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Generic Name: Astepro for Allergic Rhinitis (azelastine-nasal)

Astepro for Allergic Rhinitis Reviews

"I have used it a few days now. I think it provides some relief with relatively mild side effects. Mostly drowsiness for myself. I found it interesting that my review on the Astepro site was rejected by a review panel. Guess I mentioned side effects and gave it only an average rating. Seems like a medical site should allow honest reviews from people rather than filtering out the reviews. I think the spray is an option, but I am not sure it's any better than other types."

"I have taken Astepro for 2 months. I've noticed I've started having trouble remembering the names of people I just saw, or common items. It's not listed as a side effect. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I just stopped it and hope my memory improves."

"In my opinion, all of these allergy drugs provide a little relief and combined with others, they can increase that relief. I have not found one type that can provide enough relief alone. Astepro is certainly worth a try, but I did not find it better than many other OTC medications for allergies. I did find that combining this with Flonase and Claritin provided the best relief."

"I have been taking Astepro as needed for about one year. At first, it made me drowsy. I got used to it, and it does provide temporary relief from allergens as long as I use it right away when symptoms begin. I also take Montelukast sodium (prescribed by Pulmonologist) daily for allergy-induced asthma. I cannot take steroidal medication as it raises my blood pressure to dangerous levels, so Montelukast was prescribed with success. I also have a rescue inhaler that I have not needed with this combination of drugs."

"Based on most of the reviews I was hopeful, but my experience was different than most. It increased my tinnitus to a loud buzz and vertigo set in and I almost vomited a few times. I will not be taking this again. I've tried Zyrtec; Allegra; Flonase, etc... and the only thing that really helps my allergies is Diphenhydramine, but I keep reading it's not recommended to take it every day so I'm not sure what to do."

"Works good. Had chronic sinus drainage, was in bed 5 days. Went to clinic to see a sinus doctor who said I have allergic rhinitis with severe attacks, nose, throat, neck, shoulders, nosebleeds. They put me on a new spray. Hopefully, it works better than Flonase. I can't stand it anymore. Even get 'allergy shots,' will get even stronger shots per doc. Texas is bad to live if you have allergies."

"This was just awful for me. From the very first use, I only did one spray per nostril as directed. I had Immediate burning, itching, a bad taste in my throat, lots of tearing, runny nose. As soon as it calmed down I started feeling drowsy. Like I could hardly keep my head up. I may be allergic to an allergy medication. That seems so wrong!"

"Had serious chronic sinusitis with inflammation in the upper sinus and in the nose. The medicine helped significantly, but I get a painful side effect, my whole upper muscles around the shoulders and neck became very tight, stiff, and sore."

"Astepro has been a blessing to me. I have been a long-time allergy sufferer. An ENT suggested a regular dose of Allegra, Flonase, and Singulair, plus I started allergy drops to begin building my immunity. This medicine regimen seemed to bring everything more under control, except I began having a terrible cough. It was more than a year, and I finally told him I needed to do something about it. I had previously tested negative for asthma, but we tried an inhaler and Astepro (instead of the other nasal spray). Wow, instant relief from the regular coughing due to Astepro, the inhaler seemingly offers nothing. I recommend this for coughing from post-nasal or other allergy problems."

"I have allergies along with daily vertigo. Not only did this help extremely with the allergies, it virtually eliminated my daily vertigo. My ENT recommended this for my vertigo mainly. I have noticed others complain about sleepiness. I only use this at night."

"In the beginning of the year, I developed chronic nasal drip in the back of the throat. Occasionally, this would flare up into a really bad sore throat, and my nasal passages were constantly inflamed. Tried three types of antibiotics and over-the-counter allergy sprays, and nothing worked. Went to a specialist and received a prescription for Astepro. Finally, the nasal drip and everything that went with it is gone."

"Caused intense delayed drowsiness and grogginess - as bad or worse than benadryl, even using a half dose. I took for 3 days in the morning and every day on Astepro I had to nap in the afternoon because I was unable to maintain consciousness. I never nap normally. Reduces nasal allergies, but at what cost? Also, it's a huge metered dose with a very unpleasant taste."

