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Generic Name: Evamist (estradiol)

Evamist Reviews

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Eliminated hot flashes, slept through the night, mood was great, mind sharp, no more brain fog! Lost weight because I am not craving sweets and salty foods all the time. Energy up, feel 20 years younger! The bad part is that it is so expensive, but it has no side effects for me and works quickly. Love it."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Have been on it for 2 months, was getting hot flashed all day long. Night sweats even worse. Within days after starting the medicine, they pretty much stopped! No more on and off with my fan - sleeping through the night! And now, I ran out and haven't had it in 5 days (need to call for a refill prescription) and it's all BACK. Covers off and on all night long. This REALLY works for hot flashes!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I haven't seen much mentioned about the personality change (i.e. edginess and sometimes just plain meanness) that occurs with perimenopause. I have found that using this spray, it takes that edginess away. My family can tell when I forget to spray it in the morning. I don't like being mean, my nature is typically laid-back and normally a nice person. It has been a big help to me and my family by giving the nice mom back to the family."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I was through menopause by age 46. The hot flashes were so frequent they disrupted my quality of life. I urge you to discuss with your doctor, but if you are concerned about the side effects of HRT, this is a very low dose spray. As my physician pointed out, even with one spray a day, I still have less estrogen than most women my age. What do I notice? Almost no hot flashes. More energy, improved mood, fuller hair (unexpected benefit), less vaginal dryness, better sleep (use with progesterone). If you are suffering from postmenopausal symptoms and are worried about HRT, this may be a good cautious step and all you really need to stop suffering!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have only used this spray for two days, but wow! I feel like I'm 30 again.... I love it!! I didn't know I felt that bad until my first dose. About 7 hours later, I felt like dancing, and I've been super happy ever since."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "LOVE this estrogen therapy!!! Have tried the gels and patches, and this is by far the easiest to use. It's like spraying perfume on before I walk out the door every morning. I'm only using one spray a day. Besides getting rid of my night sweats, I have more energy and feel much happier - even though I never knew how unhappy I really was until using Evamist. I got a co-pay card from my Dr., and with my insurance, it costs less than $25 a month. I think it's a bargain at any price! Strongly recommend you try it."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Evamist does work for me, but I would suggest that you prime the spray before ever leaving the pharmacy. I recently picked one up from a pharmacy only to find out later that it wouldn't spray. I called the pharmacy and was basically told that it was not their problem, I would have to contact the manufacturer. Of course, they won't refill it again because I just refilled it. Needless to say, it's very aggravating. Besides that, it's expensive."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I started using Eva Mist after a hysterectomy. I saw results after a week of using one spray each morning. No more hot flashes, the night sweats are minimal, the vaginal dryness is much better, and the mood swings are improved. I'm no longer suffering from insomnia. After about a year, some of my symptoms started to recur, so my doctor increased my dosage to 2 sprays each morning. I was worried about taking HRT, but my doctor evaluates my continued use, and I keep up on my yearly well-woman exam. The benefits from such a small dose have been amazing."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "After having a serious reaction to the estradiol patch, I switched to Evamist. As the literature states, it may take a few weeks to feel better. I have been on it one month now and feel much better than I did on the patch. I generally get only one hot flash per day, and I can live with that. I had terrible heart palpitations on the patch. They have completely disappeared, and I feel human again. To the previous poster that gave a 1 rating, you may have to give it more time. I know when you feel crummy, a few weeks can feel like a lifetime, but using something one week is not enough. See if you can stick with it for a few weeks. My OB told me that you really can't judge how it is working until you have been on it one month. I use three sprays."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I resisted hormone treatment for years because of the possible negative effects for post-menopausal women. But finally, I decided that the stress of the hot flashes (20 to 25 per day, yikes) was worse for my heart than the hormones would be. My doctor started me off with one spray, which cut the hot flashes in half within a week. We went to two sprays, which reduced them to 2 or 3 a day, which I can live with. This is an amazing product, and the delivery system is very intelligently designed. To help prevent gynecological repercussions, I also take Prometrium for the first 10 days of alternate months, and I get an ultrasound twice a year."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Thanks for everyone's reviews. I have been suffering through so many of the same menopausal symptoms. Had Doctor's appointment today and just cannot take it any longer. Hot flashes, no sleep, irritability, anxiety, heart palpitations and many more. Excited to give estradiol (mist-spray form) and Prometrium a try...wish me luck."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "A month ago I had a hysterectomy. The hot flashes started immediately. After 3 weeks of it the doctor gave me Evamist wish I had talked with him sooner. What a wonderful life saver it is. Hot flashes are down to a minimum so I can at least sleep at night and breakout into dripping sweats at the office."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I was on this for 3.5 months as directed and it literally did not work at all at any dosage. I started with one spray, graduated to two after a few weeks, then three after about 8 weeks. It didn't seem to diminish my symptoms at all. I was having several hot flashes an hour and terrible insomnia. I switched to a patch 3 days ago and haven't had one hot flash and I've been sleeping more sound. Wish this could have worked for me. I'm not sure if it has to do with how thin my forearms are? No idea but it was like I used nothing at all."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I was really wanting EvaMist to work for me. Seemed so easy, just one spray on my arm every morning. But I have very sensitive skin and after a week and changing arms developed a itchy rash on my arms. May not be recommended for someone with sensitive skin."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Reaaaaaaalllyyy smells like sunscreen spray. I switched to compounding pharmacy estrogen back in June because of an estrogel backorder and it didn’t work. My doctor gave me a sample of this. Using 2 sprays because I was having severe hot flashes. I don’t know how long it’s supposed to take before those get better, but 4 days in, they haven’t got better yet, and I smell like I’ve covered myself in unscented sunscreen. Bleck."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "After all the unpleasant, typical, menopausal side effects my MD decided to try "Evamist"....One spray each night. So after 1 week I noticed my hot flashes were way worse and I felt really awful. Took me 3 or 4 days to get back to "normal". Now after suffering for another few months I decided to try it again. Only this time start with a smaller dose. I'd spray it on and immediately rub off half of it, before it dried. Same reaction as the first try. What a bummer...Any suggestions now? I have tried every pill, cream, gel, and accupuncture, herbs, and homeopathy treatments with worse side effects than the originals...8 years of suffering. What next?"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Does a very good job reducing hot flashes. Mine have disappeared. It's easy to use, is plant-based and does not go through the liver. Wonderful."

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: estrogens
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Evamist prescribing information
  • Estradiol (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Postmenopausal Symptoms