderful drug for the cramps and agreed to send a prescription to a Canadian Pharmacy if we found one. I have been having them shipped in since then and am almost pain free of the cramps. I have congestive heart failure and diabetes and have had no additional problems because of the use of the medication!! Best cure for an excrutiatingly painful condition I know of.

got to be the best drug ever!!!!!!!!! easy to swallow, don't make me sick to my stomach, total relief from cramps in hands,arms and leg. I am a 66 year old female and I have used this since I was a child


Was taking for nighttime restless leg issues and it was an excellent treatment--and it used to be CHEAP--but not after it was patented, many years after it was invented. Unfortunately, I recently had to cease taking it because I have been diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney failure (from long-term use of NSAIDS). The quinine likely exacerbated the analgesic kidney effect. I really wish I could use it again. Incidentally, I lived in Nigeria from 1960 until 1966, and did have malaria, even taking quinine tablets daily, but that's not the reason I was directed to take it this time (in Alaska).

I have taken this medication for about 2 yrs and do not have any leg cramps. my cardiologist is recommending that i take it.

have taken quinine of one sort for over 10 years. When I had to stop because it was not approved, leg cramps caused many sleepless nights. When I finally was able to get qualaquin, the first capsul taken resulted in a good night's sleep with no cramps. My doctor did the required EKG to enable him to write the prescription, but now my insurance company says I must have malaria before I can get the drug. I have done everything suggested to relieve the cramps, from exercises, stretching, etc, but nothing else works. I don't know what kind of sleepless nights I will have when I run out of the drug.

crampy hands, feel sick on the stomach

I had severe leg and foot cramps which would last for 20 minutes plus. 10 years ago or so my dr. put me on Quinine and it worked great! No more cramps. Then the drug went UP in price. Could still get it because I had good insurance. Now I don't know what will happen. Husband lost job=no insurance. I do have Medicare, but don't know from reading if it will be covered. I would also be willing to participate in a study. NOthing else has helped. I saved up by taking just every other night, but on nights with no qualiquin I would usually get cramps.

For about seven years I took quinine for severe nightly thigh cramps. They stopped for about 18 mos. When they returned on a nightly basis quinine had been taken off the market and this much more expensive version(Qualaquin) was in it's place. My cramps were so severe I'd have to go to the hospital. My Doctor finally wrote RX for Qualaquin and said to read the new warnings. This does eliminate the cramps when nothing else will. I wouldn't take it if anything else would work. I'm desperate for relief. I take and it works. Why is it sooo expensive?

I was on quinine for SEVERE muscle cramps. These were systemic and occurred anytime, day or night. Quinine helped to control the spasms. I suddenly developed life threatening ITP with extensive internal bleeding and external bruising,6/06. My Dr ask me to sign a DNR. I was only 54. At the time this developed I was only taking the quinine on an as needed basis,2 or 3 times/month, when I would have a severe attack. My Dr had heard of possible problems with it and had changed me to Valium. After I developed the ITP I had to be on multiple extended courses of high dose prednisone. When ever I would get off the prednisone, within a month or two the ITP would return. I eventually had to have my spleen removed. The ITP has not returned since then, 11/07. The prednisone caused even worse muscle spasms than I had before. I've also developed insulin dependent diabetis since the prednisone treatment. I can no longer work, I was a nurse and now my immune system is shot due to no spleen. I'm really glad to see this drug removed from use in the treatment of muscle spasms. The benifits diffinently don't outweigh the risks. I still get the muscle spasms, so considering how much taking quinine cost me in health issues, it just was not worth taking. It didn't "cure" them and the valium and muscle relaxants work just as well.

I experience frequent nocturnal leg/foot cramps which are severe and take 20+ minutes to subside. This can happen 2-3 times a night. My doctor prescribed quinine sulfate which I took for 7-8 years -- with NO side effects! I took one tablet before going to bed on nights when cramps were most likely to occur - and rarely experienced cramps those nights. If I had not taken a pill and had a cramp, the quinine pill would make it stop within 5 minutes. I have been unable to get the medication for the last two years and continue to battle frequent leg cramps no matter how much water I drink or how much I stretch. I, like many others who know how well it works, would be more than happy to be part of a study on the effectiveness of quinine with leg cramps. Everyone I know who has used it for that purpose experienced immediate relief from cramps. I keep hearing that the FDA says it is not effective for cramps. They need to get a copy of these comments and/or talk with some of us. IT WORKS!!!

I have had severe foot cramps for years and my doctor prescribed Quinine Sulfate which was like a miracle drug. Within 30 minutes of taking it, the cramps would stop. When they took the plain old Quinine off the market and substituted Qualaquin, I switched to that and it has worked just as well. First, I can't understand why they took the GENERIC Quinine Sulfate off the market when the BRAND NAME Qualaquin is the same drug but in a higher strength. It is yet another example of pharmaceutical companies ripping off patients. Like all of the others who've commented, I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to participate in clinical trials so that foot/leg cramps could be listed as a LABELED use of Qualaquin. So far I haven't had a problem getting my prescription filled and my doctor said he was surprised that my insurance company (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) had not contacted him to see if I had malaria. HOWEVER, I am now on Medicare and I haven't had to get it filled yet but will try today. I will post what happens with my Medicare RX drug plan and this drug. All I can say is that, if I'm not able to get this, I will REALLY be in a mess. I checked the prices in Canada and it was REALLY expensive at the Canadian pharmacy that I use for a few other drugs.

I have had leg cramps for years, the dr. prescribed qualaquin and it has worked with no side affects, and I'M very satisfied

Despite FDA warnings this drug has eliminated my "SEVERE" leg cramps at night. Two of my doctors, including my heart doctor, have approved this medication for me. There have been no negative side affects thus far.

I have been taking this pill for about a month now and I can honestly say I have not had a leg cramp, back spasms,or muscle ache. I use to get them so bad I would have to go to the hospital by ambulance. I do have a little tender spots on my legs and arms but I can deal with that better than cramps.

I'm not going to rate it! All I can tell you is that my newly wedded husband had started taking it 10+ yrs ago and had a heart attack less than a yr. later. The ventricles had ruptured. It was not associated with the qualaquin at the time. He had a Dr. Duck, if you catch my drift. And none of the doctors caught it later that he had been taking it. He was implanted with a pace maker/defibulater about 7 yrs. ago. and has been suffering from the painful eczema, easily bruised, high blood pressure and several other. It was only recently that we discovered the effects when his perscription insurance would no longer cover qualaquin. (his ex-wife was trying to kill him, she's a nurse) My husband is 62 yrs of age.

I have used Quinine Sulfate & Qualaquin for leg cramps for at least 30 years. I took one every night. It worked great. If I would wake up with leg cramps after over using certain muscles. My husband had the routine down pat. He would bring me a Qualaquin or which ever name it had. Within minutes it would go away. I would agree to take part in a study for this. My current ins. refuses to pay for this medication for leg cramps.

For Leg Cramps Works very well I found it's the only thing that does work