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Generic Name: Phenazopyridine

Brand Name: Pyridium

Pyridium Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is a popular tx in other countries, but doesn't seem to be used in Canada for some reason. I have used Phenazopyridine for years when I have a bladder irritation that I know is not due to a bacterial infection. Relieves symptoms within 12 hours.

This Rx is a God Send! I have had multiple UTIâ??s,

I have taken a dose of 200mg 3 times a day. It has settled the uncomfortable feelings associated with my urinary tract. I have been very satisfied with the medication except for the diarrhea.

I'm 71 now and when I was a teenager seemed like I had problems often with the burning and hard to urinate. Now I read others reviews and see that some people do not know that Azo is over the counter and available at local stores. Now I had the want to go but can't again and this has already helped. Not as strong as the prescription was years ago, but thank the Lord I found it again! Glad to know it is the same thing!

I am a chronic UTI sufferer and can't believe how long it took me to discover this treatment. It is truly a life transforming medication. 30 minutes until relief when sometimes it has taken me 8 hours of suffering before I can function - even though I always have Cipro right at my fingertips so I can take it the minute I have a hint of UTI.

I have a stent currently in place waiting for a large kidney stone to be treated. I was suffering greatly from both of these, and going to the bathroom was extremely painful and frequent (30 times a day). It was used for me to ease the bladder spasms and give me some relief from an infection caused by the stent. Helped me greatly except I got dizzy and headaches from it.

Significantly eased discomfort while waiting for Cipro to take effect on a UTI. Be aware it will turn your urine reddish orange.

I had a terrible allergic reaction. Fortunately, I was already on Prednisone for another problem and popped two Benadryls and rushed to the hospital. My eyes were swelling shut, as was my throat. I'm allergic to Sulfa but I was assured there was none in this drug. If you have allergies, be very wary of this drug.

I've been treated for two urinary tract infections so far and these little pills have done NOTHING for me. Both times my doctor said it would help with the pain while the antibiotics did their job, but the pain was ever-present. All this medication did was turn my pee orange. The pain only dissipated after the infection was over.

I had a severe UTI. I was given Pyridium to ease the pain while waiting for the anti-biotics to start working. It started working quickly, was effective, and I did not have any negative side effects.

I tried using this once before and vomited quite a bit. This time I made sure to take with food. It still caused nausea, headache and diarrhea. I won't be taking this again.

I get frequent UTI's and I don't know what I would do without this medication. It is the only way I can function until the antibiotics kick in. No side effects except the discoloration. Takes all symptoms away!

Works within an hour....highly recommend. I have frequent UTI's and always ask for this med.

I have interstitial cystitis. My doctor prescribed this to help relive symptoms between procedures. I'm sure that for some, this medication can be helpful, but for me, it does nothing to help my symptoms. In addition, my heart races; I get chills; and my face, neck, and check break out in a rash. Definitely not worth it!

It certainly stops the painful urination. I self-medicate until I can get into the doctor's and get an antibiotic because the pain is usually due to an UTI.

Very effective within 20 to 60 minutes. No side effedts.

Have had some leg cramps but may be corrolation not causation. Worked great, always took with food so nausea was mild.