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Generic Name: Previfem (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestimate)

Previfem Reviews

For Birth Control "This Previfem was the first birthcontrol I tried, I was hoping to prevent pregnancy and reduce my severe period cramps. I’m not pregnant, but I have terrible nausea, constant gas and bloating, 0 sex drive, itching down there that I saw someone else mention as a side effect of this. Depression really got worse and hating my bloated body all the time definitely didn’t help. Doesn’t matter when or what I eat, I feel constantly sick. Stuck with it for 3 months and nothing has changed. Would never recommend this pill"

For Birth Control "Reading other reviews on Previfem was such a relieve. The side effect that was the most significant for me, and by far, was the depression. I had never experienced something like it. I thought I was feeling that way due to some personal issues in my life at the moment, but as it turned out, it was these pills. You always hear of such side effects and think it won't happen to you, but this was like an anvil for me, very much present. I felt so sad and alone, it was terrible. I only took these pills for a month. My usual Mononessa is not available anymore so I was given Previfem as a substitute. I left it after the first month. At the moment, I am taking this opportunity to not take anything, to cleanse my body after years of taking birth control and use condoms. Let's see what happens. But no matter what, I am not taking Previfem again. How can it be exactly the same composition as Mononessa and yet have such a profound negative effect?"

For Ovarian Cysts "I started taking this Nov 27, 2013 for ovarian cysts. I also have been having issues with acne for about 2 yrs. I am 21. As of Jan 14 all my cysts are gone, my acne has improved although not resolved. I have gained only 5 lbs, but have increased a whole breast size. I have a some headaches, but Advil takes care of that. My main issue is some moodiness, however weighing the pros and cons there are pros. All in all it hasn't been bad at all."

For Birth Control "This pill is so awful! I normally take mononessa which worked just fine. They were no longer carrying mononessa and I was assured that this was the same thing. I got the worst migraines. My breast were enlarged and hurt like hell. It was sooo bad! Not only that, I was nauseous and throwing up. I was anxious ! I gained weight and I eat healthy and workout 4-5 times a day. I had pregnancy symptoms and wasn’t even pregnant. I was completely exhausted. My sleep patterns were all over the place. It was hard to work and concentrate. I had very little sex drive! DO NOT take this pill. I swear please. It’s not worth it ! Took it for 2 months and quit"

For Birth Control "I am in the 9th month of taking this medication, and I don't have anything bad to say about it at this point. It has definitely done its job as keeping me from getting pregnant. My acne was also bad around my nose and chin before I started Previfem, but my skin is very clear and my period cramps aren't nearly as bad as they were before. They are also lighter. The only bad thing about this pill was that it made me very moody in the beginning."

For Birth Control "I started bc when I was 15 for acne and I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for about a year. I woke up every morning sick to my stomach, I had no appetite most days, and my acne only sort of improved. My insurance switched and so I switched bc to bc for a few months straight. I went from a knockoff, to sprintec, to knockoff of that etc. All helped with the nausea a little more, not too much with my acne, and a few made me very depressed. I switched to previfem and I have been on it continuously for around 2 years now. It makes me feel so normal that the first few weeks on it I was scared it wasn't working. Not pregnant. No acne. I have my cycle down to the exact hour. Would recommend for young girls who don't react well to combo packs."

For Birth Control "Do NOT take this birth control. For the past 5 years I’ve been switching my pills for different reasons, the last time I switched was because I wasn’t getting periods at all (I know stupid reason to complain, right?” So they switched me to Prev, worst decision ever. They told me it helps clear up acne but I already have little to no acne and I was getting the worst breakouts of my life in spots I NEVER breakout. Instead of not having a period, I bled for 3 and a half weeks straight and/or spotting almost every day. My MOOD swings on this pill were unbearable. I was so depressed and so anxious 24/7. 0 sex drive. I would randomly start cold sweating profusely (when I wasn’t even hot), Would wake up almost every day with a killer migraine that would last all day. I’ve been off this medication for a month now and I have not had a migraine since, I feel like myself again. Man PLEAAASE do yourself a favor and don’t take this pill!!!"

