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Generic Name: Nateglinide

Brand Name: Starlix Tablet

Starlix Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on Starlix for only 3 days but my blood sugars are going up instead of down. Maybe it takes awhile for it to work.

A1C is about 7.5. I've been taking Starlix for over 2 years with insulin shots. I don't see real change in numbers but I feel anything to get numbers down is worth the effort. I recommend taking it.

I have been on it now for a week and a half, 3x a day along with Metformin 2x a day. Levels are slighly better, but I have gained 5lbs!!! I am having constipation since beginning it as well.

I am experiencing Headache, nahusia, dry mouth, tingling in my toes, and drausy.

allows me to maintain my ideal weight without having my blood sugar to go too high. My HabAic is 6.5. do not have any bad side effects

I have been on this drug for 2 months. At first my blood sugars remained low, then they have gradually creeped upward to the mid to high 100's. My dietary habits have not changed at all, so so see no reason why my blood sugars are getting higher.

I have taken this drug for 3 weeks. I have experienced weight gain, vision problems, and cardiovascular problems (sluggish, out of breath - and I'm an active person). I stopped taking it 4 days ago and eht energy level is up, the weight is going down but still have vision problems. Seeing both my Family Dr and Optomostrist to find out why the problems.

I am disappointed that my doctor put me on this pill knowing that I have kidney disease. Thankful that I took time to come to this website and read all the information on the drug. I did the research due to the fact that my blood pressure went wacko and I ended up in the hospital for 2 days. My kidney function was checked and the readings had gotten worse. My cardiologist inquired about any new drugs and the only new drug I have beent taking for the last 2 weeks is Starlix. I believe that Starlix was the reason, and I am glad I have not used it for more than 2 weeks. Will discuss this with my doctor. I am not a happy camper right now.

I have taken since 2002. If I don't take it before breakfast and dinner, my sugar can get up to 200 or just past as well as some meals at noon. I feel though I have to eat a certain amount at a meal to keep from getting low sugar though and may keep me from loosing weight. I am a nibbler at times and can do ok between meals unless it is too much and then I take an additional Starlix. On no other meds. Fasting glucose usually from 110-130. Post meals very up to 180. Last AC1 was 6.1.

Been using this drug for over five years now and take it before each meal. I still bet high BS readings(150-175) when I get up in the morning but is returns to a more normal resding before lunch (100-110) My doctor and I do not plan on changing anything at this time.

I had excellent results for 7 years and now must add another drug. The generic Starlex (nateglinde) tastes terrible.

I am not exercise not much.

how long does it take the medication to become effective, I have taken it 5 days 3Xs aday and my blood sugar is up to 200 and will not decrease

Since taking this dug for more than a month I have had severe lower flank pain.

My blood sugar went from 125to180

starlix has been a great help to keep my blood sugar under control.