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Generic Name: Ribavirin for Hepatitis C (ribavirin)

Ribavirin for Hepatitis C Reviews

Copegus (ribavirin) "This new anti-viral, used exclusively with Pegalated Interferon is a God-send for people with genome 2 HCV. My wife got the virus in a blood transfusion back in the late 80's or early 90's. She went through the old interferon therapy without (ribavirin) and it is back. I contracted the virus from her, had little hope, but I have been RNA negative in all blood test since the 2nd month of treatment. With the help of support groups, I've been able to manage most of the mean side effects. The trade-off is very much worth it."

"I was on pegylated interferon/ribavarin for 50 weeks in 2010. I developed anemia through out the treatment but it was not sever. I would cry at the drop of a hat, had sever fatigue and body pains. Six years later I still have fatigue and muscle/bone pain. I have not been able to work. I'm exercising but very minimal ( walk less than a block) and can not increase it due to being laid up for the next few days. I've been refused social security because my liver damage isn't sever enough. I would stay far away from this drug. The manufacturer should compensate people who have long term/permanent side effects."

Rebetol (ribavirin) "48 weeks treatment of HCV 1(a b) by NHS (UK national free Medicaid? equivalent). Dosage was lowered at one point due to adverse side effects on blood count, re: haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia. Post treatment suffered acute pancreatitis episode. Numerous other adverse side effects during and post treatment chronic (for 9 years) side effects attributable to (either/both) ribavirin and interferon - the more serious chronic effects include: depression, anxiety, memory impairment, fatigue, sleep disorder, concentration and executive function impairment. Brief episode of delusion / psychosis during treatment. Initially responded but relapsed early during treatment despite rigorous adherence to treatment schedule."

"Its too early in my treatment to weigh in on how effective the drug will be. Taken in conjunction with Sovaldi. However, side effects are numerous and worrisome....Itching, black and tarry stools, shortness of breath, severe mood swings from bursting into tears to spontaneous laughter, nauseous feelings, muscle cramps and joint pain, vision issues as well as insomnia and trouble remaining asleep. I have phoned my doctor as he did not make me aware of the full spectrum of side effects nor how long they will persist during the course of treatment. I am eight days in to treatment for Hep C, genus II."

"Yes ribavirin treatment helped me treat Hepatitis C, treatment it self is nightmare. Before treatment I was healthy with no problems that was like 7 years ago. Treatment left with me with diabetes (insulin dependant) and after this time Doctors told me now I have Multiple Sclerosis its development started some 5 years ago. I don't have any family history of such health conditions so I blame this treatment which is killing me in most brutal and slow mode. I would say think twice before you start treatment."

Rebetol (ribavirin) "After treatment for 48 weeks with Rebetol combined with PegInteron I no longer have virus in my system. Side effects included extreme fatigue toward the end of treatment, along with flu-like symptoms every weekend after administering the shot of PegInteron on Fridays."

"After several months of treatment on ribavirin I had sunk into such a depression the Dr. took me off the treatments. I felt better almost the next day. 15 years later and my immune system is still so weak, I constantly have to be on guard. DON'T DO THIS!!"

Moderiba (ribavirin) "worked well also included Vira - Pak. Moderiba this drug keeps you unable to sleep (very speedy) My doctor lowered my dose this helped greatly. Manufacturers program, qualified was givin the drugs for free. Thank God of Israel !"

Ribasphere (ribavirin) "Worked for me, had mild side effects my virus was cleared. Very glad for this medicine, taken with Pegasys interferon"

"it made me very sick and was taken off this medication"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: inhaled anti-infectives
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Ribavirin drug information
  • Ribavirin inhalation
  • Ribavirin (Inhalation) (Advanced Reading)
  • Ribavirin (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Ribavirin Capsules

Other brands

Copegus, Rebetol, Moderiba, RibaPak, ... +3 more

Professional resources

  • Ribavirin monograph
  • Ribavirin (FDA)
  • Ribavirin Capsules (FDA)
  • Ribavirin Inhalation Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Copegus, Rebetol, Moderiba, Virazole

Related treatment guides

  • RSV
  • Hepatitis C