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Generic Name: Lorazepam

Brand Name: Ativan

Ativan Drug and Medication User Reviews


I've taken Ativan for a couple months now. I'm on 0.5mg twice a day and they saved my life. It's like a huge weight is lifted off my chest and I can feel normal for once. I like Ativan because they don't have noticeable side effects and I don't feel like a zombie during the day when I take them. I personally dont like the way Zanax makes me feel but these I can work and function on. I wanted to find a medicine without all of the crazy side effects and I found it in Ativan. If it does make you sleepy to me it's not as bad as being tired from not sleeping from aniexty. At this point what in life isn't addicting and if it helps you then call it whatever uou want. Lol People who truly need it..it works. ??


I so like this meds, I will recommend it

This medication save my life. I will definitely recommend this. No side effects.

I only take one as need maybe once a week tops, on my high anxiety or high stress days, it makes me feel normal, stops my mind from racing. Iâ??ve tried so many things, and nothing has helped like this. Although, after the pill has worn off mid day I do feel so tired and drained, but that makes it easier to sleep through the night, which I usually struggle due to insomnia. I feel it makes me a more emotionally stable person when I take it.

i have a high leavel of axienty 1 take 1 .05mg and a hour latter i feel normale again. the side effect that has hapened to me is beeing realy tired after it wares off

I take one tablet .5 Ativan one to two hours before bedtime. Sometimes I wake up to go to the bathroom and go right back to sleep. I wake up after 7 or 8 hours and feel rested. I am 84 years old and am not concerned about possible addiction.

I take 1mg when i show warning signs of a panic attack, it calms me down enough to deal with it. I take 1mg before bed if I'm having insomnia, it gives me a few good hours sleep. I don't feel sluggish or 'hungover' the next day, my body feels like it actually slept. I haven't experienced any side effects.

I was prescribed 2mg Ativan 3 times a day. I was getting this drug to help me with panic attacks and anxiety. I didnâ??t get any directions, warnings or contradictions. I just didnâ??t even think of asking, he was the educated psychiatrist so I trusted him. Well my anxiety was through the roof and the Ativan was not working so I would take an extra one..then another and it still wasnâ??t working, I had built up a tolerance for them. It was the weekend so I said I was going to call him on Monday. When I got a hold of him, told him how much I was taking and he said that I needed to go to detox ASAP that if I didnâ??t I would have seizures. He was right, I almost died in that detox facility. I never ever have been in such physical pain and so sick. It was benzos, it might feel good at first but long term use even a month on 0.5 mg you will pay the price. Had I been told this before I would have never ever taken it. Be careful!

Love this pill. Has helped me for many years off and on. Use it for calming brain down so I can sleep, or when Iâ??m nervous about something. Donâ??t use very often because very hard to get from Dr. so I have to limit my usage. But if it was up to me and easier to get Iâ??d take 1 pill every day. Sure takes the edge off .

Helped immensely with Stress Anxiety Waking Insomnia and Tinnitus which I did not know it could mask the whining noise in my ears which caused me major anxiety.

Had a very bad withdrawal experience. It was horrible. Took me 1 year

I took this as it can help with the effectiveness of my Chemo. I can believe this drug is on the market! I was mean, aggressive and suicidal when using it. I took it for three months and can believe the difference I feel not being on it again. I was not the same person! It was awful, PLEASE don’t start this or other benzodiazepines. If you weren’t suicidal before taking this drug, you will be after!

I have found Ativan to be my savior, my husband went into a nursing home and l became so anxious about it all, l was a mess but now everything seems easier to bear.

I have used this drug for a good 20 years. I had big problem with inner ear and vertigo. This was the only drug that helped me. You see with vertigo it can also cause to become very anxious.

Ativan is a living, breathing nightmare from the depths of hell to withdraw from. I took .5 mg for 3 months for insomnia and two weeks later after stopping it, I am still having trouble standing in the shower and walking. Insomnia is back big-time and the headaches are beyond brutal. I have already had unnecessary medical tests because of the side effects it caused while still taking it. I am sorry I just didn't put 2 and 2 together earlier on. Still so afraid because I know I'm no where out of the woods yet from what I've read and from what I am experiencing. I know I should taper; but I am petrified to have any more of this poison in me. FDA says it can be harder to kick than heroin-why is it still so available? Do something besides printing leaflets FDA!!!

My husband was 38 years old and committed suicide from taking Ativan. It was taken in combination with Welbutrin for depression. Do not take these two together..the ativan made him have body tremors, nervousness, and horrible suicidal thoughts. Do not take Ativan and you become addicted within one month. He was taking it for three months and couldn't handle life anymore.

Suffer from claustrophobia - had to have an MRI and was horribly nervous about it. I took two 1mg pills about 1 hour apart and tolerated the MRI perfectly. However, I slept the rest of the day and all night! LOL This really worked well for me and calmed me down so that I could relax and lay still for the hour it took to do the scan.

I take ativan oral for anxiety and PTSD. It has worked better than any of the 9 or 12 they've me in over many, many years. I've been on threes time for 15 years, with no problems stopping when I need to for surgery etc. Lately there's a new black box warning out about this and oxys, but I've been taking them together for years now with no problem... sooooooooo, now my doctor says she can't give them to me anymore so I'm off them for two weeks, and in that time I've slept 2 nights through. I'm on tomazepam which doesn't work much at all. For insomnia, HA!! I've cut way back on the oxys so I can get the ativan back... it's the only drug for me to help with anxiety