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Generic Name: ziconotide

Brand Name: Prialt intrathecal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Prialt was the only med that helped my daughter. It controlled her pain during childhood where her pain kept her in a wheelchair. It allowed her to get a masters degree in special education. Mitochondrial disease may limit her but prialt gave her enough pain control to allow her to live her life

PriAlt caused one of the worst experiences in my life. Given that I still feel it could work for other people. It completely changed my personality. I won’t go into details but iit was a dark time.

Catheter went through spine and now their telling me that I need these quantum batteries for it to last and not go through batteries like water.Medtronic is a joke.

I had a horrible experience with this medication I had euphoria Severely if no one knows what that means it's like the effects of a pain medication when you feel that in your body mine was times 10 non-stop for 8 days. I also had all the effects from mental health depression mood anxiety. It made my mental health issues explode I could not control them didn't sleep for eight days finally doctor took the medication out of my pump and it changed everything that happened to me back to normal except for the pain.

The pain relief was very good but the side effects were unbearable. My gait was severely affected, loss of memory, paranoia, severe tremors, music in head, renal problems, complete loss of appetite, irritable, could not concentrate, blurred vision, severe pain in limbs. I had to quit driving because of disorientation to time and place. I had Prialt removed in April and it took about a month to begin to feel the side effects subsiding; although, I still feeling lingering side effects. At first no one believed me. I still don't know how the symptoms spread but I do know, no relief is worth losing your mental capacity. Go slowly and be careful.

I've been on Prialt for about 6 years. I've had no side effects that I can think of. I broke my lower spine and upper spine in several places during military career and my pain was horrible and ultimately ended my career, however Prialt made all the difference for me. I'm able to be a somewhat active dad and no longer take narcotics. I took narcotics for about 4 years before have a Medtronic synchromed II placed. I am on my 3rd pump and have no complaints about Prialt. Only that it's a serious game changer.

I was talking during a trial and I have never been more agitated and couldn't stop moving like restless leg syndrome and also found I was unable to urinate and when walking my legs were so weak I will never ever feel like I did taking this

For the first time in 20 years my pain is nearly gone. I am shocked how well it's working. The only bad part is it seems to make it harder to breathe(I have emphysema). I took it for severe chronic pain after multiple lower back & hip surgeries. Decades on oral narcotics never have this relief.

This has been a positive treatment, and because of the way it is working, I have been able to NOT be taking 'drugs' for the pain. (I was taking way to much narcotic medication, but only as prescribed.... and my system became toxic.) I have had one pump replacement after 6-7 years, and now about half way through the second. I cannot say it was easy, but much easier than before. I cannot say it was painless, because regulating the amount of Prialt took some real time. Now I really want to know if some of my other problems could have anything to do to Prialt. Like stones, or elevated WBC.

Because intrathecally infused morphine has caused severe chronic lymphoedaema, the doctor was slowly decreasing the morphine and increasing the Prialt, so it took several months for the side effects of Prialt to become so pronounced as to be obvious ~ also because those side effects were compromising my critical thinking ability to assess the degree of the side effects. The side effects were an increasing memory deficit, and what became rather severe narcolepsy. I was sleeping 18 hours or more/day, I would fall asleep while performing functions... while brushing my teeth, thankfully the feeling of my legs giving way and the clatter of the toothbrush hitting the sink would wake me in time to keep from falling completely to the floor. Because if I fall asleep in my chair it is painful for my back/legs, once when I could tell it was coming on, and without thinking I made for the stairs to get up to my bed before it hit . . . but I did not make it and fell asleep, thankfully falling forward onto the stairs. If I'd been going downstairs when it hit, I would have fallen down the stairs. Even trying the stairs shows the level of impaired judgment. I was afraid to drive, could not track medication dosing for my elderly mother, could not remember day of the week and kept missing appointments. Clearly I was not functioning, the Prialt had to go. Thankfully, within a few days of the next pump refill without Prialt, the side effects began to decrease. I had hope that the side effects would fade altogether, but now a year afterward, I still have a moderate form of narcolepsy, and my memory/critical thinking have never completely returned to normal. I can at least function now, but I am still apparently permanently impaired by the Prialt.

I did not have music playing in my head but did have issues headaches, sinus teeth issues, concentration, and irritability. It took me a week to get pain relief and it was minimal. I would not have considered going back to work while on it. My flow was low at 1.2 and I recommend no higher than that to begin with. I have switched to morphine and am slowly making progress on pain levels.

My intrathecal pain pump was filled w/prialt 2006-2016. It was the only time I've been almost pain free after 2 bouts of cancer. I only stopped due to new Dr unable(unwilling)to find a way to fill it for me saying it was cost prehibitive. I was able to tolerate side effects by reducing PRIALT and increasing rider. I would love to go back on it as nothing else gives me the pain relief as PRIALT did. I hate taking pain relievers by mouth due to all their side effects , especially difficulty thinking clearly. Please make PRIALT available to us again.

