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Generic Name: tegaserod hydrogen maleate

Brand Name: Zelnorm oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Finally! Zelnorm is back on the market!!!

I took it for about 3 years before they took it off the maket. I am very heart broken that I can no longer get it. I have had IBS for over 12 years now. Zelnorm was wonderful for me, made me feel like a normal person. Could go and do things like normal people do. Now I use a Herb with senna in it. I know I shouldn't use it, but nothing esle helps me. Has anyone purchased Zelnorm from other country's, like Canada or Mexico?

Zelnorm worked for me and I had no side affects.

I suffered with I B S for twenty years and this medication, taken for only 5 weeks, removed most of my symptoms for 5 years. Now its back and there is no remedy that comes close on the market. What can we do to get it back on the market?

My quality of life has been greatly reduced since they took it off the market. I so wish they would make it available again. It was the only med that ever helped me.

I want ZELNORM back too!! The only OTC I have found some what compatible is magnesium citrate 1 time a week! 2 women complained and they took it off the market?

Only thing thing that I had taken that gave me relief from chronic constipation and made me feel like a normal person again. I took it for about 6 months and will say it wasn't quite as effective at that point as it was the first few months, but none-the-less, I so wish it would become available again. Milk of magnesia on a daily basis(my doc's alternative recommendation)has turned me into a laxative addict and screwed me up so I can't have a normal movement without taking it. Caught between a rock and a hard place now. Need my Zelnorm back!!

I had taken the drug for over 2 year`s and now my condiction is seriously wors I have noticed all of the reveiw`s are from female`s should my care provider priscribed this med. for me ?

This is the only medication that helped me. It was a miracle. I'm now so miserable and it's always in my mind that I cannot have a bowel movement. My doctor prescribed amitiza which is inordinately expensive and it does not work. Between taking amitiza, various laxatives (miralax does not work), suppositories, enemas, etc. I'm still miserable. I don't have heart problems and I can't see why I should suffer for people who have a heart problem. I'm going to try to get zelnorm again overseas.

I miss my zelnorm. This was the most effective drug for my chronic constipation. I have been struggling since it was taken off the market. I wish they would review again.

BRING ZELNORM BACK!!!! I'd sign any waiver they want me to just to feel the relief Zelnorm gave me from my IBS-C. For 3 glorious years, constipation, bloating, tenderness, pressure, and pain were non-existent. For the first time in 30 years, it became a non-issue, totally symptom free. I lost 30 pounds, I could zip with no pain, no gas, no pressure; hemorrhoids, nausea, sluggishness - went away - gone AND I could enjoy sex again with no discomfort -the quality of my life increased 100%. There's nothing out there that I haven't tried; Amitiza, herbal teas, high-higher fiber foods, fiber additives to drinks, drinking enough water to drowned myself, and participated in 2 drug trials for IBS-C - nothing has offered any relief. I WANT MY ZELNORM!!

Sluggish motility, resulting in infrequent small bowel obstruction. This is the only drug that ever kept me free of obstruction, pain, and hospitalization. I was told 4 years ago that it had been taken off the market and I have had another severe attack again, severe pain, distention , projectile vomiting.

Had lower stomach and side pain, in about 15 min it was gone after Zelnorm.

This medication was the single most greatest thing to have ever happened to me when I was 16. I never once thoguht I was ever constipated, and thought the bms were normal and regular... I never thoht I had a reason to think otherwise. I never had a problem with this drug. It helped me lose weight, it gave me amazing relief.

This is the most amazing treatment ever for suffering with IBS. It actually made mine almost stop bothering me. I now only take it if/when I have a flare up of the condition. The FDA made a grevious mistake making this unavailable. This is the only medicine I would recommend for IBS suffering.

Please bring Zelnorm back. It worked for me. Nothing else does as well.

Before taking zelnorm i was a prisioner in my own house. My day depended on my boSwels. This is no way to live. My Dr. told me about Zelnorm when it first came out and i started to use it. Had no medical problems taking it. Then they went and took it off the market. So now I am back to living my life around my bowels. I tried talking my Dr. to giving it to me, but He said that it is not indicated in women over 50. If they put back on the market I will be the first one in line to get it. No more severe cramps and constant bowel movement......

I wish they would bring Zelnorn back! It changed my life. I would go weeks without going to the bathroom and as soon as I took this medicine, it worked. I even lost 25lbs in 2 months, just from the medicine. Birth Control has serious side effects and I am fine with that. Why can't they plop the side effects on the label and if you are alright with it, then take it. Just because someone has a heart attack or a stroke while taking this medicine should not be a reason for us all to suffer. Heart attacks can be caused by a number of reasons. I wish they would bring it back.