"Asterpro nasal spray helped me breathe the first time that I used it, but there was a nasty taste that lingered after each use. Brushing teeth and using mouthwash does not get rid of the after taste and it lingers for hours. It ruined my taste for food and drink. I also experienced a sore throat while using the nasal spray."

"Working great.Using past week at bedtime to avoid daytime fatigue. Sleeping much better since breathing better, feel better during the day. Should have started this years ago, life would have been better!"

"My allergies were so bad here in Atlanta (spring 2010) that I had to see a pulmonary doctor for bronchial allergic asthma. It was like bronchitis but no phlegm, just a horrible heavy congestion feeling (which was really swollen, inflamed, bronchial passages) from the pollen. The doctor put me on Singulair, Alvesco Inhaler, and then an ENT put me on Astepro. In my opinion, the Singulair and the Astepro have been the key medications to feeling better and being able to live through these horrible pollen months."

"Tried the new Astipro Allergy Nasal Spray that is available over the counter. All I can say is it does dry you up but it does nothing for nasal swelling. They need to change their ad because it clearly states it will reduce swelling in your nasal passages. It also does make you really sleepy so best to use at night if you can sleep with a stuffed up nose. I couldn't and so disappointed as I wanted an alternative to steroid sprays."

"I was taking Flonase and saw the ads for Astepro saying it worked so much faster and better than Flonase, so I tried it. Bad choice! It didn't see to do anything to stop my runny nose. It's back to Flonase for me, which worked very well, though it is a steroid. But if something doesn't work, no point in taking it."

"I suffered for years with post nasal drip. Tried everything. Then I tried Astepro. It worked the first time, and now I can sleep. Yes it tastes yucky, and makes me a bit drowsy, and does sting slightly at first, but I split the dose and it is much more tolerable. These effects do go away after a short while. Minor inconvenience for an entire day without a runny nose. It has been a miracle for me."

"Constant runny nose. Flonase doesn't work. Zyrtec D sort of works. I am stuffed up all day and night. Always sneezing. Not anymore. This medication works and I breathe clear. Sleep is better. It will leave a bad taste. To avoid this, tilt your head down when using. Problem solved. I've not had any issues with drowsiness. For now, it works. See what happens when allergy season begins."

"I have been diagnosed with mild allergies, every season change is sort of like a big challenge. Since started using this product, my allergies go away for 3-4 days if not longer. The last time I used it was in May and I am back using it again the third week of June. It is a good product that works for me, the nose gets clear, the sinus headache goes away and I can manage."

"One day after I started using the spray, I broke out in red dots around my arm pits. Did not pay attention and another day later my whole body was covered with red dots. My doctor advised I interrupt using Astepro and four days later I only see a small improvements in my skin condition. Asterpro is definitely not for me."

"It somewhat works however my nose runs 12 hours later so have to use it twice a day. After 3 days of trying I dumped it because it's like snorting Benedryl. It made me very drowsy. I went back to good old Flonase."

"First time using and did 1 shot. Felt my sinus infection nose clear, and breathing improved, but I started to feel a racing heart. It worked fast, and using Nasonex didn't work well. Now I'm afraid to use again."

"This drug helps with my nasal symptoms but it makes me drowsy, might be because of other medications I take on a daily basis (Cymbalta and Stahist). It has helped with my symptoms because if I don't use it, along with Flonase, I get headaches and stuffiness. I'm happy with it and will continue using it. Hopefully the drowsiness effect will get better with time. It did when I used to use Asteline."

"I haven’t opened the bottle to look inside it but it feels like fire ants are the secret ingredient. A nose and throat full of very angry fire ants. I have no idea if it’s helping my allergies because my sinuses are crawling now and it’s awful."

More about Astepro (azelastine nasal)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: nasal antihistamines and decongestants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Astepro drug information

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Professional resources

  • Astepro prescribing information

Other brands

Astelin, Astepro Allergy

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Rhinitis