For Birth Control "I am on my 2nd week of this pill and have had terrible diarrhea, nausea, pelvic and leg pain, headaches, frequent thirst and much more. I want to switch but my doctor tells me its not possible for that medicine to cause those side effects."

For Birth Control "My Pharmacy switched me to Previfem , without asking or notifying me, from another brand of BC because the whole seller didn’t have my brand in stock. The pharmacy said it’s essentially the same. However, it’s a generic and this brand uses different inactive ingredients. My OB is mad, and said I can take it but there were specific reasons he has me on my original brand, and asked to notify him if my pharmacy can’t fill my original brand. I have clear skin. I have always had clear skin. I now have acne all over my face, chest, and back. I’m with ridiculous bloating, gas, constipation, and mood swings. Nothing in my life has changed, except the pills. I’m beyond pissed. Whenever I get back to my original brand, I’ll go trough more changes."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Like many others on here, I was switched to Previfem from Sprintec because my pharmacy stopped stocking it. I was not notified of this prior to pickup. Since then, I've had unpredictable and polonged periods outside of anything resembling a normal menstrual cycle, and significantly decreased libido and sensitivity. I've now been on this for well over three months, and have seen no improvement in these symptoms. I also experienced intense nervousness, tingling sensations, and anxiety on the first day of the pill switch, but that dissipated in three hours or so. The takeaway: if your pharmacy switches you from a birth control you know works well with your body, call and either request that they order more, or take your business elsewhere. If you need help finding one, try asking your doctor. You deserve better. Love you all, and take care of yourselves!"

For Birth Control "I was on Previfem contraceptive pill for 2 plus years and overall it worked great for me. I had terrible acne before taking this pill and it went away almost completely after I started taking it. Over the 2 and a half years taking it I only gained around 5 pounds (mostly due to unhealthy eating) I did get a little irritable around the time of my period but nothing out of the ordinary. No spotting or irregular bleeding either while on this pill. The only reason I stopped taking it was because I was getting migraines so I had to stop estrogen pills completely."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Well I was on mononessa which was fine for a first birth control it didn't give me side affects which was impressive! Now they gave me these birthcontrol pills previfem because mononessa was discontinued and now after being on it for a week here comes the side affects! The spotting and no sleep! Ugh"

For Birth Control "This birth control has given me terrible side effects of depression. I don't feel like the same woman. I want off of it as soon as I can! This is not in my character to act, feel, or think the way I have been thinking. "

For Birth Control "I have been taking Previfem birth control for over a year. So far no major side effects but I do notice a lot more break through bleeding specially a week before my period. Mood swings are also something that happen more often along with bloating. I have little to no sex drive. No hair loss. No weight gain."

For Birth Control "I started taking this bc not even a week ago and I've been nauseous and had migraines this entire time. I've been so sick that I decided to quit this brand completely. When I drove in a car, worked out or even ate my own dinner I would get so sick that I'd have to stop. I don't recommend this pill but everyone's different so I cant tell you what will be your side effects, or if it'll work well for you."

For Birth Control "I've been on this form of birth control for going on 3 months. I've never been on birth control before. The first side effect I noticed almost immediately was vaginal itching, I kept thinking it was a yeast infection. When the yeast infection symptoms started again the next month after my period I did more research and realized that it wasn't a yeast infection but a side effect of this drug. The next thing I noticed was my mood swings. I equated the mood swings and anxiety to the fact I was working, moving and planning a wedding. Well now those things are done but I still feel so emotionally unstable and depressed. I started to think something was wrong with me. It's comforting to read that these feelings are a side effect of this drug and I plan on getting off of it ASAP. Oh one other side effect is my libido is almost nonexistent."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "This pill is amazing. I was prescribed it for PCOS and as a birth control. After having a terrible experience with the nuva ring, I was nervous to try any other form of birth control. While the first 3 months were rough in terms of moodiness and mild acne, it's all seemed to have leveled out and I couldn't be happier. No decrease in libido (probably has increased, actually), no weight gain (I've actually lost 15 lbs since I started, but I've been dieting too), increased breast size ~1/2 cup), regular periods with significantly decreased flow and decreased cramping. Hardly any acne ever now and my pms seems ton better. Everyone is different, but this pill seems like magic to me!"

