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Generic Name: Benztropine Mesylate

Brand Name: Benztropine Mesylate

Benztropine Mesylate Drug and Medication User Reviews

Drug has some really nasty side effects. I got pseudo-hallucinations on day 2 of taking this drug and memory problems/brain fog on day 3. But hey, it did make me stop twitching all over pretty much instantaneously, so points for doing the job. Not all drugs are for all people, I suppose.

For the first time in 5 years my neck an back are not spasming to the point i could talk and drive normally. No more sedatives or muscle relaxants. I also feel more calm an not so antsy from talking my abilify. Good drug. I like it.

more alert


This medication has help me to be able to function and be the best I can be in my day to day life. It doesn't have very many side effects I am happy with it so far.


The doctor told me this medication would make me sleepy,it had just the opposite efffect,I didn't not sleep for the first three days of taking it.Made me feel uptight and likeI wanted to run around the block,but what a tease because I couldn't if I wanted to-lol It has helped with the muscle spasms and tremors from both dystonia and parkinsons.I don't feel it has worked enough,but I will have to discuss with doctor on next visit.

helped with the spasms good and stopped the savation that I was expereiencing. I give it 4 stars

no change jn simtomes

we,ve been searching for this drug for 10 yrs. after just 3 days i''ve noticed my wife doent rock, sway while standing, pace a hole in the floor. noticably less aggitation, anxiety/nervouness, shaking, tremors, sleeplessness, back/leg pain, restlessness. The change is remarkable, and it's only been 3 days! I'm getting my wife back all due to this medicine.

After 3 days i notice that my rocking, swaying on my feet when standing, pacing circles in my floor, insomnia, anxiety/nervouseness, restlessness, and mood have greatly decressed! 10 yrs of being a guinni pig due to extrapyramidal effects from seroquel is finally over. I can leave my house without people staring cause i cant sit or stand still. What a GODSEND, I feel like i can live again :)

I too have been using this med for 1 year, also for my Geodon. If I miss a dose I can tell, the blurred vision and muscle spasms go haywire. I still have minor spasms every so often like if I get too cold the muscles in my legs tremor. Otherwise I can say its affective for me.

I take Beztropine to treat my side effects from Geodon. I think I've now been taking this medication for roughly about 9 years now. Before I started taking it I swear I had something like RLS. Once in awhile I still get a couple muscle spasms here and there, but not like before.

not good