Prialt is very effective for pain relief. I was pain free for the first time in 10 years. The only problem was it destroyed my ability to form memories, made me constantly irritable and over emotional. If they could reduce the side effects it would be great. Unfortunately it left me a crying, screaming near psychotic.

Hallucinations, depression, thoughts of suicide, loss of memory and Lost all desire for intimacy. My pain doctor charged 5 times what same dosage of dilaudid cost. Possible secondary gain? If you like to gamble, try prialt.

Had Prialt in my naive pump for less than 24 hours and had a severe allergic reaction. My dr had to remove the med from my pump & catheter then rinse & flush my pump. This was a bad experience. Should have listened to the reviews.

I have been still having lot of pain in the last 11/2 months I been having a lot of changes with my body.my tummy feels like a burning of a knife cutting inside in the last month I have been having my hands and legs shake last very shortly.now in 3 wewks I have my body shakes don't last long but seems too happen more often.when things first started I thought heck its my nerves but now I have different thoughts.i go to dr today where they have told me im at 33% and they will decrease it some.im really scard I haven't ever had this happen till I got on this med

Worst life changing drug ever taken!! Started by hearing voices from my computer for 3 days which turned into my bones feeling like they were literally on fire. Then could play music in my head and slow it down reverse it and knew every lyric to songs I didn't know before. I had my own disc player in my head anytime I got around electronics. Then started the demonic voice of killing myself because of all I was experiencing. Have never been suicidal in my life but almost took my life because of this drug! After 3 trips to the E.R. and a second trip to the pain center I finally convinced my Doctor it was the Prialt.Had the medicine removed and took about three days for the effects to wear off. Sad thing is now I have lost strength in my hands and front of my thighs possibly from mini strokes I was having when I thought I was dying from heart attacks from all the burning and pain. It's been 8 months ago and I am still mentally traumatized from the incidents. PLEASE run if this drug is mentioned as an option for pain control.

Prialt did work for pain relief although it did create a new pain problem; burning pain in my feet and legs. I was able to sleep through the night, but the side effects were horrible and I had to get off of it. I had visual hallucinations, I heard music and talking that seemed to come from the air conditioner when it was running, I experienced episodes where I didn't know where I was and even thought that neighbors were spying on me but the final straw were the panic attacks. Xanax worked only a short while before the panic was back and worse than before. I became too fearful to drive. I couldn't bear hearing anything negative as it exacerbated the panic attacks. I consider it a bad drug. I was started at a very low dose and increases were only at 10% per week, but the psychiatric side effects were terrible! I knew the hallucinations were not real but no knowing where you are in a place I've lived for 43 years is very scary. From what I understand, of the 10 patients my home health nurse had who were on Prialt in 2015 as I was, all have been taken off for the same reasons that I was. The panic attacks stopped within 3-4 days and I was back to my normal self in less than 2 weeks. I remember the day I realized that all of that mess was gone and I was grateful to be back to myself. The test done to determine the effectiveness of this drug isn't long enough to determine what side effects you will have and passing the psychiatric evaluation required before getting the pain pump and starting Prialt was not a valid predictor of whether or not the side effects would be experienced or not. I think it's a bad drug.

I have so many side affects, my balance is off, there are times when I can't sleep and times when I cant wake. Scales are all over my thighs, my skin is horribly dry, I cry all the time, and my temper is short. My dosage is set at 1.2, on my last refill they accidentally set it at 12.0. I barely made it home when suddenly I couldnt walk, stand or sit up. I threw up every time I raised my head. It needed to be turned off but the Medtronics Rep. Who handles my unit was 2 hours away. It took the paramedics 35 minutes to decide if I needed to go to the ER even after talking to my doctor, they even made me walk from my den to the ambulance, throwing up like crazy. They waited an additional 10 minutes before left my house. When I arrived a nurse asked what was delay and he sort of shrugged his shoulder, dhe told them to take me to the observation room as we have to watch vitals and make sure she doesnt sleep. He told he didn't understand what was wrong with me.She told him my doctor gave me a lethal dose of medicine in my pain pump and we have no way of turning it off. The medtronics Rep. Is still an hour away. She wont last that long. Once thst hapoened the paramedic attitude changed completely.

I have facial nerve damage after surgery. Have been on a ridiculous amount of narcotics for 3 years. Tried lots of things. Started on Prialt mid-August and had titrated up slowly. After last titration, I started having a burning sensation all over my upper body. I thought it was hot flashes/menopause. Very dry mouth