For Endometriosis "I wanted to try a new Pill other than Sronyx. Sronyx caused very bad depression, weight gain, and a general disinterest in sex. Overall, I guess you can say it was a very effective birth control for me because I never felt like having sex. My first month on Previfem I experienced slight nausea, and low mood/energy and spotting. However, my acne and oily skin cleared up immediately and I was not expecting this pill to do that. My skin is so clear now. Its a great plus. I have just finished my 2nd month on Previfem and my only real complaint now is the spotting. My mood and energy has improved, but I am still experiencing light spotting 3-4 days after my period is suppose to end. Hopefully, that will clear up as my body adjust to the hormone."

For Birth Control "I have never had such severe side effects with an oral contraceptive in the last 14 years (just turned 29); bloating, gas, 20lb weight gain, mood swings, still having cramps, and decreased sex drive. I gave it 3 months and it's just gotten worse. Beware ladies."

For Birth Control "I was put on this medication to try to keep my estrogen levels steady. This medication has made my menstrual cycle last for almost 3 weeks now. I stopped taking it after only taking 5 pills because it was making me feel bloated, and nauseated. I can only imagine taking it longer."

For Birth Control "Sure it's effective as birthcontrol because I have not gotten pregnant. HOWEVER... My periods have been heavier with bad cramps and acne. I also gained 8 lbs in a month now I am extremely active and eat healthy so this was unpleasant. The weight went away when I stopped taking it but honestly I've tried may birth control pills and this is BY FAR the worst. Just say no."

For Ovarian Cysts "Stay away from this brand. I know everybody is different, but I've seen more negative reviews of this pill than I would be comfortable with, and I have to agree. I was on Previfem for a while a little more than a year ago, and I had just about the worst side effects you could have. It seemed fine at first, but for months, I would be woken up early every morning feeling so feverish that I thought my head was going to explode. This was also accompanied by extreme nausea, sometimes even vomiting. I had been off of it for a while, but I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. I thought I was being prescribed a different brand this time, given my history, but to my horror, this is the brand the pharmacy gave me. I was desperate for something to help with my PCOS complications, so I figured I would just try again and see what happened. Here we are on day three, and all of a sudden the same symptoms I had a year ago are coming back. I am never taking this again."

For Birth Control "I’m on the first week of these pills because my pharmacy literally switches my BC each month. I’ve been nauseous on and off, I have anxiety attacks every day, depressed thoughts, and I’m exhausted. I’m so over this, why do I even bother taking birth control"

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control for almost a year now. If you want to prevent pregnancy it's great, but it KILLS your sex drive. I haven't wanted sex since I started this pill. I gained 18lbs and I eat decently healthy. Plus I exercise every day. I have noticed terrible mood swings as well as depression. My life isn't crazy stressful. I bled for two weeks straight in December 2017. I just finished a month long period two days ago. I've never been this irregular! After months of saying "I'll give it another try." I AM SWITCHING! As I said before, great at preventing pregnancy only if you want all the bad side effects that comes with it."

For Birth Control "As a mother of nothing but girls this really scared me. If your family had a history of blood clot, miscarriages, etc don't put your daughter/your self on an estrogen pill that has ethinyl estradiol in it. They gave her samples to take for 6 months. My daughter was on this pill for 3 months or less and ended up in the hospital with a blood clot in her lung. It was given to her to regulate her periods. This is horrible and would like all you women and young ladies to do your research and family history before starting any birth control. Now she has to suffer everyday with 2 shots of blood thinners possibly for life."

More about Previfem (ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate)

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  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Previfem drug information
  • Previfem (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Sprintec, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estarylla, Tri-Sprintec, ... +21 more

Professional resources

  • Previfem prescribing information

Other brands

Sprintec, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estarylla, Tri-Sprintec, ... +20 more

Other formulations

  • Tri-Previfem

Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Endometriosis
  • Birth Control
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition
  • Ovarian Cysts